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Yarina traducir inglés

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Kiz su an komada, ben de yarina kadar onunla konusabilecegimi sanmiyorum.
But the condition that she's in, I wouldn't count on talking to her before tomorrow afternoon if I were you.
Belki de, ona güzel haberi vermek için yarina kadar beklemeliyiz.
Maybe we should wait to tell him the good news.
Evraklari yarina kadar getirebilirsen, sirket borcunu odeyecek.
If you bring the papers by tomorrow, the firm will repay it for you.
Tamam ilk odevin... yarina kadar yeni bir kompozisyon hazirlamak.
All right. Your first assignment... is to prepare for me a new paper due tomorrow.
Eger giymezsen, bir daha yoluna cikmayacagim. Yarina kadar beklemene gerek yok.
If you don't, I won't close your path.
Umut edelim de yarina kadar..... yeterli sayida takvim satabilmis olalim.
My hair got singed into an even cuter'do. - Hey, where's Bender? BENDER :
Kaylee yarina kadar toplamayacak.
Kaylee won't be gathering them until tomorrow.
- Yarina ogle yemegi ayarladim.
Yarina kadar bekleyemeyecek olan nedir, Scipio?
- What is so urgent, Scipio?
merhaba 4.sinif ogretmeniyim bizim yarina bir test hazirlamamiz lazim o yuzden geldi.
Hello, teaching the fourth grade. We came to prepare a test for tomorrow.
Beni yarina hazirla tamam mi?
You settle for me tomorrow, ok
Beni yarina kadar hayatta tutabilir.
That should keep me alive til tomorrow night.
Yarina kadar.
Esas bombayi yarina sakliyorlarmis.
They're saving that bombshell for the follow-up tomorrow.
Yarina kadar vaktim var.
I had until tomorrow.
The only thing we can do is to be here it will be tomorrow.
Lütfen anaç nutuklarini yarina sakla kafamin agrisi biraz geçmis olur en azindan.
Please save the mommy lecture for tomorrow, please, when my head isn't pounding so much.
- Onun icin yarina ne planladin?
What do you have planned for him tomorrow?
Ama yarina kadar onu ikna et.
But you get him for tomorrow.
Sanki yarina çikmayacak gibi emiyor resmen.
He's been sucking them back like there is no tomorrow. Except for his last beer. His last beer was an expensive micro brew.
Yarina kalkacak bir uçagin var.
You got a plane to catch tomorrow.
O vampirler yarina kadar gitmis olurlar.
Those vampires should be gone by tomorrow.
Yarina hallederim.
I'll have it done tomorrow.
Yarina kadar bekleyemez mi?
Can't it wait till tomorrow?

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