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You saved him traducir portugués

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And you saved him?
E você salvou-o?
You saved him.
Tu salvaste-o.
- You saved him, you saved Biggles?
- Você o salvou... salvou o Biggles?
Remember the time you saved him in the tree?
Lembras-te do dia em que o salvaste na árvore?
And then you saved him.
Quando chegou, você salvou-o.
But you saved him so he is very much your servant.
Mas salvou-Ihe a vida. É seu criado.
I mean dad choked, you saved him!
Eu acho que papai ficou chocado, você o salvou!
How you saved him when you were a kid.
Como o salvaste quando eras pequeno.
Are you nuts? You saved him!
Estás maluco ou quê?
You saved him once. That's enough!
Já o salvaste uma vez, já chega!
You saved him.
Você o salvou.
How you saved him?
Como o salvou?
You saved me, and you saved him.
Salvaste-me, e salvaste-o a ele.
He literally put a gun to my head and told me to leave him. - And if you saved him...
apontou uma arma a minha cabeça e disse para eu o deixar.
- I saved him for you.
- Eu o segurei para você.
You saved his life, so you owe him something.
Você salvou-lhe a vida por isso deve-lhe algo.
I didn't particularly trust him, so I paid him well, but he's unhappy. - He wants more money. - Well, he saved you a lot.
Não confiava nele, por isso paguei-lhe bem, mas agora quer mais.
If you'd hit him harder, you'd have saved me a lotta work.
Se tivesse o atingido mais forte, teria me poupado muito trabalho.
You couldn't have saved him, huh, Mr. Logan?
Não o pôde salvar, Sr. Logan?
And if it had to be your Gitano that saved him for me and for himself, then I think I shall love Gitano from now on, as much as you do.
Agora, pode viver a sua vida e se casar. E se foi o teu Gitano que o salvou, para mim e para ele, Então acho que amo o Gitano, a partir de agora.
Jake. you saved his life. he wouldn't kill you. Not after you take him to the money.
Você salvou a vida dele, ele não o vai matar... se você disser onde está o dinheiro.
With Christ, you're saved, and without him, you're lost.
Com Cristo, vocês estão salvos, e sem ele, estão perdidos.
Was you saved by him, Lulu, honey?
Fostes salva por ele, querida?
At least you've been saved the effort of removing him.
Pelo menos pouparam-te a tarefa de teres de remover o cadáver.
You miraculously saved yourself from your enemies. And now you want to get killed by him?
E agora queres ser morto por eles?
By waiting for him outside the theater you saved CONTROL $ 1.80. I've seen the picture.
Já vi esse filme.
And you went and saved him.
E o salvou...
I suppose you're gonna give all the money we saved to him.
Eu sabia! Eu sabia que ias-lhe dar o dinheiro que poupamos durente este tempo!
You may take him now for interrogation. But I want the body saved for the Cultural Museum.
Levem-no para o interrogatório.
I am delighted that Vulcan was saved, but you cannot expect Lokai and people like him to act with self-discipline, any more than you can expect a planet to stop orbiting its sun.
Ainda bem que Vulcano foi salvo, mas pode esperar que o Lokai e a gente dele ajam com autodisciplina, tanto como pode esperar que um planeta pare de orbitar em torno do sol.
He almost killed me. You saved me. I almost lost my horse to him.
Ele quase me liquidou.Salvaste-me. Quase perdi o meu cavalo.
You saved him a finger.
Cavalgaste bem.
You saved my baby, broke the spell that was upon him.
Salvaste o meu bebé, acabaste com a maldição que pairava nele.
- You could have saved him.
- Você poderia ter salvo ele.
- You could have saved him yourself.
- Você mesmo poderia tê-lo salvo.
Well, you should have mentioned the name Cornelia Cronin to him. You would have saved yourself a Studebaker.
Se tivesses falado em Cornelia Cronin, terias poupado um automóvel.
If you'd been in touch with him, you could've saved his life?
Se tivesses mantido o contacto, tê-lo-ias salvado?
... Who saved your daughters life? "Instead of filling his pockets With silver, you Want to kill him."
Tentou disparar contra aquele que merece ser recompensado?
For those of you who haven't met him, this is Dr John Wiseman - the genius who saved my Allan's life.
Para os que ainda não o conheceram, este é o Dr. John Wiseman - o génio que salvou a vida do meu Allan.
And he waded in there with a lead pipe and he saved your ass and now you're going to deny him over his dead body?
E ele apareceu com aquele cano de chumbo e safou-te e agora renegas o tipo em cima do seu cadáver?
Did you watch him when he made that ballsy jump and saved...
Viste quando ele deu aquele salto arriscado e salvou...
Bob, you saved him!
Bob, salvou você!
If she hadn't married him, he'd have killed you. She saved you.
Se não tivesse casado com ele, ele matava-te.
If you'd reacted in time, could you have saved him?
Se tivesses reagido a tempo, terias conseguido salvá-lo?
If I'd known... I would have saved him for you No matter what the cost I would have delivered him
Se eu soubesse tê-lo-ia salvado por si.
Remember what he said? "I would have saved him for you, no matter what the cost."
Lembra-se do que ele disse? "Eu tê-lo-ia salvado por si, custasse o que custasse."
Yeah, you probably could have saved him.
Sim, talvez o tivesses podido salvar.
Your love could have saved him, if only you'd tried!
O teu amor podia tê-lo salvo, se ao menos tens tentado.
I saved him for you.
Eu guardei-o para ti.
But I saved it, and him, for you.
Mas eu guardei-o, e a ele, para ti.
- Superman has saved all our lives even yours, thousands of times, and you repay him with betrayal?
super-homem já salvou as nossas vidas até a sua, mil vezes e você retribui-lhe isso com traição?

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