And his girlfriend traducir portugués
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But today, the Major is no longer Impotent! and his girlfriend is very happy.
Mas, hoje, o Comandante Moungou não é mais impotente... e sua mulher está feliz.
May I introduce my friend Marcello and his girlfriend Emma?
Apresento-vos o meu amigo Marcello do qual às vezes vos falei e a sua namorada Emma.
Also another junkie named Jose, and his girlfriend, Jeannie.
Bem como outro drogado chamado Jose e a namorada, Jeannie. Mr.
- And his girlfriend is a top model!
- E a namorada dele é um Top-model!
I remember when I was a kid, my dad and his girlfriend... used to sneak me out of the orphanage on Saturday nights... for a little homemade risotto and Chianti.
Eu lembro quando eu era rapaz, meu pai e sua namorada me tiravam escondido do orfanato nas noites de sábado para um risoto caseiro e Chianti.
A soldier and his girlfriend.
- Não. Era um soldado com a namorada.
He says the arresting officer planted a bag in his car and beat up on him and his girlfriend.
Diz que o agente que o deteve lhe pôs um saco dentro do carro e lhe bateu, a ele e à namorada.
I think Billy and his girlfriend are playin'water polo or somethin'.
Acho que o Billy e a namorada estão a jogar pólo aquático ou isso.
For example, not long ago I came across Mr. Manfredi and his little girlfriend.
Por exemplo, há algum tempo... vi o Sr. Manfredi e sua amiga vindo na minha direção.
I remember a story about a young man who was to his father's girlfriend, and asked ;
Lembro-me duma história sobre um jovem que foi ter com o pai da namorada, e perguntou ;
I took the key that was in your handbag... to his girlfriend's, Mrs. Van Dorn's, and unlocked the door of her flat... and then I borrowed her telephone and called Scotland Yard.
Levei a chave que estava na sua mala... a casa da namorada dele, a Sra. Van Dorn, abri a porta... e depois pedi-lhe para ligar para a Scotland Yard.
What if, if A killed him, B arrived and found him dead, realised if the police nosed around, his girlfriend would be asked some very awkward questions, so he then moved the body and looked up a lawyer.
E se, se A o matou, B chegou e o encontrou morto, percebeu que se a polícia bisbilhotasse, seriam feitas perguntas incómodas a sua namorada. Então ele moveu o corpo e procurou um advogado.
Some idiot strangles his girlfriend, which she probably deserved and what do they do - swarm all over the place and mess about in our private affairs,
Um idiota estrangula a namorada, o que provavelmente merecia, e o que fazem eles? Metem-se aqui e remexem nos nossos assuntos particulares,
I ate lunch with an old school friend and it ended up with someone asking us to go to a little party at his girlfriend's - Constance.
Almocei com um velho amigo da escola. E alguém nos convidou para uma festa em casa da sua amiga, Constance.
The son is mine, she is his girlfriend, and I am his father, ok?
O filho é meu ela é sua namorada, eu é que imagino, não é o Sr. Gustávio.
And this stuff comes from his girlfriend.
E isto pertence à namorada dele.
Faye Daniels, his girlfriend and script girl.
Faye Daniels, a sua noiva, guia e segunda câmera.
They knew I was his girlfriend, and if I saw him, they wanted me to give him some money... a check for a couple of thousand they said he loaned them.
Eles sabiam que eu era namorada dele. Queriam que eu lhe desse dinheiro, alguns milhares que eles afirmaram ter emprestado a Roger.
He didn't know that I came down to, you know... his girlfriend because he would have taken my face and he would have smashed it.
Näo sabia que eu tinha vindo para... sabe... a namorada dele senäo, teria batido na minha cara e tê-la-ia feito num oito.
What made you think of that climax scene, where the architect is with his actress girlfriend and the schizophrenic ex-wife stabs him to death?
O que te levou a pensar naquela cena culminante, em que o arquitecto vai a caminho de casa com a namorada dele que é actriz e a ex-mulher esquizofrénica lhes salta à frente e o esfaqueia até à morte?
You heard that awful story about his girlfriend and the dancer.
Ouviu aquela história horrível sobre a sua namorada... e o dançarino.
It's all right, I'm not listening. Just once, I'd like to see a bisexual who lived with his boyfriend, and then snuck out to see his girlfriend on the sly.
Eu gostaria de ver um bissexual que vive com o seu namorado que depois desaparece para ver a sua namorada ás escondidas.
It ends with his girlfriend going insane and singing about corn.
Eu não vou ver o "Crime Stoppers" outra vez.
This is a guy who leaves his wife and kids... then puts his money in his girlfriend ´ s name to get out of paying child support.
Phil Richards, é o fulano que largou a mulher e os filhos e deposita o seu dinheiro no nome da nova namorada para não ter de pagar pensão.
He borrowed my car, he sold it, he gave the money to his other girlfriend, and then he didn't even have the decency to apologize. Hmm.
Pegou no meu carro, vendeu-o, deu o dinheiro para a outra namorada e depois não teve nem a decência de se desculpar.
Instead of getting rid of the truck as he was supposed to, he got stoned... went to his girlfriend's, and by the time he woke up, the cops had found the truck.
Em vez de se livrar do camião, como devia, apanhou uma pedrada, foi ver a namorada e quando acordou a bófia já tinha encontrado o camião.
The guy is unconscious, in a coma and you don't have the guts to kiss his girlfriend?
O tipo inconsciente, em coma e não tens coragem para beijar a namorada dele?
But Clarence... and his bitch of a girlfriend, brought this on themselves.
Mas o Clarence... e a cabra da namorada dele, é que escolheram isto.
She took showers with him and his live-in girlfriend, naps with them when she was naked.
Ela tomava banho com ele e com a namorada. Dormiam a sesta nus.
( Christina ) Samantha said that she was taking nude naps with Gary and... ( Christina ) Well, the nanny, his girlfriend.
A Samantha disse que dormia a sesta nua com o Gary e com a ama, a namorada dele.
Elaine and I are having dinner with Kramer and his new girlfriend.
A Elaine e eu vamos jantar e o Kramer tem uma namorada nova.
- Oh, he's with his new girlfriend... the Japanese conceptual artist. - And where's Barney?
- O Barney?
- We were at the game and this guy proposed to his girlfriend on the big screen thing.
- Estávamos no jogo. Um tipo pediu a namorada em casamento no ecrã gigante.
Ladies and gentlemen, this tall drink of water headed my way..... is a pillar of the shopping community,..... who informed me earlier of his nefarious plan..... to screw my girlfriend in a very uncomfortable place.
Senhoras e senhores, este pãozinho sem sal que vem agora para mim é um pilar da comunidade consumidora, que me informou do plano nefando de comer a minha namorada num sítio bem desconfortável.
You know, retire. And the worst thing of all is, his girlfriend left him.
E o pior é que a namorada dele o deixou de repente.
I'm working for this puke who says he'll pay me large to do the hooker. I also got to do his girlfriend cos she knows the score and she's out of control.
Trabalho para este pulha que me paga para matar a prostituta, e matar ainda a cabra da namorada que sabe tudo, mas está descontrolada.
And who better than his girlfriend's loser ex-boyfriend... known criminal and who's been seen hassling him in public?
E quem melhor que o falhado do ex-namorado da namorada dele... um criminoso, já visto a incomodá-los em público?
You only get one of those in life, and I blew it on goddamn Big Bird and his scrawny girlfriend!
Maldíto sejas, Burt e noiva!
Even though he made you and your girlfriend perform demeaning sexual acts for his own gratification.
Mesmo que ele tenha forçado a si e à sua namorada a realizarem actos sexuais sórdidos para o seu próprio prazer.
Then he talks for 45 minutes about his ex-girlfriend whose name also happens to be Susan. How he loved her and wanted to marry her how he wanted to father her 5 or 6 children.
Depois, esteve 45 minutos a falar da ex-namorada, que por acaso também se chamava Susan, do quanto a amava, que queria casar com ela, que queria ter 5 ou 6 filhos com ela.
He thinks I slept with his ex-girlfriend and killed his fish.
Acha que dormi com sua "ex" e matei seu peixe.
Your parents are actually snipping at each other my mother's drinking again Perry's crying because he wasn't Santa for his kids and Jimmy's girlfriend's a hooker.
Os teus pais estão a cortar um no outro... a minha mãe voltou a beber... o Perry está a chorar porque nunca fez de pai Natal para os seus filhos... e a namorada do Jimmy é uma prostituta.
The only way out is if Leo breaks up with his girlfriend and moves back in. Then they would have to go back to Florida.
A única forma de acabar com isto é o Leo acabar com a namorada, voltar para o apartamento e eles terem de voltar para a Flórida.
And when his girlfriend comes, they find out.
Quando a namorada chega, descobrem.
If I were a woman, I'd like to be his girlfriend, walking in the park, hand in hand, wrapping my legs around him, cuddling in the spoon position and staring into his eyes over our morning coffee.
Se eu fosse uma mulher, gostava de ser sua namorada, para passeamos no parque de mãos dadas, darmos imensos beijinhos, e olhar nos olhos dele ao pequeno-almoço.
The guy is unconscious, in a coma and you don't have the guts to kiss his girlfriend?
O tipo inconsciente, em coma e näo tens coragem para beijar a namorada dele?
Must be that Angel-killed-his girlfriend-and-tortured-him thing.
Talvez seja por o Angel lhe ter matado a namorada e o ter torturado.
I'm a grown man who lives with his parents and has to take babysitting jobs so he can make out with his girlfriend.
Sou um homem feito que vive com os pais e aceita tomar conta de crianças para poder curtir com a namorada.
And my wife's cousin, and his son, and my brother's girlfriend and our two kids.
E a mulher do meu primo e o filho dela a namorada do meu irmão e os nossos dois filhos.
And I bend over... to pick up his girlfriend who's sprawled on the floor... completely fucking smashed... and the fucker hits me in the ass with this yellow featherweight dart... right between the cheeks.
E eu baixei-me... para apanhar a namorada dele que estava toda espalhada no chão... completamente esmagada... e o sacana espeta-me um dardo amarelo no cu... mesmo entre as bochechas.
I mean, I've been seeing you going out with Ray and you being his girlfriend, and the whole time I was wishing you were my girlfriend.
Tenho-te visto com o Ray e sendo a sua namorada, mas sempre a desejar que fosses a minha namorada.
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his family 18
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his name 26
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his family 18
and his daughter 27
and his friend 20
and his name 26
and his son 20
his girlfriend 103
girlfriend 1187
girlfriends 145
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
his girlfriend 103
girlfriend 1187
girlfriends 145
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here we are 249