There it was traducir turco
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I logged on, and there it was, my personnel file, my real name.
Personal dosyam, gerçek adım.
The world woke up the morning after and there it was.
Dünya ertesi sabah uyandığında duvar oradaydı.
There it was again.
Yine aynı kişi.
I turned around to make a detour and there it was again.
Trafiğe takılınca yolumu değiştirmek için geri döndüm ve... köpeği tekrar gördüm.
Normally, I'm not an ear girl, but when Vinnie told me that he was putting a tongue saber in there, and he said he was swishing it around, my chair was like a wading pool.
Normalde pek kulaktan tahrik olan biri değilimdir ama Vinnie bana sivri dilini oraya soktuğunu ve her tarafını yaladığını söylediğinde sandalyem seyyar havuza dönmüştü.
There you go. That wasn't too hard, was it?
Al işte, o kadar da zor değildi, değil mi?
Ahh, there it is. I knew the real Ben was still in there somewhere.
Gerçek Ben'in hâlâ orada olduğunu biliyordum.
- Yeah, it's just there was this kid at the event today who's in one of those homes.
- Evet, mesela bugün öyle evlerden birinde kalan çocuklardan biri oradaydı.
It does sound like there was no telling him.
Anlaşılan ona laf anlatmak zormuş.
Interestingly, there was a sizeable haematoma across the chest - we couldn't understand it.
İlginçtir, tüm göğüs boyunca büyükçe bir hematom vardı ne olduğunu anlayamadık.
I mean, you might could think I'm trouble, when I handed it to you it was all there.
Kurnazlık yaptığımı düşünebilirsin ama verdiğimde hepsi oradaydı.
In fact, there was one railroad passenger who said, " I don't care if it costs me $ 500.
Demiryolu yolcularından bir şöyle demişti. " Bana 500 dolara patlasa bile umurumda değil.
There were dozens of newspaper reporters that went along with the posses, keeping track of the manhunt and how it was progressing.
İnsan avının nasıl gittiğini, ilerleme olup olmadığını ve neler olabileceğini yazan onlarca gazete muhabiri vardı.
It was a confluence of changing technology, so there was a sense in which the American experience was gonna change.
Teknolojide gelişim patlaması olmuştu. Bunun bir sonucu olarak Amerikan deneyimi de değişecekti.
But it was hard to get there.
Fakat ulaşması zordu.
He was adjusting to the reservation life, not that he liked it, but there was a certain acceptance, I guess.
Hoşuna gitmese de yerleşim alanındaki hayata uyum sağlamıştı. Kabullenme vardı sanırım.
But it's a funny thing... when I thought I was done, dying, there was this one memory.
Ama işin komik tarafı bittiğimde, öldüğümü zannettiğimde sadece bir tane anı vardı zihnimde.
There was this, you know, it's very difficult to get.
Bunu elinden almak çok zor.
I know what it looks like, but there was no other way.
Nasıl göründüğünü biliyorum ama başka yolu yoktu.
You wouldn't see it unless you knew it was there.
Orada olduğunu bilmediğin sürece göremezsin.
But by the time the FBI cleaned it up, you were gone, and Stax was there.
Ama FBI davayı temizlerken sen yok oldun ama Stax oradaydı.
It smells like there was drinking involved, as well.
Burnuma işin içine içkinin de karıştığına dair kokular geliyor.
It makes sense, his DNA was found there.
DNA'sı orada bulundu, mantıklı gibi.
It was like some higher power put me there, that moment.
Sanki beni oraya koyan... yüce güç varmış gibi gelmişti.
And it was you who put it there.
Bunu oraya koyan sendin.
Initially, there was, like, this residual sense of betrayal, but now that I know you're serious, you know, it kind of softens the blow.
İlk başta aramızda bir düşmanlık hissi vardı ama şimdi sen ciddi olduğun için etkisi yumuşadı.
I only went in there to see Cooler'cause he said it was urgent, and she was there, and then I... and then I just, I heard this voice.
Oraya sadece Cooler'i görmek için gitmiştim çünkü acil demişti ve kız oradaydı ve ben... onun sesini duydum.
There's a reason it was called The Dark Ages.
Karanlık Çağ denmesinin bir sebebi var.
By the time our ships got there with the cure, it was too late.
Gemilerimiz oraya tedaviyi götürdüğünde her şey için çok geçti.
Lex said it was bad out there, but I didn't know he meant this bad.
Lex dışarısının kötü olduğunu söyledi, ama bu kadar kötü olduğunu bilmiyordum.
And from there, it was just a pretty great summer.
O andan itibaren harika bir yaz geçirdik.
And Channel 2 was there last night as Lieutenant Governor Ray Carroll made it official, announcing his run for congress.
Bobby'nin yanında kendine hakim olmalısın. Vali Yardımcısı Ray Carroll kongre adaylığını açıkladığında kanalımız oradaydı.
They've slowed down the video to make it seem like I was there for a long time.
Video yavaşlatılmış, sanki ben... orada uzun süre kalmışım gibi göstermek için.
Well, I think that if people knew that there was someone that could protect them, it would... it would really help.
Şey, bence insanların kendilerini koruyan birisinin olduğunu bilmeleri gerek bu çok çok yardımcı olurdu.
The proof that you did it... was lost. Such that, to anyone who wasn't there in person, They wouldn't know you had did it.
Öyle ki orada bulunmayan kimse senin yaptığını bilemez.
It is believed that Sebastian Jane was murdered by certain mob interests to whom he owed money, a lot of money, and then, according to the police, there were several rumors in the criminal world that you had hired local racketeers
Sebastian Jane'in öldürüldüğü düşünülüyor Kendisine borçlu olduğu belli çıkar çatışmalarıyla, çok para, Ve sonra, polise göre,
Well, I'm not gonna lie, Barry, it was pretty rough there at first, but you know Felicity, she's tough.
Sana yalan söylemeyeceğim, Barry başta biraz zordu ama Felicity'yi tanırsın, çetin cevizdir.
When I, uh, when I first got there, it was like I was immediately a target.
Oraya ilk gittiğimde bir anda hedef olmuş gibiydim.
We found out there was this lost kid and, uh, it was hell finding him but... but we did.
Kayıp olan bir çocuk vardı onu bulduk ve, onu bulmak gerçekten zor oldu, ama, biz yinede bulduk.
There was an accident, he became infected, and passed it on to Dr. Sanders here at the hospital.
Bir kaza olmuş ve virüs ona bulaşmış, ve ondan da hastanede Dr. Sanders'a bulaşmış.
There was an accident, get it?
Bir kaza oldu, anladın mı?
I didn't say it was, but there is a fine line between self-empowerment and self-destruction.
Öyle olduğunu söylemedim, ama kendini yok etmeyle....... kendini güçlendirme arasında ince bir çizgi vardır.
It was like a, um, you know, an out-of-body experience. I was standing there and I'm watching all my frustrations come flooding out on this poor guy and his bike.
Orda durmuş bütün öfkemin bu zavallı adama ve bisikletine akmasını izliyor gibiydim.
TV was just a stepping stone. It's time to put my first love back out there.
İlk aşkımı ortaya çıkarmanın zamanı gelmişti.
It was just there, even then.
Tam oradaydı. O sırada bile.
It was the middle of the night, and there you were, and you were beard deep in watermelon.
Gecenin bir vaktinde buradaydın, ve suratın karpuza gömülmüştü.
I figured it was just the sun, but then... I felt like there was a hole being drilled in the top of my head.
Önce güneşten sandım ama sonra kafamın üstünde bir delik açılıyormuş gibi hissettim.
It was a complex case and there were many details that were elusive and, at times, required further thought and examination before I could give a definitive answer.
Karışık bir vakaydı ve daha fazla düşünme ve araştırma gereği olan anlaşılması zor detaylar vardı. Bunlardan dolayı kesin yanıt veremiyordum.
I know there was a briefing - inspectors and above - and no-one's letting me in on it.
Dedektifler, üstündekiler ve kimsenin bilmemi istemediği bir şey var.
It was definitely there in that envelope.
Mesaj kesinikle orada, zarfın içindeydi...
Yeah, but then there was this picture in the paper and Greg said it was the same bloke.
Ama sonra gazetede bu resim vardı. Ve onun aynı adam olduğunu söyledi.
there it is 2912
there it goes 120
there it is again 133
there it goes again 28
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
there it goes 120
there it is again 133
there it goes again 28
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you 35
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you 35
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was good 635
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it was me 921
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it was nice 232
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was good 635
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232