They were together traducir turco
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They were together last night. Yes, dancing.
- Dün gece birlikteydiler.
In Calcutta they were together.
Kalküta'da birlikteydiler.
They were together in Marseilles several years ago.
Birkaç yıl önce, Marsilya'da beraberdiler.
You mean they were together?
Yani beraberler miymiş?
He says he was near Daddy, because they were together when his soul was... dis... dis...
Babamın yanında olduğunu söylüyor, çünkü onun ruhu şey olduğu zaman birlikteymişler... şey...
Or because they were running away together? Because he was losing his meal ticket? That's equally ridiculous.
Belki de birlikte kaçacakları ve ekmek teknesini kaybedeceği için yapmıştır.
Sir Francis and Adrian were in Burma together, weren't they?
Sör Francis ile Adrian Burma'da beraberlerdi, değil mi?
They were going to spend the whole day together!
Bütün günü birlikte geçireceklerdi!
It's just that sometimes two people drift apart and they have to get together again because they were cut out for each other.
Bazen ayrılan iki insan..... tekrar bir araya gelmek zorundadır çünkü birbirlerinden koparılmışlardır.
You see, there were five little pigs... and they all lived together.
Bak burada küçük bir patika var. Büyük bir tavşan geçiyormuş.
So now they were all together.
Artık hepsi biraradaydı.
They had a couple of fellas in a civil rights protest... that were chained together, and I was taking pictures.
Bir insan hakları protestosunda birkaç kişi kendini zincirlemiş ben de resimlerini çekiyorum.
The pigs were all crowded together, and how they were shrieking!
Domuzlar bir araya toplanmışlardı,... feryat figandı hepsi!
But they're good people and they're kind people and together, we were beginning to get over this dark patch.
Ama onlar iyi insanlar ve nazik insanlar ve birlikte bu kara lekenin üstesinden geliyorduk.
She lived with my wife and they spent many long hours together during which they were abused and insulted.
Hakaretlere ve aşağılanmalara maruz kaldıkları süre boyunca eşim ve o birlikte çok zaman geçirdiler.
because they had served in Saint Cyr together and were both competitive.
Çünkü ikisi de Saint Cyr'da görev yapmıştı ve ikisi de birbirine rakipti.
They were found together in his office.
Ofisinde basılmışlar.
Together they were traveling in Transylvania.
Birlikte Transilvanya'ya seyahat ediyorlardı.
But they're good people, and they're fine people... and together we were beginning to get over this bad patch.
Ama onlar iyi insanlar, hoş insanlar ve beraberce bu kötü durumu telafi edeceğiz.
With that much money involved, they'll know we were in it together.
İşin içinde bu kadar para olunca, birlikte yaptığımızı anlarlar.
They were walking together and talking.
Beraber yürürken konuşuyorlardı.
They were in high school together...
Liseyi beraber okumuşlardı.
Jealously I used to wonder what they were laughing at together.
Kıskanç bir şekilde beraber neye güldüklerini merak ederdim.
We were ranks all together, they had beaten them, they given them murros, e had made them to be of foot, in lines, to be counted.
Hepimiz tekme ve yumruklarla sayılabilmemiz için sıraya sokuluyorduk.
The two wars in opposing sides of the world now they were joined, but not together.
Dünyanın iki ucu arasındaki savaş ilintilendirilmiş ancak henüz birleştirilmemişti.
Hell, I didn't even know they were goin'together.
Lanet, birlikte olduklarını bile duymamıştım.
They were doing a book together.
Beraber bir kitap üstünde çalışıyorlardı.
They had spent the years since their marriage drifting unrestfully, wherever people played polo and were rich together.
Evlendikleri günden bu yana, insanların polo oynadığı ve herkesin zengin olduğu mekanların arasında mekik dokudular.
They were a really beautiful couple together.
İkisi çok hoş bir çift olmuşlardı. Gösteri beni tahrik etmeye başlamıştı.
Together they formed a band whose names and deeds... were refold throughout the centuries.!
Hep birlikte, isimleri ve yaptıkları asırlar boyu anlatılan.. .. bir topluluk kurdular...
When last seen, they were frolicking together in the jungles of Africa on safari.
Son görüldüklerinde, Afrika ormanlarında safaride birlikte mutlu bir yaşam sürdürüyorlardı.
They were both in the Army together.
Orduda beraberdiler.
Damn, I should have realised they were working together.
Kahretsin, beraber çalıştıklarını tahmin etmeliydim.
- They were at University together.
Nasıl yani? - Aynı üniversitede okumuşlar.
They have worked together for years. They were terrible prima donna
Yıllarca beraber çalıştılar.
- if they were gonna live together?
-... özgürlük tanıması gerektiğini söylememiş miydik?
Of course they were fine together.
Tabii ki birlikte çok iyilermiş.
So how long were they together?
Ne zamandan beri birIikteydiIer?
They were always together.
Her zaman birlikteydiler.
For two years, he struggled to pull them back together, Like the were when they first met.
Adam 2 yıl boyunca, tekrar ilk tanıştıkları zamanki gibi olmaları için mücadele etti.
I knew they were completely inhuman, not even male or female, but both, bundled together in a scaly reptilian body.
Tümüyle insanlık dışı olduklarını biliyordum. Kadın veya erkek bile değil, ama her ikisinin kabuklu, sürüngen bir bedende bohçalanması.
They didn't believe too, because we were all together, and nobody was taken away, and nobody was burned.
Onlar da inanmadı. Çünkü hep birlikteydik.
They were induced to write letters, induced to write letters by the SS, uh, to their relatives in the Theresienstadt ghetto, saying that they are all together, et cetera. They had better conditions of food, for instance?
SS tarafından, Theresienstadt'daki akrabalarına bir arada oldukları gibi şeyler yazmaya teşvik ediliyorlardı.
There were so many difficulties, and they rarely managed to get together.
Bu kadar çok zorluklar yaşadılar ve nadiren birlikte olmayı başardılar.
I like the way they felt when you were putting me together.
Beni birleştirirken bana dokunuşun hoşuma gitmişti.
No, they'll know we were together.
Hayır birlikte olduğumuzu anlarlar.
They were beautiful together.
Beraberken hoştular.
had this great idea that they all get together, and, well, I don't really know what it was about, but the important thing is they were all together, and they did it as a family.
Az önce Rin Tin Tin'in koca bir ülkeyi kurtarışını izledin. Çok ilham vericiydi, değil mi? Hiç değilse kafanı kaldırıp bana bakabilirsin tembel pire torbası.
They didn't care. The plane was going down, they were all gonna die, but they loved each other dearly and they wanted to die together. They loved each other.
Uçak düşecekti ve hepsi öleceklerdi ama onlar, onlar birbirlerini o kadar içten seviyordu ki eğer öleceklerse birlikte ölmek istiyorlardı!
They were in the Marines together, you know?
- Birlikte deniz kuvvetlerindeydiler.
Shelly and Holling were doomed from the first. They just never fit together.
Benim bildiğim şey, Shelly ve Holling'in başından beri kötü sona mahkum oldukları.
they weren't there 24
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were beautiful 18
they were right 58
they were not 22
they were gone 49
they were delicious 18
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were beautiful 18
they were right 58
they were not 22
they were gone 49
they were delicious 18