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Get the bags traducir portugués

262 traducción paralela
Tell him he can get the bags.
Mande-o levar as malas.
Come on, Roger, get the bags. All right, Charles, I'll take that.
Vá lá, Roger, pega numa mala.
I'll get the bags, Della.
Eu levo as malas, Della.
Get the bags.
Traga a bagagem.
Let's get the bags. Come on.
Vamos buscar os sacos.
I'll go get the bags.
Vou buscar as malas.
Fletch, get the bags, will you?
Fletch, traga as malas, sim?
Get the bags.
Peguem nas malas.
Kids, get the bags.
- Meninos, peguem nas malas!
- Billy, get the bags.
- Billy, leva as malas.
Get the bags.
Traz a mala.
Victor, get the bags.
Victor, traz a mala.
Could youse get the bags up here pronto?
Pode mandar as malas imediatamente?
- Get the bags. - Yeah, sure, the bags.
Claro, as malas!
Get the bags. You-hon, signore'.!
Vá buscar as malas.
Get the bags in the car.
Põe as malas no carro.
- Okay, let me get the bags here.
- Eu levo os sacos.
I'II get the bags and the car.
Eu ponho as malas no carro.
Just get the bags to the room before they check out.
- Leve as malas antes do check out.
Charlie, get the bags.
Charlie, pega nas malas.
Cri-Kee, get the bags.
Cri-Kee, traz as malas.
Have the boy come up and get my bags, please.
Mande o rapaz ir buscar as minhas malas.
- Get my bags. They're in the back.
- Pega minha bagagem no porta-malas.
Bill, would you get the senator's bags?
Bill, podias trazer as malas do senador?
You bring the bags and I'll get the coupe.
Vocês levam as malas e eu vou buscar o coupé.
I had to get rid of all the gold bags.
Eu tinha que se livrar de todos os sacos de ouro.
You get the war bags packed. But leave my clean shirt out.
Arruma as nossas coisas, mas não mexas na minha camisa limpa.
You, Fergus, and the others, get the Jester's bags.
Levem as malas do Bobo!
Get the lady's bags out of the back and take them inside, please.
Leve a bagagem da Sra para dentro, por favor. Sim, Sr.
Michele, get all Mrs. Millett's bags out of the back and put them in the car.
Michele, tire todas as malas detrás da Sra. Millett, e ponha as no carro.
What's the difference as long as I get my bags?
Qual é a diferença, desde que receba as minhas malas?
We'll get bags. The pox on this place.
Teremos uma ova.
Get the bags.
Pega nas malas.
Get the saddle bags.
Traz as selas.
Get the rest of the bags, Brett.
Traz o resto das malas.
l'll go to the hotel in the morning and get my bags.
De manhã vou ao hotel e trago os meus sacos.
Go get the other bags I couldn't carry them all...
Vai lá baixo buscar dois sacos que não consegui trazer tudo.
Jed, get Mr. Hazard's bags up to the guest bedroom.
Jed, suba as malas do Sr. Hazard.para o quarto dos convidados
Let's just go and get our bags and then head straight for the airport.
Vamos fazer as malas e vamos directamente para o aeoroprto.
We'll just put your bags up there after you've unpacked get them out of the way.
Guardamos os sacos aqui, depois de arrumares as coisas.
I'm gonna go and get the rest of the bags.
Vou buscar o resto das malas.
Get the body bags.
Vão buscar as bolsas.
The laundry bags get into the building on a series of overhead tracks, kind of like a railroad switching yard.
Os sacos de roupa entram no edifício através de pistas suspensas, um sistema parecido com o de mudança de linha-férrea.
Driver, Spanish accent : I'LL GO AND GET THE BAGS.
Trarei o equipamento, senhor.
That gives them enough time to get off the plane pick up their bags, and be walking out of the terminal as we roll up.
Isso dá-lhes tempo para saírem do avião, pegarem na bagagem e saírem do terminal, no momento em que nós estamos a chegar.
One thing that you do get here in Brooklyn... which I now know from having driven around the country and looked elsewhere for it... you get plastic bags stuck in trees.
Há uma coisa que temos aqui em Brooklyn já viajei pelo país todo e não vi em lado nenhum, temos sacos de plástico pendurados nas arvores.
Now, we should also get on a fitness regime- - sit-ups, hitting the bags- -
Devemos treinar para melhorar a forma! Abdominais, corridas longas...
I'll get your bags. The taxis are just over there.
Ok, então vou buscar as suas malas e os táxis estão ali.
Uh, I'll tell you what. Why don't I go find the bags and you... you get to go find the charter, okay?
Eu vou procurar as malas e tu vais procurar o avião.
Now pack your bags and get the hell out of there.
Agora façam as malas e vão-se embora.
I'm gonna get the bags.
Vou buscar as malas!

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