Like i do traducir francés
23,104 traducción paralela
Oliver never believed in you, not like I do.
Oliver n'a jamais cru en toi, pas comme moi.
Thank you, Grandpa... for believing in her like I do.
Merci, grand-père... d'avoir cru en elle comme je le fais.
He sees something special in you like I do.
Il voit quelque chose de spécial en vous comme je le fais.
Man, it's like... it's like I have to do everything around here, man.
J'ai l'impression que je dois tout faire, par ici.
And then I'll be all like, "I'm sorry, do we know each other?"
et je serais là "Désolé, on se connait?"
I do like to make people cry.
J'aime faire pleurer les gens.
- You know, I don't like that we still do that. - Yeah, we don't have to do that.
Do you remember when I told you that I didn't want you going to Earth-2 if you felt like you didn't have anything left here?
Tu te rappelles quand je t'ai dit que je ne voulais pas que tu ailles sur Terre-2 si tu pensais qu'il ne te restait plus rien ici?
I'd love to do something like your gun bill.
Je pense à quelque chose comme votre loi.
I don't want to do things like that to the people I love.
Je ne veux pas faire ces choses aux gens que j'aime.
There's no reason why Natalie would do something like that, which means she didn't do it, which means I had to consider t he horrible possibility that you, unstable, out-of-control, paranoid Alex Parrish,
Il n'y a aucune raison que Natalie ait fait quelque chose comme ça, donc elle ne l'a pas fait, donc j'ai dû considérer l'horrible possibilité que toi, instable, hors de contrôle, paranoïaque Alex Parrish,
Why do I suddenly feel like I'm on the "Amazing Race"?
Pourquoi d'un coup je me sens comme dans "Amazing Race"?
Sextina's music makes me feel strong, like I can do anything.
Sa musique me rend forte. Comme si j'étais capable de tout.
I'm saying that for as long as we've known you, you've always been the one to do retarded shit like that that we have to clean up.
Je dis que depuis qu'on te connait, tu es toujours celui qui fait des merdes comme ça et qu'on... doit nettoyer derrière toi.
Do you mind not speaking to me like I'm one of your daughters?
Tu pourrais arrêter de me parler comme si j'étais une de tes filles?
Do you want me to treat you like I'm your sister and I love you, or do you want me to treat you like I'm a police officer?
Tu veux que je te traite comme ta sœur qui t'aime, ou comme un officier de police?
I do like her.
Je l'appréciais beaucoup.
Do I look like I like to lose anything?
Ai-je l'air d'aimer perdre quelque chose?
I do not look like that.
Je ne ressemble pas à ça.
Do you think that I want to be out there hanging out outside your door like some pathetic little rat looking for scraps?
Penses-tu que je veux être là-bas à traîner devant ta porte comme un pathétique rat à la recherche de restes?
You do not like the moth I see.
Je vois que tu n'aimes pas les mites.
I mean, with minor ailments like colds and that, I don't even have to touch you, all I do is look at you, see'em off.
Enfin, pour des affections mineures comme le rhume et ça, inutile de vous toucher, je vous regarde juste, c'est envolé.
If you ever do anything like that again in front of Amelia, I will kill you.
Si jamais tu refais un truc comme ça devant Amelia, je te tue.
Rach, I need you to do, like, three things for me, okay?
Rach, j'ai besoin de vous pour faire, comme, trois choses pour moi, d'accord?
( sighs ) What, do you think, I just waggle my finger at that thing and answers come out like magic?
( soupirs ) cela qui, faites vous pensez, J'agite juste mon doigt à cette chose et réponses sortez comme magie?
I do like that name.
Je fais comme ce nom.
Like I said, this has nothing to do with me.
Comme je l'ai dit, ça n'a rien avoir avec moi.
- I like June, I do.
- J'aime bien June.
We've been through a lot together, so I just do feel like... your sperm are partly my sperm.
On a traversé beaucoup de choses ensemble, alors j'ai l'impression que... ton sperme est en partie mon sperme.
I think the best thing to do here is to just look at this like a medical procedure.
Je pense que la meilleure chose à faire dans ce cas, est de considérer ça comme une procédure médicale.
I mean, like, when you're walking through the crowd, do you vibe it out?
Vous le sentez en vous promenant dans la foule?
I have a spiritual strength in me just like you do, and because of that, I can reach anyone.
J'ai une force spirituelle, tout comme toi. Du fait, je peux atteindre n'importe qui.
- So, I'll only do, like, probably... - All right. -... one or two interventions, max.
Je ferai une ou deux interventions, au maximum.
Like, without looking at the date and figuring out finances and figuring out all this shit that I do in my head.
Sans regarder les dates, les finances et tous les trucs qui se passent dans ma tête.
Okay, I, uh, really, really do not like that guy, and I-I want to be a-a team player and all, but this sounds a little like- -
Je... Je n'aime vraiment pas du tout ce type, et je... je veux bien être un équipier, mais ça ressemble un peu trop à...
I do have my moments like this one.
J'ai mes moments, comme celui-là.
I just, uh... you know, just want to focus on good old-fashioned old-school medicine, saving lives with common sense like we do, right?
Vous savez, je veux me focaliser sur la bonne vieille médecine, sauver des vies avec le sens commun que nous avons, d'accord?
But I do like a nice road trip.
Mais j'aime bien les balades en voiture.
I just don't like it when people tell me what to do.
Je n'aime pas quand les gens me disent ce que je dois faire.
I mean, all he'd have to do is throw a decal on a car window and cruise around target-rich environments like restaurants, clubs, and bars.
Je veux dire, tout ce qu'il aurait à faire est de jeter un autocollant sur une fenêtre de la voiture et croisière autour des environnements cibles riches comme les restaurants, clubs et bars.
You know, I like to get out and about. Gives us something to do.
J'aime bien me balader, ça m'occupe.
- I don't know why people like you do this job.
- La sécurité!
Just, just, just, I'll just like do a couple more questions.
Il me reste quelques questions.
What I'd like you to do now is to, er, format your CVs.
Maintenant, vous allez mettre vos CV en forme.
Do I look like I'd say "no"?
J'ai l'air de pouvoir dire "non"?
I do... like it.
Bien sûr... j'aime ça.
Do I look like a person with an end game?
Est-ce que j'ai l'air d'une fille avec une fin?
And I-I'm... I don't know how to do this thing that you do where you make me feel like crap and there are no words coming out of your mouth.
Et je sais pas faire ce truc que tu sais faire ou tu me fais sentir mal sans qu'il n'y ait aucun mot sortant de ta bouche.
Do I look like a chef?
- J'ai l'air d'un chef?
Scottie, I would never ask you to do something like that.
Scottie, je ne vous demandera jamais de faire quelque chose comme ça.
Well, then I need to ask Benjamin to do something for us, and Harvey is really not gonna like it.
Eh bien, je dois demander à Benjamin de faire quelque chose pour nous, et Harvey est vraiment ne va pas comme ça.
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like i care 29
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
like in the movies 43
like i told you 172
like i care 29
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
like in the movies 43
like i said before 77
like i told you before 31
like i promised 17
like i was saying 79
like i always say 30
like i always do 34
like in 58
like i say 94
like i did 54
like i am 17
like i told you before 31
like i promised 17
like i was saying 79
like i always say 30
like i always do 34
like in 58
like i say 94
like i did 54
like i am 17
like i 37
like i was 29
like i said on the phone 16
i don't care how long it takes 27
i don 542
i do 17590
i don't think so 6892
i don't speak russian 17
i don't know 71756
i don't smoke 209
like i was 29
like i said on the phone 16
i don't care how long it takes 27
i don 542
i do 17590
i don't think so 6892
i don't speak russian 17
i don't know 71756
i don't smoke 209
i don't care 5140
i don't understand 6275
i don't 12020
i don't understand what you mean 21
i don't give a shit 400
i don't care what happens to me 20
i don't care anymore 101
i don't know what you mean 438
i don't mind 890
i don't care what you think 60
i don't understand 6275
i don't 12020
i don't understand what you mean 21
i don't give a shit 400
i don't care what happens to me 20
i don't care anymore 101
i don't know what you mean 438
i don't mind 890
i don't care what you think 60