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Translate.vc / turco → inglés / [ S ] / Sen osun

Sen osun traducir inglés

210 traducción paralela
Yaşadığın hayatta sen neysen osun.
You are what you are for the one life you have.
Sen osun.
You're the one.
Sen osun.
That's what you are.
Sen osun.
You are the one.
- Sen osun.
- Oh, you are.
Demek sen osun.
So that was you.
Sen osun.
It's you.
- Tanrım, sen osun!
- God, you are.
Burada dostum, sen eskiden kimsen osun.
In here, man, you are what you were.
Oh sen osun.
Oh it's you.
Sen osun, olmayan ama ben Oyum, olan.
"You are she who is not" "but I am he who is"
Sen osun, değil mi?
You are him, ain't you?
Sen neysen osun.
You are what you are.
- Çünkü sen osun.
'Cause you're the one.
Tamam işte, sen osun.
Go to, mum, you are he.
Sen osun, değil mi?
You're him, huh?
Sen neysen osun!
You are what you are!
Demek sen osun!
So you're the one
Sen osun, sen de sen!
You're him, you're you!
Sen osun!
You're the fucking guy!
Sen neysen osun, başkası değil.
You are only yourself, no one else.
Sen osun.
You the man!
Hadi Will, Sen neysen osun.
Come on, Will. You are who you are.
Ben kim olmanı istersem, sen osun.
You're whatever the fuck i want you to be.
Sen osun Steven Price?
You're that Steven Price?
- Hayır sen osun.
- Nope, you're the one.
Sen osun!
You're him!
Sen neysen osun kimse bunu not etmese bile.
You are who you are, whether or not anybody's made note of it.
Sen osun...
You're him...
Sen osun.
You're the.... The....
Sen osun, Tanrı aşkına.
You are him, for frell's sake.
Sen osun, Perşembe günü sabah saat 03 : 16.
You're the one, Thursday... three-sixteen in the AM.
Sen osun. Marketin köşesinde takıIan.
You're that guy, that guy, hangs around down at the corner mart.
Sen osun?
You're him?
Sen osun değil mi?
You're him, aren't you?
Sen osun.
You're it.
Sen Gautier'sin, osun işte.
You're Gautier, that's who you are.
Sen aynı osun, yalnız daha yaşlısın.
You are him, only older.
Osun sen!
You are him!
Pırıltılı tanecikler püskürten lambalar 70'ler için neyse, sen de 90'lar için osun.
You are to the'90s what lava lamps were to the'70s.
- Sen osun.
- You're him.
Biliyor musun, sen Big Bang teorisi var ya, işte osun.
"What you are, is part of Billie's Big Bang theory"
Ben neysem sen de osun, kocaman bir hiçkimse!
You're just the same as me, a big nobody!
Ben oyum, sen de osun, ben senim ve hep birlikteyiz
* I am he, as you are he, As me are you and we are all together... *
Ben oyum, sen de osun
* I am he * As you are he
Ne olursa olsun Sen dogruyu yapıosun, ve seninle gurur duyuyorum.
No matter what, you really did it right, and I'm so proud of you.
Baba sen kendine bile bakamıosun.
Dad, you can't even take care of yourself.
Dinle, o adi herifler için biz neysek sen de osun.
Listen, to those cocksuckers, you are what we are.
Sen osun.
You're her.
Sen osun.
Well, it's you. You're her.
Sen osun ve olmak istemiyorsun.
You are and you don't want to be.

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