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He died traducir portugués

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The FBI knew your father was on NZT before he died.
O FBI sabia que o teu pai consumiu NZT antes de morrer.
He died in a boating accident off the coast of Maine last year.
Morreu num acidente de barco ao largo da costa do Maine.
About six months after he died, I got a letter at home.
Uns seis meses depois de ele morrer, recebi uma carta, em casa.
He died in 2009 at the bombing in Pishin.
Ele morreu em 2009, no bombardeio em Pishin.
And you thought he died in Pishin.
E você pensava que ele tinha morrido em Pishin.
He died in Pishin.
Ele morreu em Pishin.
He died a long time ago.
Ele morreu há muito tempo.
What if the killer first tried to poison O'Malley, make it look like he died of natural causes?
E se o assassino tentou envenenar primeiro o O'Malley e fez com que se parecessem causas naturais?
He died in the vents underneath me screaming in agony.
Ele morreu no andar de baixo, a gritar de agonia.
Left this message before he died.
Deixou esta mensagem antes de morrer.
He, uh, he died at Open Vistas.
Morreu em Open Vistas.
I used to have a little two-year-old son, but he died. The same way Eric Clapton's son died.
Eu tinha um filho com dois anos, mas ele morreu da mesma forma que o filho do Eric Clapton morreu.
Maybe Victor hid the microchip before he died.
Talvez o Victor tenha escondido o chip antes de morrer.
I haven't thought about it at all since... that last morning... the morning of the day he died.
Não tinha pensado nisso desde aquela manhã. A manhã do dia em que ele morreu.
But he died.
Mas morreu.
I spoke with Francis, who shared with me the moments before he died. They perfectly matched the vision I've always had about his death.
Falei com Francisco, que partilhou comigo os momentos antes de morrer, e corresponderam perfeitamente à visão que sempre tive da morte dele.
He died from a genetic disorder we could've prevented in the womb had this science been legal.
Morreu devido a uma doença genética que podíamos ter evitado no ventre, se a ciência fosse legal.
Francis knew finding another alliance for Scotland was your first task as soon as he died.
Ele sabia que achar outra aliança para a Escócia era a vossa primeira tarefa após a morte dele.
- On the day he died.
- No dia em que ele morreu.
I thought he died from cyanide poisoning.
Pensava que tinha morrido com cianeto.
Hawes said he died instantly.
O Hawes diz que morreu logo.
This was taken two days before he died.
Foi tirada dois dias antes de morrer.
She was there the night that he died.
Estava lá na noite em que ele morreu.
Their oldest sibling, Major William Quinn- - he died nine months ago when his helo was shot down in Helmand Province.
O irmão mais velho deles, o Major William Quinn, morreu há 9 meses quando o helicóptero dele foi atingido na Província de Helmand.
He died here too, remember?
Também morreu aqui, lembra-se?
You know he died on the side of the road, in the rain... his wife wailing.
Sabes que ele morreu ao lado da estrada, na chuva... com a esposa a chorar.
He died along with the rest of the Wolf Patrol.
Morreu juntamente com a Patrulha dos Lobos.
Well, I'll say one thing about the victim- - at least he died with his boots on.
Posso dizer uma coisa sobre a vítima... pelo menos morreu com as botas calçadas.
Oh, this is where the victim was before he died- - the Frontier Games.
Este é o lugar onde a vítima foi antes de morrer. Jogos de Fronteira.
He died years ago.
Morreu há alguns anos.
He died of liver failure just a few hours ago.
Ele morreu de insuficiência hepática há umas horas.
Thank God he died.
Não, graças a Deus que ele morreu.
A few algorithms later, and I was able to extrapolate what he was typing just before he died.
Alguns algoritmos depois, consegui extrapolar o que estava a escrever antes de morrer.
He died in poverty, you know.
Ele morreu na pobreza, sabes.
They revived him in the ambulance, and then, he died later.
Reviveram-no dentro da ambulância e morreu depois.
But he died in 1975 so, no.
Mas ele morreu em 1975, por isso, não.
He died with honor, Newt.
Ele morreu com honra, Newt.
He just learned his friend died.
Acabou de saber que o amigo morreu.
Kimble, he found out that Nichols, along with Devlin MacGregor and Lentz, who has mysteriously died, they had hired Frederick Sykes, the one-armed man, to kill Kimble.
O Kimble descobriu que o Nichols, junto com o Devlin MacGregor e o Lentz, que morreu misteriosamente, contrataram o Frederick Sykes, o maneta, para matar o Kimble.
Grandma died a few years ago, but he loved her so much.
A avó morreu há alguns anos, mas ele amava-a tanto.
When your mother died, he and his followers assumed that there would be instability.
Quando vossa mãe morreu, ele e os seus seguidores presumiram que haveria instabilidades.
It says his wife Marie died before he finished his doctorate.
A esposa Marie morreu antes de ele completar o doutoramento. - E depois, ele saiu do país.
Okay, but he's got an alibi for the night the commander died.
Está bem, mas ele tem um álibi para a noite em que o comandante morreu.
He would have died if I hadn't taken him in.
Ele tinha morrido se eu não o tivesse levado.
I just wish he could have given us what we needed and then died.
Só queria que tivesse falado antes de morrer.
He had seven grandchildren from six kids, who he raised on his own after his wife died.
Ele teve sete netos de seis filhos, os quais criou sozinho depois da morte da esposa.
He almost died today because of you and your drug.
Ele quase morreu hoje por tua causa e da tua droga.
No, he spiraled when Will died.
Não, ele desandou quando o Will morreu.
He may, and if he does, I'm worried you'll... react the same way you did when Sweets died.
E, se morrer, tenho medo de... reagires do mesmo modo como o fizeste quando o Sweets morreu.
But I was on stage performing when he quote-unquote died.
Mas eu estava no palco a actuar quando ele "morreu".
He just died.
Ele apenas morreu.

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