The words traducir portugués
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So do you notice that the words you use to describe Bradley's life... "big," "significant," "great"... you're now using them to describe your new book.
Repara que as palavras que usa para descrever a vida do Bradley, "grande", "significativa", "ótima", está agora a usar para descrever o seu livro novo?
Sorry, I heard the words "sex" and "inside," and the rest just sounded like, "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."
Desculpe, ouvi as palavras "sexo" e "dentro", e o resto pareceu apenas blá, blá, blá.
I don't remember the words, but she sounded worried.
Não lembro das palavras, mas... ela parecia preocupada.
Minx, say the words, honey.
Minx, diz as palavras, querida.
I can't... I can't think of the words right now.
Eu... não me consigo lembrar das palavras neste momento.
You don't have to say the words.
Não precisas de dizer as palavras.
Say it. Say the words.
Diz as palavras.
Say the words, "He's gotten so many people killed."
Diz : "ele fez com que muitas pessoas morressem".
Say the words!
Diz as palavras!
Say the words! Just say the goddamn words, Hal! Just say it!
Diz as malditas palavras, Hal!
Perhaps the trouble is you was not born to merely read the words of our forefathers.
Talvez o problema seja que não tenhas nascido para ler as palavras dos teus antepassados.
- ♪ listen to the words that you say ♪ - It's freezing.
Está um gelo.
What... whatever the words are that come out of your mouth, Bob, you still killed those two girls.
O que quer que digas, tu mataste aquelas duas raparigas.
Well, then, in the words of Philip II of Macedon...
Usando as palavras de Felipe II da Macedónia,
The connections between the words "Kaotic Chic"
As ligações entre as palavras "Miúda Caótica"
You know? The connections between the words "Kaotic Chic"
Sabes, as ligações entre a palavra "Miúda-Caótica"
♪ Give me a clear mind ♪ ♪ Give me the words to say what I mean ♪
Eu e o Andrew falámos do meu eventual suicídio, ele disse-me que não só não sofreria, como ficaria aliviado.
But I don't know, I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.
Mas... não sei, as palavras não saíram.
I believe the words she used were "effective now."
- Tenho a certeza que ela usou a palavra : "Agora!"
The words from Mona's mirror.
As palavras do espelho da Mona?
" And sings the tunes without the words...
E canta uma cantiga sem palavras
How about the words Helmet Smorgasbord, does that mean anything to you?
E as palavras Helmet Smorgasbord, significam alguma coisa?
I need to hear you say the words.
Preciso de te ouvir dizer as palavras.
The words are backwards.
As palavras estão de trás para frente.
I've been asked to use my considerable skills to mine the words for possible clues.
Pediram-me para utilizar as minhas capacidades para ver as palavras e procurar possíveis pistas.
What about the wizard's words?
E as palavras do feiticeiro?
- You know the words?
Sabes a letra?
- I know the words.
- Sei.
DNA, the right words, a dash of cardiac arrest, and it gets you into the bardo state.
ADN, as palavras certas, uma paragem cardíaca... e entras no Estado de Bardo.
In other words, he needs to be the center of attention.
Por outras palavras, precisa de ser o centro das atenções.
"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone."
Rkocheckers "As lágrimas amargas derramadas nos túmulos são pelas palavras não ditas e acções por realizar." Harriet Beecher Stowe.
The same two words that you let me say to Harvey and Jessica.
As mesmas que me deixaste dizer ao Harvey e à Jessica :
Not for the sweet words of flattery, but for justice, peace.
Não pelas doces palavras de lisonja, mas, pela justiça, pela paz.
Lyle's assistant said that you and the mayor exchanged some words this morning?
O assistente de Lyle disse que você e o Presidente falaram esta manhã?
And he was my good friend, and I knew that he was telling me the truth. Those words were such a wakeup call for me.
Ele era um bom amigo e eu sabia que ele estava a dizer a verdade.
Then there's all the stuff you try to say with your body, then you get into the deep shit, everything you're trying not to say in the space between words and looks.
Depois temos tudo aquilo que tentamos dizer com o nosso corpo, e, é aí que te metes em sarilhos. Tudo aquilo que tentas não dizer entre as palavras e os olhares.
Those are the magic words.
- Essas são as palavras mágicas.
I know these words don't make up for the last six months of your life... no words ever can... but they're all I have. And so I will use them now.
Sei que estas palavras não compensarão os últimos 6 meses da sua vida... nenhuma palavra jamais o fará... mas, elas são tudo aquilo que tenho, então, irei utilizá-las agora.
I believe protocol dictates the prisoners are allowed some final words.
Acredito que o protocolo de prisioneiros permite algumas palavras finais.
So in other words, procreation is the only acceptable goal of sexual activity?
Por outras palavra, a procriação é o único objetivo aceitável na atividade sexual?
I've exchanged four words with the man.
Eu mal troquei quatro palavras com o homem.
Although you do seem to have a little trouble with some of the bigger words.
Mas parece tens alguma dificuldade com palavras maiores.
I wanna precisely what you wrote about her, the exact words.
Quero saber exactamente o que escreveste sobre ela. As palavras exactas.
The General spoke those words only to gain me favor.
O General só disse aquelas palavras para granjear-me favor.
You speak to the Priest of Sobek, the God of Water, with cursed words?
Falas com o Sacerdote de Sobek, o deus da água, com palavras amaldiçoadas?
The beads, they spell out words.
Com pontos, eles formam palavras.
A man of few words, but always the right ones.
Um homem de poucas palavras, mas sempre as certas.
We speak without thinking how our words affect those that we care about the most.
Falamos sem pensar como as nossas palavras afetam aqueles de quem mais gostamos.
Those were the secretary's words?
Foram essas as palavras do Secretário?
Dr. Oppenheimer... asked me to say a few words about the road ahead.
O Dr. Oppenheimer... pediu-me para dizer algumas palavras sobre o caminho a seguir.
You hardly said two words on the ride over here.
Mal disseste duas palavras no caminho para aqui.
words 313
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words like 23
the world is yours 18
the walking dead 44
the who 68
the way i see it 340
the world is changing 33
the whole thing 282
the way you talk 19
words to live by 22
words like 23
the world is yours 18
the walking dead 44
the who 68
the way i see it 340
the world is changing 33
the whole thing 282
the way you talk 19
the way of the future 27
the wall street journal 16
the walls 37
the world has changed 35
the way i look at it 29
the wall 69
the way things are going 26
the way i figure it 33
the whole nine yards 33
the waitress 23
the wall street journal 16
the walls 37
the world has changed 35
the way i look at it 29
the wall 69
the way things are going 26
the way i figure it 33
the whole nine yards 33
the waitress 23
the war is over 139
the way things are 19
the way i heard it 23
the wedding 120
the way 34
the witch 63
the whole world 65
the window 97
the warehouse 20
the witness 70
the way things are 19
the way i heard it 23
the wedding 120
the way 34
the witch 63
the whole world 65
the window 97
the warehouse 20
the witness 70