And at one point traducir portugués
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And at one point... I was touching a spot not four inches from boob.
E houve uma altura... em que lhe estive a tocar a menos de dez centímetros das mamas.
And at one point in all of the chaos my father just started screaming.
E a uma altura no meio de todo este caos meu pai começou a gritar.
At one point, Queeg came to you for help, and you turned him down.
A certa altura, o Queeg foi pedir-lhes ajuda e vocês recusaram.
At one point, a man climbed one of the blinds and sunlight flooded the interior of the aircraft.
Num dado momento, um homem abriu a persiana e a luz do dia inundou a aeronave. A voz dele ecoou pela cabine :
At one point, that the guerrillas Kisangani, which was protutsi, and he began to cast these people.
Num dado momento, a guerrilha de Kisangani, que era pró-tutsi, começou a fazê-los voltar.
And remember : One point at a time!
E lembra-te : ponto por ponto!
And also at one point, you can see a pair of buttocks
Além disso, a certa altura, pode ver-se um par de nádegas.
At one point, I suddenly wondered how high up this thing goes... and her paranoia finally got to me.
Ao perceber até onde a coisa chega, também entrei em paranóia.
And the Council okayed the six and a half percent pay hike brings to a close the tense situation which at one point had negotiators almost at an impasse over contract agreement.
6,5 por cento aumento salarial provocou uma situação tensa...
There is one point about which there is no doubt at all, and that is that consec was attacked.
Há um ponto sobre o qual não restam dúvidas. O facto é que o ConSec foi atacado.
You and this broad were practically engaged at one point.
Tu e esta gaja estiveram praticamente noivos.
Are you up here to involve yourself in this convention... or are you one of those folks that's come up here to point and snicker at us?
Você está em cima para se involver nesta convenção... ou és um daqueles que vem até aqui atirar e rir silenciosamente de nós?
You know, frasier's helped each and every one of us at one point or another.
O Frasier ajudou cada um de nós em alguns momentos.
And at that point, I would have done anything for a little excitement... of one kind or another.
E naquela altura, eu teria feito qualquer coisa por alguma diversão de uma natureza ou de outra!
This, uh, is, uh... well, at one point, the casino ran out of money... and they started giving out luggage.
O casino ficou sem dinheiro e começaram a dar bagagem.
I want my ex-wife to remember that at one point in our lives she loved me, and I want my little girl to be safe.
E quero que a minha ex-mulher se lembre que em determinada altura da nossa vida ela me amou. Quero que a minha filhota esteja em segurança.
"I heard a lot of screeching sounds. I remember I was facing the wrong way at one point. And in the end, my body was thrown clear."
"Ouvi uma série de guinchos, lembro-me de, a dada altura, estar virado para o outro lado e, no final, o meu corpo foi cuspido."
You raise two boys, give them the same love and one of them ends up at West Point, at the top of the class.
Que tipo de caneta usaria? Que me diz a esta?
Well, at one point you've got it, then you lose it, and it's gone forever all walks of life.
Que a dado momento todas têm, mas depois perdem. E quando se vai, é para sempre.
The point being, sometimes the choice is easy and sometimes you don't have one at all.
O que interessa é que as vezes a escolha é fácil, e às vezes... é totalmente inexistente. Parem todos!
At one point, he turned his back to me and I must admit, that for a moment he made a very tempting target.
Até virou as costas e tenho de admitir que foi um alvo muito tentador.
They looked through their books... but they found an Edith Schwarz. And I remembered at one point... my sister Edith decided she will use my mother's name... but I forgot it.
Lembrei-me que, a certa altura, a minha irmã decidiu usar o nome da minha mãe.
At one point, you were going to make an observation about Major Kira and myself.
A certo momento, ia fazer um comentário sobre a Major Kira e eu.
At one point, I had to stop him and correct his bad technique.
A dada altura, tive de pará-lo e corrigir-lhe a péssima técnica.
And I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out.
E garanto-te que a dada altura um de nós, ou os dois, vamos querer acabar tudo.
If Hee and I point a gun at each other and you have to choose one. Who would that be?
Se tivesses de escolher entre mim e Hee, quem seria?
At this point, one of the policemen shot him and killed him.
Nessa altura, um dos polícias disparou e matou-o.
But according to your wife's statement, at one point, she reached over for you in the bed and you weren't there.
Mas, de acordo com as declarações da sua mulher, a certa altura, virou-se para si na cama e não estava lá.
There is no point just looking at each other... and not saying anything to one another... it's so stupid?
Não é o momento certo para nos olharmos... e para falarmos um com o outro... assim é estúpido?
At this point, they're just moving breathing and moving. Like any one else, still alive in that place.
A esta altura, eles só se movem, respiram e se movem, como qualquer outro que continue vivo... naquele lugar.
I thought that perhaps you'd said something at one point that I didn't hear, and that's what you're holding against me.
Achei que tinhas dito qualquer coisa e eu não ouvi, e que fosse disso que me culpasses.
You're just following the latest trend which you hope will get you laid until that trend switches to something else, at which point you'll drop the old one and start making movies about, you know, whatever... turtles getting caught in fishing nets.
Estás só a seguir a última moda, o que esperas que te ajude a foder, até que essa moda mude para outra coisa, quando abandonas a antiga e começas a fazer filmes sobre, tu sabes, sei lá... tartarugas capturadas em redes de peixe.
Yes, and I don't know why you are, but I don't want to start crying... because it'll give you one more thing to point at... to say,'She's too emotional and weak to go into business with.'
E não sei porque estás a agir assim, mas não quero chorar à tua frente... porque é mais uma razão para implicares comigo... e dizeres : "Ela é muito emocional e fraca para ser minha sócia."
According to the file, at one point your had your arms and legs broken
Segundo o arquivo, em um momento romperam-lhe as extremidades,
And then, on his way back to the States... ol'One Foot... at that point we were calling him One Foot... had his ship go down... and a shark ate his other foot.
E depois, no caminho de volta aos Estados Unidos... O "Um Pé"... Nessa altura nós chamávamos-lhe "Um Pé"...
Okay, well, the point is... your dad started showing up at the hospital to mark his territory... and one of the doctors, who was getting a little fresh, got punched in the mouth.
Ok, bem, o que interessa é que... o teu pai começou a aparecer no hospital para marcar o seu território e um dos médicos que se estava a começar a esticar, levou um murro na boca.
- And there was a lot of girls, and naked at one point.
- Havia imensas raparigas... - Todas decotadas!
Did you hear when I stopped at one point and how many people are talking?
Ouviste quando parei num ponto a quantidade de pessoas que estavam a falar?
At one point, Apophis brainwashed Rya'c and tried to use him against us.
Apophis apoderou-se do cérebro de Rya'c e tentou usá-lo contra nós.
At one point in the argument I mean, you're totally on Diane's side And then it turns, and you find yourself completely sympathizing with Mark
A certa altura da discussão estás totalmente do lado da Diane, e depois vira, e dás por ti a simpatizar completamente com o Mark.
I have been seduced at one point by this virgin land... and its people.
Fui seduzido em certo ponto por esta terra virgem... e estas pessoas.
At one point, I even convinced myself that life was all one big, zany sex comedy... and you had switched keys with the lead to use his swinging pad to snare me.
A dada altura, até me convenci que a vida era uma comédia louca de sexo e que você tinha trocado as chaves com ele para usar o seu território de caça para me apanhar. Eu fiz isso!
At one point... I explain how I did it, and I cry, a flood of tears,
Há um momento, enquanto explico como fiz isso, em que eu choro copiosamente.
So what would these extra dimensions look like? Kaluza and Klein proposed that if we could shrink down billions of times, we'd find one extra tiny, curled up dimension located at every point in space.
Kaluza e Klein propuseram que se conseguíssemos encolher milhares de milhões de vezes, descobriríamos uma dimensão extra minúscula enrolada localizada em cada ponto do espaço.
At one point I had this weird sensation that I had been lain there, conscious, for centuries, for lifetimes. Becoming part of the rocks, and part of where I was never gonna move from.
A certo ponto tive esta sensação estranha que estaria para ali deitado, conscientemente, à séculos, à uma eternidade fazendo já parte das rochas, parte de um local de onde nunca mais sairia.
Now, at one point in my life, you saying a couch that I carefully picked out and had to pay off over eight months is terrible might've hurt my feelings, but not anymore.
Em dada altura da minha vida, achares horrível... um sofá que escolhi cuidadosamente e levei oito meses a pagar, ter-me-ia magoado, mas agora já não. Não?
At this point, there are only two tables in contention and only one question left.
Até agora há duas mesas empatadas e só tem mais uma pergunta
At one point, it started to stop, and I thought, "Okay I'm gonna live," you know.
A uma certa altura, começou a acalmar, e eu pensei, "Ok.. vou sobreviver."
It was shot, pictures taken, and the album cover at one point was considered to be "Wanted Dead or Alive."
Tivemos uma seção de fotos, as fotos foram tiradas, e num certo ponto o título do âIbum era "Wanted Dead or Alive".
And at what point does that day finally come when it's just simply too late to clean up after one of their little magical messes?
E quanto tempo demorará até ao dia em que será simplesmente tarde de mais para limparmos mais outra das borradinhas mágicas delas?
You point your chair directly at the television, and no one is gonna come to your flat ever again and you're alone in the universe.
Apontas o sofá directo para a TV, ninguém mais volta a entrar no teu apartamento e ficas sozinho no Universo.
and at the end of the day 45
and at the time 25
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the time 25
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the moment 21
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at one point 146
one point 33
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at one point 146
one point 33
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and all this time 50
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204
and as you can see 106
and all 124
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and all this time 50
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204
and as you can see 106
and all of you 28
and above all 105
and also 645
and actually 119
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and after 142
and all because of you 16
and above all 105
and also 645
and actually 119
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and after 142
and all because of you 16