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Was there anything else traducir francés

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Was there anything else your mother did? Mm-hmm.
Y a-t-il autre chose que ta mère faisait?
Was there anything else you had to say, Father?
Souhaitiez-vous me dire autre chose?
- Was there anything else?
- Autre chose?
Was there anything else?
Autre chose 7
Was there anything else you wished to know, Harry?
Y a-t-il autre chose pour ton service, Harry?
- Was there anything else, madame?
- Autre chose, Madame?
I suggest that you invent the rest. Now, was there anything else you wanted? Yes.
Je compte l'acheter, la réorganiser, et la vendre avec un bénéfice.
Was there anything else you wanted?
Vouliez-vous autre chose?
Was there anything else?
Il y a... autre chose?
Was there anything else?
Qu'a-t-il dit d'autre?
Was there anything else you want to ask?
- Vous avez des questions?
Was there anything else?
Il y avait autre chose?
- Was there anything else? - No.
Il y avait autre chose?
I just wanted you to be aware that the Leader's behavior... can be very unpredictable. Was there anything else?
Vous avez autre chose à me dire?
Was there anything else, Marta?
Est-ce que vous vouliez autre chose?
Was there anything else?
Sir Charles est resté devant le portail pendant dix bonnes minutes.
Was there anything else?
Rien d'autre?
What I need, ma'am... Was there anything else, any other kind of secret he might have known?
Je me demande s'il y avait autre chose, un autre secret, qu'il pouvait connaître.
Was there anything else, sir?
Ex-mari. Autre chose?
Was there anything else I can do for you?
C'est tout ce que vous aviez à me demander?
Was there anything else in the room?
Y avait-il autre chose?
Now, was there anything else you wanted to say?
Vous avez autre chose à dire?
Look, was there anything else you wanted because we really don't seem to be making any progress here.
Tu veux autre chose? On ne progresse pas du tout.
Was there anything else? Anything unusual?
Rien d'insolite?
Was there anything else I can help you with?
Autre chose à me demander?
Was there anything else?
On a d'autres points communs?
Was there anything else you wanted to add to that hello?
Tu avais quelque chose d'autre à dire?
Was there anything else, or can I sit here now?
Tu as autre chose à dire ou je peux avoir la paix?
Was there anything else?
Y avait-il autre chose?
Now I'll buy this scratched door. Was there anything else?
J'achète cette porte rayée!
- He was there anything else?
- ll y a rien d'autre?
Was there anything else?
Il y autre chose?
So, Jimmy outside of the look Katie gave you, was there anything else?
Hormis le regard de Katie, que peux-tu nous signaler?
While she was up there, she suffered a severe shock, And I think it was that more than anything else that drove her down here.
Quand elle était là-haut, elle a subi un choc sévère, et je pense que c'est surtout ça qui l'a conduite ici.
The boys was wonderin'if there was anything else they could do.
Les garçons se demandaient si on pouvait faire autre chose.
I'm sure it was scabs - uh, gun thugs - Eastover has hired... because, uh, there ain't nobody else who'd want to do anything like that to me.
Je suis sûr que c'était des jaunes, des hommes de main à la solde d'Eastover, personne d'autre ne voudrait me faire une chose pareille.
there was my turf. I could do anything I wanted to do... just like everybody else was doing.
Je pouvais faire ce que je voulais, comme tout le monde. ROBERT KRAMER
And by that time it was way past curfew, and Tower insisted that we spend the night... and there wasn't anything else we could do.
C'était après le couvre-feu, Tower a insisté pour qu'on reste, on n'avait pas le choix.
If there's anything else we can do, please call. Ilana's death was shocking.
Vous étiez aussi RP pour lui?
Ifyou think there was anything else, you're crazy.
Si tu me crois pas, tu es dingue!
If there was anything else we could do we would have.
Si nous avions pu procéder autrement, nous l'aurions fait.
I think that incident, as tragic as it was convinced white America more deeply than anything else why there had to be a Birmingham confrontation and why there needed to be a Martin Luther King on the issue of race.
Je crois... que cet incident, aussi tragique qu'il soit, a convaincu l'Amérique blanche plus que tout de la nécessité d'un affrontement comme celui de Birmingham et de la présence de King pour la question raciale.
Was there ever been anything else?
C'était pas terrible avant non plus de toute façon.
I didn't know there was anything else.
Je ne savais pas qu'il y avait autre chose.
We didn't know there was anything else.
On ignorait qu'il y avait autre chose.
Pacey, if I was going to thank you for anything it would be for being yourself and, you know, not caring what anybody else thinks and for knowing in your heart what's right and wrong and for being there this year when I needed you the most.
Si je dois te remercier, c'est pour ton honnêteté, ta loyauté envers moi, ton appréciation du bien et du mal, et ta présence quand j'avais besoin de quelqu'un.
There was no way anybody or anything else could have escaped... and that's the story of Hal Carver.
La base était en état d'alerte. Personne n'aurait pu s'échapper. Voici l'histoire d'Hal Carver.
When you and me hooked up... it was like, all of a sudden, there was this part of my life where I didn't have to be hiding or fighting or anything else, except... tryin'to make a livin and kickin'it with my homegirl.
Quand je t'ai rencontrée... ma vie a changé d'un coup. Je n'avais plus à me cacher ou à me battre. Tout ce que j'avais à faire, c'était de gagner ma vie et de m'amuser avec ma copine.
I was wondering if there was anything else you held in a high enough regard to approve of.
Et je me demandais... si autre chose vous attirait assez pour dire oui.
Mrs. Sammler, was there... anything else at all, of that nature? That comes to mind?
Mme Sammler, y a-t-il eu quelque chose de ce genre qui vous vienne à l'esprit?
If there was anything else that paid this much, I would do it in a heartbeat.
Je changerais tout de suite si un autre boulot me rapportait autant.

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