Last night was traducir portugués
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Last night was supposed to be my night.
Ontem à noite era suposto ser a minha noite.
Last night was...
A noite passada foi...
Last night wasn't'cause you felt sorry for me, was it?
Ontem à noite não aconteceu porque tiveste pena de mim, pois não?
Last night was because I'm getting on a plane today, and I'll probably never see you again.
Ontem à noite aconteceu porque vou apanhar um avião hoje e, provavelmente, nunca mais te verei.
Last night was my doing.
A noite passada foi culpa minha.
Look, the reason you didn't get out of the compound last night was because of me.
O motivo para não teres saído do abrigo ontem à noite fui eu.
Last night was a bit of an eye-opener.
A noite de ontem abriu-me os olhos.
He rarely texted or posted, and last night was the first time he'd ever taken a ZoGo. Spoke to all five ZoGo drivers.
Raramente escrevia mensagens ou publicava, e ontem a noite foi a primeira vez que usou o ZoGo.
Coach Eleyna Pavleck was found dead last night of an apparent suicide.
ALERTA EM OHIO Eleyna Pavleck foi encontrada ontem à noite, vítima de um aparente suicídio.
Because she was a bad lay in'04 as she was last night.
Porque foi tão má na cama em 2004 quanto foi ontem.
Anne told me something last night, and I need to know what it was.
A Anne disse-me algo na noite passada, e preciso saber o que foi.
See, Rick, The last couple times she was out all night, She was out with you, so...
Sabes, Rick... nas últimas vezes que ela esteve fora a noite toda, esteve contigo, por isso...
How was last night? Was it fun?
Como foi a noite passada?
Wasn't until last night I was sure.
Só ontem é que tive a certeza.
You know, I thought dinner was a little average last night.
Achei o jantar de ontem um pouco medíocre.
Last night, Father was very upset.
Ontem à noite, o pai estava muito aborrecido.
Well, the speech last night, it was...
O discurso ontem à noite foi...
That's the point I was trying to make last night.
Era isso que queria dizer ontem à noite.
I know, it's just the last night of summer, you know, so I wanted to make sure everyone was there tonight.
Eu sei... É apenas a última noite de verão, sabes, por isso queria garantir que todos estivessem lá esta noite.
He was my patient last night.
- Foi meu paciente, ontem à noite.
Last night, 10 : 24 p. M., Your D.O.D. Server was accessed.
Ontem à noite, às 22 : 24, alguém acedeu ao teu servidor no Departamento da Defesa.
I was last night.
Ontem à noite era.
There was a lot of things I did last night that I don't normally do.
- Ontem à noite, fiz muitas coisas que normalmente não faço.
He was murdered last night.
Ele foi assassinado ontem.
She was at my house last night, if that tells you anything.
Esteve ontem em minha casa, se é que isso diz alguma coisa.
When was the last time you had a night out?
Qual foi a última vez que saíste à noite?
I applied here, and then I was wait-listed, and then last night I emailed a letter to the Admissions Board that I would really like to delete... if possible.
Eu inscrevi-me aqui, e estou na lista de espera. Ontem enviei uma carta ao Conselho de Admissão, que eu gostaria de eliminar. Se for possível.
I was at the club last night carousing with the fellows and we got to talking about you.
Estava no clube a noite passada, na farra com os companheiros e começamos a falar sobre si.
Beyond the horizon is the world-famous Rezort, where, if our sources are to be believed, there was a serious security breach late last night.
Na linha do horizonte fica o famoso Rezort... ACIDENTE NO'REZORT'... onde, caso as nossas fontes estejam corretas, houve uma grave fuga de segurança ontem à noite.
There was an unauthorised access of the system late last night.
Houve um acesso não autorizado ao sistema ontem à noite.
Last night you said Danny was gonna come in and talk to you.
Ontem, disseste que o Danny ia falar contigo.
He was my patient last night.
Ele foi meu paciente ontem à noite.
The last confirmed spotting of the suspect was last night.
A última aparição do suspeito foi ontem à noite.
- Here we go. It was after midnight last night when the victim hears a knock on the door.
- Passava da meia-noite ontem a noite quando a vítima ouviu um bater na porta.
Where was the count last night?
Como estava a contagem ontem?
Sure was hard to get some girls of mine asleep after y'all tore through my house last night.
Foi difícil pôr as minhas filhas a dormir, depois de vocês terem arrasado a minha casa a noite passada.
It was almost as bad as the one I dropped on ortu's mom's face last night.
Quase tão mau como o que larguei na cara da mãe do Ortu, ontem à noite.
So how was your date last night?
Então, como foi o encontro, ontem?
Yeah, he was admitted last night.
Ele foi internado a noite passada.
Yes, sir, I know I said it was a local matter last night, but I slept on it, you know?
Eu sei que disse que era um assunto local, ontem à noite, mas pensei melhor sobre isso.
You know, I was thinking last night- - that shoe you found in the tree.
Aquele sapato que encontraste escondido na árvore...
What was that last night?
O que foi aquilo ontem à noite?
Do you realize that I'm so messed up, I was willing to die last night?
Não percebes que estou tão perturbada, que estava disposta a morrer ontem?
She was in here last night... dark eyes, black hair, beautiful.
Esteve cá ontem à noite, olhos escuros, cabelo preto, linda.
Lividity suggests that she was killed last night between 6 : 00 and midnight.
A lividez sugere que ela foi morta ontem à noite entre 18h e meia-noite.
Oh, last night, as... as I was passing out,
A noite passada, enquanto...
It was your man who got shot last night.
Foi o seu homem que foi morto ontem à noite.
I wanna ask you a question that was asked of me late last night.
Eu quero lhe fazer uma pergunta que foi feita a mim na noite passada.
Listen, last night I was reading on when Jesus got killed.
Ouça, ontem à noite eu estava lendo sobre quando Jesus foi morto.
He was working prosts last night.
Estava a questionar prostitutas ontem à noite.
- Your office or agency called me, of course, but last night we had to get the police to remove an obnoxious flame-haired woman who was trying to take pictures.
O seu escritório ou agência ligou-me, claro, mas ontem tivemos que chamar a polícia para retirar uma mulher ruiva que tentava fotografar-me. Sou cuidadoso.
last night was fun 21
last night 2619
washington 356
wash 146
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
wassup 84
washing 40
washed 38
last night 2619
washington 356
wash 146
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
wassup 84
washing 40
washed 38
wasting 28
washington post 22
washington d 17
wasn't 66
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
wash me 17
wasn't it 2231
was it 1813
washington post 22
washington d 17
wasn't 66
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
wash me 17
wasn't it 2231
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
wash up 37
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29
was it good 112
wash it 28
was it you 219
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
wash up 37
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29
was it good 112
wash it 28
was it you 219