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One was traducir portugués

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No one was ever prosecuted for the financial crisis, no.
Ninguém foi processado pela crise.
No one was covering the back.
Ninguém estava a cobrir a retaguarda.
I saw the broken toaster in the yard, and there was blood on the lawn, and no one was home, and I didn't know what was happening.
Vi o forno no quintal, sangue na relva, não estava ninguém em casa e não sabia o que se passava.
That one was linked to psychosis, but there have been several problems since then, including six suicides and three murders.
Foi diagnosticado com psicose, mas houve vários problemas, incluindo seis suicídios e três assassínios.
You're the one whose brother was in a coma?
És aquele que tinha um irmão em coma?
One of the reasons they sent me here was to lower the prisoner attrition rate.
Uma das razões porque me mandarem para aqui foi para baixar a taxa de brigas entre presos.
Charlie was run by one of them- - a total sociopath.
O Charlie era liderado por um deles... Um completo sociopata.
That was one of the reasons.
Essa foi uma das razões.
First thing I saw was one of my best friends.
A primeira coisa que vi foi um dos meus melhores amigos.
She was close to Cyrus Beene at one time and has some self-destructive tendencies when it comes to notions of justice and whatnot, so...
Ela esteve sempre próxima do Cyrus Beene e tem algumas tendências auto-destrutivas quando se trata de noções de justiça e outros, então...
How'd you know that Vargas was the one?
Como é que soubeste que o Vargas era o tal?
And I thought Meg's place was supposed to be protected by one of Huck's souped-up security systems.
Pensei que a casa da Meg devia estar protegida por um dos super sistemas de segurança do Huck.
Look, I arranged this dinner on purpose to tell you. I was the one who asked you.
Combinei este jantar precisamente para te contar.
Well, one time, I know it was because she made fun of a girl's highlights.
Uma vez, soube que foi por ter gozado com as madeixas de outra miúda.
Oh, and then one time, she told me to tell my tits they could come out now that my gymnastics career was over.
E uma vez disse-me para dizer às minhas mamas que já podiam aparecer porque a minha carreira de ginasta já terminara.
There was one guy she was meeting up with. I think he was in his forties.
Ela ia encontrar-se com um tipo que acho que tinha 40 anos.
When I was ready to go back to work, no one would give me a chance...
Quando eu estava pronta para voltar, ninguém me daria uma oportunidade...
He was one of- - No, he was my best customer.
Não, era o meu melhor cliente.
Were you aware that the U. S. Attorney was pursuing charges against you in connection with a firearms disturbance by one of your employees?
Sabia que iam ser apresentadas queixas contra si por causa de um distúrbio de um empregado seu?
I-I knew I should call the police, but he was... he was just one of those street kids, you know, like, druggie kids.
E chamado a Polícia. Mas ele era um miúdo da rua. Do tipo dos que tomam drogas.
If she's as good as her word, and one thing she certainly wasn't was a liar, then her book of Battle Magic will be found here.
Se ela for mesmo confiável, já que não era mentirosa, o livro de magia de combate será encontrado aqui...
Close call. That was a close one.
Foi por pouco.
Who was, rather conveniently, assassinated in one of our safe houses before he could start talking.
Que foi, muito convenientemente, assassinado numa das nossas casas seguras antes que pudesse começar a falar.
She was one of the detectives on my counterinsurgency task force.
Ela era uma das detectives da minha força de intervenção - contra-rebelião.
What you witnessed... was the test of a technology that you have never seen before, one capable of inter-dimensional travel.
O que vocês testemunharam, foi o teste de uma tecnologia que nunca tinham visto antes, uma tecnologia capaz de viagens interdimensionais.
I mean, I haven't heard from her in months, and... but then one of her friends... said that he heard that she was here, but the blood and the bullets... if you know where she is,
Quero dizer, não tenho notícias dela há meses. Mas um dos amigos dela disse que ouviu dizer que ela estava aqui, mas o sangue e as balas... Se sabe onde ela está, por favor, diga-me.
I was the only one who escaped that raid.
Sou o único que escapou àquele ataque.
The official version was that you responded to enemy sniper fire, but in reality, one of your men fired first after mistaking a bag of books for an IED.
A versão oficial foi que respondeste aos tiros de um atirador inimigo, mas na verdade, um dos teus homens disparou primeiro depois de confundir um saco de livros com um dispositivo explosivo.
- Nyeh! - No one ever thanked me when I was in the service.
Nunca ninguém me agradeceu quando estava em serviço militar.
Nobody knows what started it, but one of the mirrors was destroyed.
Ninguém sabe o que a começou, mas um dos espelhos foi destruído.
One of the mirrors was destroyed.
Um dos espelhos foi destruído.
They have better weapons than we do, and Eros was one of them.
Eles têm melhores armas que nós e Eros era uma delas.
They must've been thrilled when they realized the one who fired the first shot was born on Earth.
Devem ter ficado entusiasmados quando perceberam que aquele que disparou primeiro tinha nascido na Terra.
This is Martin, the one I was telling you about.
Este é Martin, de quem eu te falei.
There was one thing, sir.
Houve mais uma coisa, senhor.
There was another one.
Houve outro.
- There was one more thing.
- Houve mais uma coisa.
I think it was the one about the borstal boy who becomes a runner.
Acho que foi o do rapaz da prisão de menores que se tornou corredor.
That's all it was, just one.
E enterrou o corpo dele perto do Lago Bramford?
There was one more thing.
Recebi hoje uma carta.
Nick was gone ; Not one of'em knew what happened.
O Nick desapareceu, ninguém sabia de nada.
Nick was the one who had to become him so that he could do what your daddy couldn't do when he needed to... to... do something he couldn't really do.
O Nick tinha de se transformar nele para fazer o que o teu pai não podia quando precisava fazer uma coisa que não podia fazer.
I mean, am I the only one who thinks that was a creepy look?
Sou o único que achou assustador?
That was one hell of an undercover operation that "we" pulled off.
Foi uma grande operação que nos fez perder a cabeça.
He's one of the victims that was kidnapped on the case I was looking into.
É uma das vítimas raptadas num caso que eu investiguei.
There was more than one body in that hole.
Havia mais do que um corpo naquele buraco.
Was Daddy one of them?
O pai era um deles?
- If I was up for one day every seven years, I'd be a party animal.
Se me levantasse por um dia, a cada sete anos, eu seria um animal folião.
- He was one of Portland's earliest settlers.
- Foi um dos colonos daqui.
One of your guests was involved in a murder yesterday.
Um dos hóspedes envolveu-se num homicídio.
One traffic violation between'em, and that was three years ago.
Uma infracção de trânsito, e isso foi há três anos.

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