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It would seem traducir portugués

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It would seem that way.
È o que parece.
- So it would seem.
- É o que parece.
Well, it would seem so queer, her only sister getting married.
Seria esquisito, afinal trata-se do casamento da própria irmã dela.
More it would seem than the führer has in me.
Mais do que o Führer tem em mim.
He's roared himself silent, it would seem.
Ele está a remoer no próprio silêncio, ao que parece.
It would seem as if he had.
Parece que fez.
It would seem that I owe you an apology.
Pelo vistos devo-lhe uma desculpa..
It would seem as if I wanted to force myself on him. What?
Seria como querer me impor, querer grudar nele!
It would seem to be highly incompetent, counsellor.
Parece ser altamente incompetente, advogado.
It would seem strange.
Pareceria algo estranho.
And I wish it would seem so simple to me.
E desejava que me parecesse tão simples a mim.
It would seem so.
Parece-me quem sim...
Yes, it would seem so, Mr. Spain.
Sim, é o que parece, Mr.
It would seem that Mr. Kevin Himself O'Toole is buried atop the richest strike ever made in the Washoe.
Parece até que Mr. Kevin V. Exa. O'Toole está sepultado em cima do maior achado já descoberto no Washoe.
It would seem my unworthy nephew feeds you the food to bring good health.
Parece que o meu desafortunado sobrinho tem de ser bem alimentado, para se recuperar.
It would seem Hop Sing feeds my brother Hoss a few extra servings, too.
Também não faz mal ao meu irmão algum trabalho extra.
It would seem your friend the crusader is in a bit of ajam.
Não sei quem foi, é claro. Este homem quer mesmo ser banido da profissão?
You were ready enough to kill. It would seem you're less ready to die.
Vocês estão muito dispostos a matar, mas não a morrer.
It would seem that way.
Seria de supor que sim.
It would seem obvious to me that Major Marco was suffering a delayed reaction to 18 months of continuous combat in Korea.
Parecia-me óbvio que o Major Marco estava a sofrer uma reacção retardada a 18 meses de combate contínuo na Coreia.
Sooner the better it would seem.
- Parece que o mais rápido possível.
No, it would seem not.
Pois não, parece que não.
So it would seem.
- É o que parece.
- It would seem so. Could the computer be wrong?
- O computador pode estar errado?
It would seem the only answer. It could damage you internally.
Parece ser a única resposta.
It would seem so, captain.
Parece que sim, Capitão.
It would seem that Nomad is now seeking out perfect life forms. Perfection being measured by its own relentless logic.
Parece-me que aquela Nómada está agora à procura de formas de vida perfeitas, sendo a perfeição medida pela sua própria lógica inexorável.
It would seem unlikely, Jim.
Isso parece-me improvável, Jim.
It would seem to be the place where I can be of the most use.
Parecia ser o lugar onde eu podia ser útil.
Well, it would seem to solve the problem of who to leave behind.
Isso parece resolver a questão de quem deve ficar para trás.
It would seem a logical precaution.
Seria uma precaução lógica.
- It would seem so.
- Parece que sim.
It would seem as if you and Napoleon had a point.
Napoleão e o senhor tinham razão.
If John Gill is the Führer, it would seem the logical approach.
Se o John Gill é o Fuhrer, parece-me lógico.
It would seem the assumption was premature.
Parece que a suposição foi prematura.
It is not a galactic nebula, such as the Coalsack. And since our deflectors were activated by it, it would seem to be some form of energy, but nothing our sensors can identify.
Não é uma nebulosa galáctica como o "Saco de Carvão", e já que os nossos deflectores foram activados por ela, parece ser alguma forma de energia, mas nenhum dos nossos sensores consegue identificá-la.
You see I live here as a respectable citizen and you must realise... that my whole existence would be jeopardised if it became known... that I am not, what shall we say, not what I seem.
Vivo aqui como um respeitável cidadão, e você tem de saber... isto destruiria toda a minha existência e se viesse a saber... como hei de dizer Que não sou aquilo que aparento ser.
Since we seem to be so ridiculously green, perhaps you would point out what it is.
Visto que somos ridiculamente verdes, talvez nos indiquem o que é.
I must say I thought it would work. But he doesn't seem to want to get better.
Devo dizer que deve proceder à sua maneira, resta saber se ele quer melhorar.
Waste of time. Listen, listen. Look, would you do it like this just to make the earth seem parched and dry?
Faz assim para dares a ideia de "morta e seca".
- Darling, Father and I don't want to seem unduly concerned, but if you could make up your mind, it would be so nice.
- Querida, eu e o teu pai não queremos parecer demasiado preocupados, mas se te pudesses decidir, era bom.
I'll admit Janet put the notion in my head, but I never would have mentioned it, if it weren't that you seem to be carrying fear of discovery in your pocket.
A Janet deu-me a ideia, mas eu não teria falado nisso se não andasses com o receio de ser descoberto no bolso.
It would all seem perfectly legitimate. And only two people in the world would know.
Podia parecer muito legítimo, E só duas pessoas sabiam,
It would be nearer the truth... to say my parents seem to have lost me.
Eu estaria mais perto da verdade... ao dizer que parece que os meus pais me perderam.
Just as it may seem the best would come to pass and that I might triumph over the sun, the rain, I was threatened by a new enemy. The birdsl
Poderia pensar-se que o melhor estava, todavia, para chegar dado que tinha superado o sol e a chuva, mas, fui atacado por um novo inimigo, as aves!
Does it seem possible headquarters would commit an entire army to an offensive in the south if there were any possibility of the Germans attacking in the Ardennes?
Parece-Ihe possível que o Quartel-General consagrasse um exército a uma ofensiva no Sul se houvesse a menor hipótese dos alemães atacarem nas Ardenas?
I don't want to seem ungrateful... but I would like to think it over.
Não quero parecer ingrato.... mas gostaria de pensar um pouco sobre isso.
It would seem so.
É o que parece.
- It would seem so.
- Assim parece.
It would also seem to be a...
Também parece existir...
So it would seem.
Assim parece.

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