During this time traducir portugués
270 traducción paralela
And during this time, you've had other disputes over prior claims and water rights?
E durante esse tempo, teve outras disputas sobre o direito da água?
All conversion must be completed during this time period.
Todas as conversões tem que ser completadas durante este periodo.
During this time, they saw the switch knife.
Durante esse tempo eles viram a ponta-e-mola.
Unknown to any of us during this time, a duplicate of me, some strange alter ego, had been created by the transporter malfunction.
Sem nenhum de nós o saber nesta altura, um duplo meu, um estranho alter ego, fora criado pela avaria no teletransportador.
Captain, I wish first to apologise for my conduct during this time.
Capitão, primeiro, quero pedir desculpas pela minha conduta.
You must get out during this time
Devem sair nessa hora
During this time, these diverse races, many of whom were enemies on the outside, have learned to live together because they must.
Durante esse tempo... essas diferentes raças, muitas das quais eram inimigas lá fora... aprenderam a conviver devido a necessidade.
It proves that during this time you haven't been asleep.
Prova que durante este período você não esteve a dormir.
I'm not sure whether she had an affair with Eugene O'Neill or not during this time.
Não ficou claro que estivesse ligada... Com Eugene O'Neill durante essa época.
To think that during this time completely...
Pensar que durante este tempo todo...
The vampire, like any other night-creature, can move about by day, but during this time his powers are weak.
O vampiro, como outros animais nocturnos, pode mover-se de dia, mas os seus poderes são fracos.
Even if this alleged virus was in fact on my client's computer, isn't it reasonable to presume that he would have erased it during this time?
Mesmo se o alegado vírus estivesse no computador do meu cliente, não é possível que ele o apagasse durante esse tempo?
Say that Faust will render his soul only at the end of 24 years after a life of perfect voluptuousness it being understood that during this time you will always attend me and supply me with whatever I require.
Diga-o que dou minha alma a ele dando-me 24 anos de vida, deixando que viva com toda voluptuosidade, tendo a ti como servidor para que me concedas tudo aquilo que pessa,
And during this time, I no longer seem to myself... an awkward and useless member of this world.
E deixo de me considerar um estranho e inútil membro do mundo.
Garak said that you were the Security Chief during this time.
O Garak disse que eras o Chefe de Segurança nesta altura.
Captain. They had surveillance satellites during this time.
Capitã, eles tinham satélites de vigilância nesta época.
During this time, they saw the switch blade knife.
Durante este tempo, eles viram o canivete.
Back in this country, the boys who had returned from overseas begin to find out that the world has moved on during the time they spent in France.
De volta a este país, os rapazes que tinham regressado do estrangeiro percebem que a vida continuou, durante a sua estadia em França.
And during all this time, what was the power source?
Durante todo este tempo, qual foi a fonte de energia?
Now... I thought we were going to have some time together during this vacation.
Eu pensei que passaríamos algum tempo juntos nestas férias.
Not to go beyond the walls of this room... The only gold stars on my son-in-law's record during that time... Have been his recommendation of you for these assignments.
Que não saiam das paredes desta sala mas as únicas estrelas de ouro que o meu genro merece foram a sua recomendação para estas missões.
I don't think you can get by now without having an address on television, at least during this period of time, giving some direction, having it in the hands of the president.
Acho que teremos que dizer algo, fazer um discurso na televisão. pelo menos enquanto o assunto estiver nas mãos do Presidente.
During all this time that I've been chasing you around I've thought it all out.
Durante todo este tempo que vos persegui, pensei em tudo.
During this operation, 3rd Army moved farther and faster... and engaged more divisions in less time... than any other army in the history of the United States.
Durante esta operação, o 3º Exército avançou mais, e mais depressa, e empregou mais divisões em menos tempo, que qualquer outro exército na História dos E.U.
I realized this a long time ago, during World War II.
Percebi isso há muito tempo, durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial.
Nobody knows to the certainty if dominating the head-of-bridge on the Reno at this time of the year, with bad weather arriving, we would have obtained to keep it during some months of Winter, knowing, for experience, as the Germans were magnificent in if to recoup of critical situations.
Ninguém sabe ao certo se dominando a testa-de-ponte sobre o Reno nessa altura do ano, com o mau tempo a chegar, teríamos conseguido mantê-la durante os vários meses de Inverno, sabendo, por experiência, como os alemães eram magníficos a recuperar de situações críticas.
Now during this period of time, though, can you remember anybody being a close friend of your father's?
Durante esse período, lembra-se de alguém que fosse amigo chegado do seu pai?
The Bishop has been very good to me during this difficult time.
O bispo tem sido muito bom para mim.
Because I'm not gonna look like a fool... in front of this Italian racing guy during the time trials. Don't worry, you can count on us, Mr. Ludwig.
Porque não vou parecer um parvo à frente daquele tipo italiano, durante as provas de qualificação.
I should also like to take this opportunity of thanking you for your friendship and your loyalty during this difficult time.
Também aproveito a oportunidade para agradecer-vos a amizade e a lealdade durante esta fase complicada.
They are not going to be able to go out from this road during some time.
Não vão poder sair desta estrada durante algum tempo.
They won't be doing this test until after the baby is born, during which time I expect complete cooperation from each of you two gentlemen.
Não fazem o teste antes do bebé nascer. Durante esse tempo, espero apoio total dos dois cavalheiros.
Well, after I watched this TV show, I decided I needed some me time during which we didn't see each other.
Bem, depois de assistir esse programa, decidi que precisava de um tempo em que não nos veríamos.
But three cars came in during this time from around noon till the time of the shooting.
Entre cerca do meio-dia e a hora do assassinato.
During our time together in this verdant bower, I must confess, I've developed something of a fondness for you.
Durante o tempo que passámos juntos neste chalé verdejante, devo confessar, que eu adquiri uma espécie de carinho por ti.
Mr. Lopez, did you ever go inside this sweatshop during the time when María and Eduardo were supposedly working there?
Sr. Lopez, alguma vez entrou nesta loja quando a Maria e o Eduardo supostamente lá trabalhavam?
Why did this have to happen now during prime time... when TV's brightest stars come out to shine?
Porque é que isto teve que acontecer agora, durante o intervalo... quando as mais famosas estrelas da TV vão aparecer?
- Yes, indeed. But during all this time, not once did we ask ourselves this question : is this son that we seek... perhaps a daughter?
Sim, mas nem uma vez nos perguntámos se este filho que procurávamos seria talvez uma filha.
After searching all this time, I found that 45 years ago... he was shot by a hunter during the famine after the war.
Sim, senhor. Porém, tenho más notícias. Há muitos anos, quando a comida escasseava, ele foi morto por um caçador.
At any time during this championship run, were you ever assisted in any way?
Em alguma ocasião, foi ajudado de alguma forma?
And during that time, you're the best damn clinician... this place has ever seen.
E você é o melhor clínico... que este lugar já teve.
Dear Bart... Your friendship during this difficult time will not be forgotten.
" Querido Bart, não esquecerei a tua amizade durante estes tempos difíceis.
The last time we hit this state of emergency was 32 ½ years ago, during the Cuban missile crisis.
A última vez que atingimos este estado de emergência foi há 32 anos e meio atrás, durante a Crise dos Misseis de Cuba.
There will be no more make-believe at this school during reading or any other time.
A partir de agora, não haverá mais fantasias nesta escola... durante a leitura ou noutra altura qualquer.
Not at this time, but it is my intention to do so during the course of the trial.
Não agora, mas no decorrer do julgamento.
This man spent three years in solitary confinement during which time no one had any influence over him because no one had any contact with him.
Este homem passou três anos no segredo. Não sofreu influência de ninguém, porque ninguém teve contacto com ele.
I hope you don't waste our time with nonsense like this during the hearing.
Espero que não nos faças perder mais tempo...
This is Darvin as he appeared during that time period.
É assim que o Darvin aparentava ser naquele momento.
During this time I developed hypoglycemia. I blacked-out at times. I don't eat well.
Nessa altura O médico disse-me que não era bom estar so quando isso acontecesse.
Now, as you can see, this object has doubled in size during that time.
Agora, como podem ver, este objecto duplicou de tamanho nesse tempo.
She's agreed to provide us with all the navigational data for this area she acquired during her time with the Borg.
Ela concordou em nos fornecer dados navegacionais desta área que conseguiu enquanto era Borg.
this time 1599
this time around 22
this time tomorrow 41
this time next year 20
this time of year 37
this time of night 20
this time it's different 20
time 2517
times 1964
timer 243
this time around 22
this time tomorrow 41
this time next year 20
this time of year 37
this time of night 20
this time it's different 20
time 2517
times 1964
timer 243
timers 88
time to go home 94
times square 22
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time flies 78
time is up 41
time to go 627
time to go home 94
times square 22
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time flies 78
time is up 41
time to go 627
time is money 74
times are changing 28
time to sleep 29
times are tough 45
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time is 18
time's up 595
times before 18
time to eat 55
times are changing 28
time to sleep 29
times are tough 45
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time is 18
time's up 595
times before 18
time to eat 55
times change 49
times a week 28
times in a row 26
times over 33
time for bed 134
times a day 121
times are hard 26
times three 18
times a week 28
times in a row 26
times over 33
time for bed 134
times a day 121
times are hard 26
times three 18