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Super weird traducir francés

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How's that for super weird?
C'est hyper bizarre, non?
I was reading recently that people at the cutting edge of quantum physics believe that information is a "super weird substance"
Je lisais récemment que les gens à la pointe de la physique quantique pensent que l'information est une "substance super-bizarre"
Jeff is acting super weird, you are acting weird.
Jeff est super bizarre, tu es bizarre.
Which is super weird because...
C'était trop bizarre, vu que...
With people in weird outfits like the supercrooks around here it's amazing no one reports this place to the police!
Ces super escrocs qui vont et viennent dans de drôles d'accoutrements... et personne n'a signalé ce bâtiment à la police!
When i first saw them it seemed like a weird idea, but it turns out they're a lot of fun.
Quand je les ai vus, ça m'a semblé une idée bizarre... mais en fait, ils sont super.
- This is real weird.
- Super bizarre.
He's got really weird hair.
Il a des cheveux super bizarres.
Somebody told me they make comic books here, which is so weird, because I have this great idea for a story.
Quelqu'un m'a dit qu'on faisait des BD dans le coin. Ça tombe bien, j'ai une super idée de scénario.
I mean £ ¬ that's the kind of great weird stuff you freaking guys do all the time.
C'est le genre de truc bizarre et super que vous faites sans arrêt.
We were on the same lunch shift when I was in ninth grade, and he would always say the most random, weird things.
On allait à la cantine ensemble quand j'étais en 3ème, et il disait toujours des trucs super bizarres.
These Super Bowl commercials are weird.
Ces pubs du Super Bowl sont bizarres.
It was sort of weird. I feel terrible. I don't know what happened.
J'ai super honte, je comprends pas ce qui s'est passé.
I think it's totally weird.
C'est super médiocre.
Like, way weird.
Super bizarre.
It was a little weird at first, but I gotta say, Oh, it's great.
Pretty weird out there. It's a super-clean, west-northwest swell.
C'est propre, un beau swell Ouest-Nord-ouest.
It's weird, but it just feels great.
C'est bizarre, mais je me sens super bien.
- I know. Shaking hands is so weird.
Je sais, serrer la main, c'est super bizarre.
- You gotta admit, it's frigging weird.
C'est quand même super bizarre.
This is a really weird dream.
Un rêve super bizarre.
Something really Weird is happening.
Il m'arrive un truc super bizarre.
I love weird, huge coincidences.
J'adore les coïncidences super bizarres.
- Something weird just happened.
Il vient de m'arriver un truc super bizarre.
Not because you look great, since there seems to be great as you become the "weird kid" and nobody wants to be, only end up to be, no matter by what means.
Pas parce que c'est super, - ça ne l'est pas - on devient "le jeune bizarre". Personne ne veut l'être, on le devient. Sans savoir comment.
Come on, you're very pretty, but you're weird.
Fais pas l'innocente, t'es super mignonne, mais t'es très cheloud comme nana.
Actually, that was kind of great-weird. All right, let's go.
En fait, c'était super!
It's weird, I mean, I want his marriage to work out, but it's nice to have Turk all to myself again.
C'est bizarre, j'ai envie que son mariage s'arrange, mais c'est super d'avoir à nouveau Turk pour moi tout seul.
You've always had this insecure thing even though you're this funny, weird, amazing guy.
Tu as toujours été anxieux, alors que tu es un mec amusant, étrange et super.
Weird, weird dream.
Super bizarre.
You know, coffee, shower, and then, picture this, very weird, I take Paul Anka for a walk.
Tu vois, café, douche, et puis, imagine, super bizarre, je sors Paul Anka.
Great, had a little bit of a weird smell.
Super. Il ya avait un genre de drôle d'odeur.
Like a really weird, not very useful superpower.
Comme un super pouvoir étrange, et peu utile.
If by subtle you mean weird and giant, then, yeah, super subtle.
Si par discret tu entends bizarre et énorme, oui, très discret.
Kids are great, we both make good money, your boobs will get huge, I can finally buy Beanie Babies without feeling weird, and kids are great...
les enfants sont super, on gagne beaucoup, tes seins vont devenir énormes, je pourrai enfin acheter des peluches sans me sentir bizarre, et les enfants sont super...
I mean we had a great first date and everything but don't you think that's weird?
On a eu un super rencard et tout mais tu crois pas que c'est bizarre?
No, they have great food, and it's kind of weird and cool.
On mangera super bien, et c'est bizarre et cool.
It was really weird, but it was fun.
C'était très étrange, mais c'était super.
We're just gonna film whatever happens to us, and then when any weird shit goes on, we will be in a perfect position to capture it for posterity. - Good.
- Super.
And something else really weird happened.
Il m'est arrivé un truc super bizarre.
C'est une fille super, alors ne dit rien d'étrange à son sujet et s'il te plait, ne le dit à personne, ok?
Marty asked you to do something really weird and wrong, and you did it'cause you're a great person.
Marty t'a demandé de mentir, ce qui était bizarre et pas bien. Tu as accepté car tu es super. Dixit Paris.
Great weird.
Bizarre en super.
I was worried that things were gonna be weird, and you're just a class act.
J'avais peur que ça soit bizarre, et t'as été super classe.
It was weird, you know, but we found something really great, and it just felt like a rite of passage.
C'était bizarre, tu sais, mais on a trouvé quelque chose de vraiment super, et ça faisait comme un rite de passage.
Look, I feel really weird about this, so why don't you go in first and tell her that I'm here?
Écoute... Ça me fait super bizarre. Et si tu y allais en premier?
You're a weird, weird, completely and utterly weird girl, huh?
Tu es vraiment une fille super bizarre.
She's really weird, and she's with Jasper, the blond one who looks like he's in pain.
Elle est super bizarre. Et elle sort avec Jasper, le grand blond, qui a toujours l'air de souffrir.
You've got some well weird kit.
Vous avez des trucs super bizarres.
It's so weird.
C'est super bizarre.

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