You and him traducir portugués
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You and him share the same last name.
Tu e ele têm o mesmo último nome.
You know, if Walt actually liked Tim, saw in him what Paige saw, he'd realize that she made the logical choice and he'd stop trying to win her.
Sabes, se o Walt realmente gostasse do Tim, veria nele o que a Paige viu, e perceberia que ela fez a escolha mais lógica e parava de tentar conquistá-la.
And you want me to protect him?
E queres que eu o proteja?
And you were still a jerk to him.
- E foste idiota com ele.
You tell me I'm best to do my nine years and forget Mr Muncie, but unfortunately for him I am not made like you.
Dizes-me que o melhor é cumprir os meus nove anos e esquecer-me do Sr. Muncie, mas infelizmente para ele, eu não sou como tu.
Why do you think Manuel kept Mary with him for three-and-a-half hours when he'd got what he wanted in ten minutes?
Porque é que achas que o Manuel manteve com ele a Mary durante três horas e meia? Quando obteve o que queria em dez minutos?
A prisoner facing as much time as you wouldn't think twice about killing someone standing between him and freedom.
Um preso com uma pena tão longa como a tua não pensaria duas vezes em matar alguém que se interpusesse entre ele e a sua liberdade.
You're going to talk to Jeremy Ramos'father and have him arrange for the release of Suharto Chandra.
Vai falar com o pai do Jeremy Ramos e fazer com que ele agilize a libertação do Suharto Chandra.
I-I thought you'd want to kill him and that you'd try something stupid and you'd get hurt or killed or you'd get in trouble and you... you would...
Pensei que ias querer matá-lo. E tentarias algo idiota, serias ferido, ou morto, ou meter-te-ias numa encrenca, e irias...
And you were right. I should have told him right away because it was okay.
E estavas certo, devia ter-lhe contado logo, não era nada demais.
Wallace wants to take a bullet for you, and you're mad at him?
O Wallace quer levar uma bala por ti, e estás zangada com ele?
So you helped him rape and torture Sierra for 10 years?
Por isso ajudou-o a violar e a torturar a Sierra durante 10 anos?
You just have to find him and then tell them where he is.
São nossos amigos.
She and the boy have a close bond, so with luck, she'll lead you to him.
Por isso, agora, precisamos de um rosto em que ela confie.
I was going to give him back to you. Before this one and that one. Wrecked my timing,
Eu ia devolver-to, antes desses dois terem destruído o sentido de oportunidade.
You were going to find him. And I was going to be there.
Tu ias encontrá-lo e eu ia lá estar.
Well, just have him keep trying to kill you, and I'll follow the sound of the shots.
Bem, deixa que continue a tentar matar-te, e eu seguirei o som dos tiros.
Because he's a good friend, and you love him. Huh?
Porque é um bom amigo e tu adora-lo.
You know who and what Stan is, and you still defend him.
Sabes quem e o que o Stan é, e ainda o defendes.
So the next time you see Marine Corporal Ted Cardenas, you make sure you walk up to him, shake his hand, and thank him for his service.
Então na próxima vez que vires o soldado militar Ted Cardenas, faz o favor de ir até ele, apertar-lhe a mão, e agradecer pelo serviço.
You and him?
Tu e ele?
And I need you to convince him to stand down.
E preciso que o convença a parar.
I need... to talk to the president, and you need to get him for me.
Preciso... Falar com o Presidente, e tu precisas apanhá-lo por mim.
What were you thinking, trying to get him to talk me out of the Army? And you are depressed.
No que estavas a pensar, quando tentaste que ele falasse comigo para convencer-me a sair do exército?
Our best bet is Marconi's jeep, so I'm gonna go and take that from him. But it's safer if you stay here.
O NIV pertence a um camião da Segurança Nacional.
And the dirty little secret is you fell in love with him.
E o segredo sujo é que tu apaixonaste-te por ele.
I don't know if you know this or not, but if a white guy says the N word and I hear it, it means I gotta fight him.
Não sei se vocês sabem, mas se um tipo branco disser "preto" e eu ouvir, tenho de andar à porrada com ele.
and you said, "What you gonna name him?" and he said, "Jesus,"
e perguntares : "Como se vai chamar?" e ele responder : "Jesus"
And Hitler always was animated and loud, when you'd see him in news reels.
E estava sempre animado e falava alto, quando o víamos nas notícias.
Who knows? And with that stupid collar you made him put on, he's barely half as strong as he was.
E com esse colar estúpido que o forçaste a colocar, ele mal tem metade da sua força normal.
Hulk told us about him. And did Hulk also warn you that it's best to leave me alone when I'm working on one of my projects?
E o Hulk também vos avisou que é melhor deixarem-me sozinho quando estou a trabalhar num dos meus projectos?
That's why I made my traps easy for him to evade and hard for you.
Por isso fiz armadilhas fáceis para ele e difíceis para vocês.
And what would you tell your sister when you didn't find him?
E o que dirias à tua irmã quando não o encontrasses?
Do you feel that way about him in the here and now?
Sentes isso por ele neste momento?
If this Aelle is going to kill you, then me and all my brothers will seek him for revenge, and you know that.
Se esse Aelle vai matar-te, então eu e os meus irmãos procuraremos vingança, e tu sabes disso.
You'll find him and bring him back. To justice.
Vão encontrá-lo e trazê-lo de volta... para ser feita justiça.
And so, you betrayed him, you betrayed everything that you once believed in.
Portanto... traiu-o e traiu tudo em que um dia acreditou.
And you let him rot in that cell for 11 years?
E deixou-o apodrecer naquela cela durante 11 anos?
When you think about Commodus, who had more, personally, and more, historically, going for him than any other human being previous in the history of human existence...
Ao pensarmos em Cómodo, com mais a seu favor, pessoal e historicamente, do que qualquer pessoa na História da existência humana...
You have underestimated him already, and he only grows stronger.
Já o subestimaste e ele continua a crescer em força.
Narcissus was an athlete, a wrestler, and Commodus looks to him to train him, because he wants to achieve the kind of level of fitness that you need need to have to appear in the games.
Narciso foi um atleta, um lutador, e Cómodo vai ter com ele para o treinar, porque ele quer atingir o nível de aptidão física que é necessária para participar nos jogos.
Tell him that you don't care what he did, that you love him no matter what, and that's why you've come back.
Diz-lhe que não te importas com o que fez, que o amas independentemente disto e foi por isso que voltaste.
But right now, I'm a voice for your son, and if you want to help me find who did this to him, you got to work with us, not against us.
Mas agora, sou uma voz para seu filho, e se quiser me ajudar a encontrar quem fez isso com ele, precisa trabalhar conosco, não contra nós.
And now you know as much about him as I do.
E agora conhecem-no tanto quanto eu.
You find a sick guy and you walk him around and you have him cough on everybody.
Encontras um tipo doente e fazemo-lo andar por ai, e ele infecta toda a gente.
Or if they'd just shot him, you know, and not killed him, but...
Se o tivessem alvejado, mas não o tivessem matado.
GA was brilliant at mime, and I can sort of see him, you know, going up through these buildings, you know, half-bombed buildings... and chucking grenades out, and then finding huge jars of pickled peppers and dills,
O AG era ótimo na mímica e conseguíamos vê-lo a subir uns edifícios bombardeados na guerra, a atirar granadas, encontrar jarros enormes de picles e a engoli-los de um trago.
And I could feel him beginning to fidget, you know, when you move your feet around the floor a bit.
Percebi que ele estava a ficar inquieto, como quando andamos de um lado para o outro.
And I asked him, " Well, what would you be doing if there hadn't been a war?
E perguntei-lhe : " O que estaria a fazer se não tivesse havido uma guerra?
I've seen you with your son and I know that shit happens with couples, just... you're gonna find him, Clay.
Já te vi com o teu filho e sei que essas merdas acontecem com os casais. Apenas... Vais encontrá-lo, Clay.
And what the Prez wants, he's not gonna get because you're not gonna let him.
E o Presidente não vai conseguir o que quer, porque não vou permitir.
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your brother 31
you and your family 21
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your wife 27
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
you and what army 19
you and i 1254
you and your sister 16
you and your brother 31
you and your family 21
you and i have a lot in common 16
you and your wife 27
you and your friend 16
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and mr 71
you and your friends 27
you and i need to talk 36
you and i are done 20
you and your husband 19
you and i both know 34
you and i are friends 19
you and i together 16
you and i both know that 16
you and mr 71
you and dad 20
you and 111
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and you 80
and him 200
you and 111
you and your 24
you and her 39
you and mom 16
you and dr 42
you and you 80
and him 200