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There we were traducir portugués

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It's the story that made me want to be an historian in the first place, for I understood when I was quite small that there were two special things about the Jews - that we'd endured for over 3,000 years,
É a história que me fez querer ser um historiador em primeiro lugar, Pois entendi quando era bastante pequeno Que havia duas coisas especiais sobre os judeus -
You know what, maybe he thought we were meeting there.
Sabes que mais, talvez ele tenha pensado que nos íamos encontrar lá.
When two people have been as close as we were, then it hurts too much for there to be any ill will.
De modo algum. É um prazer vê-la. Na verdade, eu queria...
I heard things out there were crazy lately. But I didn't think we were a national security threat.
A nossa happy hour tem sido uma loucura, mas não pensei que fôssemos uma ameaça à segurança nacional.
I have to admit, there was a minute there I didn't believe we were all gonna make it out of that place.
Tenho de admitir que, a um certo ponto, não acreditava que íamos sair deste lugar.
Um, we were told there were several street performers who work the area.
Fomos informados que havia vários artistas de rua a trabalhar na área.
Back when Cyrus and I were together, we made a deal that if we ever got separated or if anything ever happened, we'd always meet back there.
Quando o Cyrus e eu estávamos juntos, fizemos um acordo de que se fossemos separados ou se alguma coisa acontecesse, iríamos encontrar-nos lá.
You were hoping, like we were all hoping, that Roger was still out there.
Esperavas, assim como todos nós, que o Roger ainda estivesse vivo.
If there were a better match, we'd already know.
Se houvesse mais alguém compatível, nós já saberíamos.
We don't even know if they were in there for sure, so let's wait until we do know.
Nem temos a certeza se eles estavam lá, por isso vamos esperar até sabermos.
We were lucky to get out of there at all.
Tivemos sorte de sair de lá inteiros.
If they were out there, we should see them.
Se eles estão lá fora, deveríamos vê-los.
We were there quite late.
Ficamos lá até muito tarde.
She just said we were to go there.
Ela apenas disse que fosse para lá.
We were, I don't know, 10, 11... and there was this one kid in class who was always mean to us... always picking on us.
Nós tínhamos... sei lá, 10 ou 11 anos, e havia um rapaz na classe que sempre era malvado e perturbava-nos.
That party we just threw, there were over a thousand people there, bro.
Havia umas mil pessoas na nossa festa.
So every time we come rolling into town, you knew the 4-56 was there'cause we were bumping House of Pain.
Sempre que chegávamos à cidade, sabíamos que o 4-56 estava lá, porque ouvíamos House of Pain.
And I'm proud to say the 4-56, the whole time we were there, we never lost a guy, not one casualty.
E orgulho-me de dizer que a 4-56, enquanto lá estive, nunca perdeu ninguém. Não sofremos baixas.
I was in third grade and you were taking me over to Anthony Nadar's house for his birthday, and we were there early, so we gave him a ride around the block, and he was talking about how much he loved your car,
Estava no terceiro ano e ias levar-me a casa do Anthony Nadar aos anos dele. Chegámos cedo, fomos dar uma volta de carro com ele e ele disse que adorava o teu carro.
We left the lair because the Foot were taking hostages and we kicked some serious butt, and there was this girl named April O'Neil who took our picture...
Deixámos a toca porque o Clã tinha feito reféns, arreámos nuns quantos e estava lá uma miúda chamada April O'Neil que nos tirou uma foto.
That said, if there were... Some token you had in mind beyond that... We wouldn't refuse it.
Dito isso, se tivesse mais alguma oferta complementar não a rejeitaríamos.
We were afraid that we'd run into one of them back there.
Estávamos com medo de nos cruzar com um deles ali atrás.
We were so freaked with the badass Brigade stomping in there, we didn't stick around.
Eu e a Bambi tivemos tanto medo da Brigada dos Mauzões, que zarpámos!
We were just getting fucked up and sitting there and saying :
Passávamos o dia mocados, ali sentados a dizer :
Darby was there before we were.
A Darby esteve lá antes de nós.
Now, people have criticized me and some of my colleagues, saying that we were pretending to be objective when there is no objectivity.
Houve quem me criticasse a mim e a alguns colegas, dizendo que fingíamos ser objectivos quando a objectividade não existe.
Did we have a cult? How many were there?
Será que éramos de uma seita?
Blink scouts the next site... and then we leave before they ever know we were there.
A Blink examina o local seguinte e depois partimos, antes de perceberem que estivemos lá.
We were never "mates." There was no mating.
Nunca fomos "amigos". Não havia cá amizades nenhumas.
If there were a functioning government, they'd probably cleanse the entire area with nuclear weapons. and we wouldn't be here.
Se tivesse um governo a funcionar, provavelmente iriam limpar todos os lugares com armas nucleares e não estaríamos aqui.
- We shot four of the five who were in pursuit but there is still more.
Matámos quatro, mas ainda há mais.
We were always told there was nothing left of 13.
Disseram-nos que não restava nada do Distrito 13.
Going to Tom and Linda's wedding, we were afraid we'd be late took back roads and got there in the nick of time?
Lembraste, quando íamos para o casamento do Tom e da Linda e tínhamos medo de chegar atrasados e fomos por estradas secundárias, chegamos lá num instante?
We knew you were there before the honk.
Já sabíamos que estavam aí antes da buzinadela.
We just had no idea they were up there, too.
Só que não fazíamos ideia de que eles lá estavam, também.
There are mysteries to the universe we were never meant to solve.
Há mistérios no Universo que não é suposto serem descobertos.
Oh, and last night, when we were done, you retreated to the other side of the bed like you planted a bomb down there.
E, na noite passada, quando terminamos, tu viraste para o outro lado da cama como se estivesse colocado uma bomba lá.
We were just scared that the perfect person wasn't out there for us.
Estávamos com medo que a pessoa perfeita não estivesse lá fora.
We were there. There's nothing there.
Não havia nada!
If there were just some way we could surprise the giant.
Se houvesse uma forma de surpreendermos a gigante.
There were 13 likely scenarios once we were up on that roof.
Havia 13 cenários possíveis, depois de estarmos naquele telhado.
There were we found them.
Foi lá que os encontrámos.
- Speak! - We were taken to a party. There was drunkenness and lewdness and blasphemy.
- Levaram-nos a uma festa, havia bebida, luxuria e blasfémia.
There were no indications of problems, so we decided to continue on down.
Havia indicações problemas por isso decidimos continuar a descer,
I mean, when we were in India, it was like, looking around, there's Indians everywhere, those guys have it easy.
Quando estávamos na Índia, olhávamos em redor e haviam indianos em todo o lado, eles têm o trabalho facilitado.
When I came to United States, there were not Indians, so you know, we had to compromise the life and we did, and uh, and when you compromise, you pay the price for it, you know.
Quando vim para os Estados Unidos, não haviam indianos, então, tivemos de comprometer a vida e assim o fizemos, e... E quando fazes um compromisso, pagas o preço.
Every time we went to Hollywood, there were cameras everywhere.
De cada vez que íamos a Hollywood, havia câmaras em todo o lado.
Well, Eugene and I we were obviously struggling actors. And we took jobs wherever there was any kind of work.
Bem, o Eugene e eu éramos atores com dificuldades e trabalhávamos sempre que surgia uma oportunidade.
Well, we were down there paying respects to the wife.
Bem, nós estávamos na campa da minha mulher...
We were there making mistakes.
Podemos cometer erros.
We were gonna go check out the shooting gallery over there.
Nós íamos até à galeria de tiro.

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