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- You called about a DVD player?
- ¿ Ha pedido un reproductor DVD?
She feels sorry about it for weeks.
Pide disculpas por ello durante semanas.
They're all talking about starting this babysitting club.
Todos hablan de empezar ese grupo de canguros.
Tell me about that.
Cuéntame eso.
One of'em's about to fly out. "
Uno de ellos está a punto de volar ".
You wanna know what's maybe the strangest part about it all?
¿ Y sabes qué es lo más extraño de todo?
I haven't thought about any of that since I was a little girl.
No había pensado más en ello desde que era una niña.
I know, this, uh... this is something that Father... it's stuff he doesn't like to talk about.
Lo sé, esto es algo que Padre... es algo de lo que no le gusta hablar.
You are about to transcend, dear.
Estás a punto de trascender, querida.
But once I pass the bridge of your nose, you'll feel a little pinch, but that's about it, okay?
Pero cuando pase el puente de tu nariz, sentirás un sutil pellizco, pero es normal, ¿ vale?
Umm, no idea what you're talking about.
No tengo idea de qué estás hablando.
That's why we didn't know about the paralyzing venom.
Por eso no sabíamos sobre el veneno paralizante.
Umm, what about genetic testing?
¿ Qué me dice de exámenes genéticos?
Who said anything about guns?
¿ Quién dijo algo de pistolas?
Look, Doc and I, we didn't promise each other anything, so we can be grownups about this.
Mira, Doc y yo... no nos prometimos nada, así que podemos ser adultos respecto a esto.
Whoa... So much for being grownups about it.
¿ Así es como se es adulto al respecto?
Science will tell us who the dad is, and then we murder science to keep its filthy mouth shut, and hopefully I never have to tell Doc about this whole unsavoury scenario.
La ciencia nos dirá quién es el padre y luego matamos a la ciencia para que calle su boca, y ojalá que nunca tenga que decirle nada a Doc acerca de este escenario poco placentero.
Oh, I'd say... about 28 weeks.
Yo diría que... más o menos 28 semanas.
About Wynonna.
Por lo de Wynonna.
I wanted to get along and just be mature about it.
Quería que nos entendiéramos y que fuéramos... maduros al respecto.
- Grabby McRevenant is not gonna be too happy about having his thorax crushed, so we really need to skip-a-doodle out of here.
- El Renacido Mañoso no va a estar muy contento con tener el tórax triturado, así que tenemos que apurarnos.
This is about a girl?
¿ Se trata de una mujer?
Oh, I thought we were gonna be mature about things.
Creí que íbamos a ser maduros respecto a las cosas.
Don't even think about it.
Ni siquiera lo piensen.
- about her pie hole.
- de su boca.
Then I chickened out about telling you I chickened out, so...
Luego no me atreví a decirte que no me había atrevido.
What about my history?
¿ Y mi historia?
Funny thing about being a revenant...
Es lo gracioso de ser un Renacido...
I don't know anything about that or I would've told Wynonna!
¡ No sé nada sobre eso - o se lo hubiera dicho a Wynonna!
God, you don't even know about the baby.
Dios, ni siquiera sabes sobre el bebé.
I'm trying not to think about the reasons.
Intento no pensar en los motivos.
But she was right about one thing.
Pero tenía razón acerca de una cosa.
Forget about the DNA results, OK?
¡ No! Olvídate de los resultados de ADN, ¿ de acuerdo?
Let me worry about a test subject.
Yo me encargo del sujeto de prueba.
OK, what about us?
Bien, ¿ qué hay de nosotras?
Private game to which I was about to win big.
Es un juego privado que estaba a punto de ganar.
I wasn't expecting you to be cool about it, but the pouting is getting old.
No esperaba que estuvieras de acuerdo, pero me estoy cansando de que hagas pucheros.
And you're about to lose your girlfriend.
Y tú estás a punto de perder a tu novia.
So what, you care about the Earps all of a sudden?
¿ Qué? ¿ De repente te importan los Earp?
I care about not getting cremated anytime soon.
Me importa no ser cremado en el futuro cercano.
We could all use some, right about now.
Todos podríamos usar un poco de fe en este momento.
- Nobody cares about your body.
- A nadie le importa tu cuerpo. - Sí,
Nedley forget about you?
¿ Nedley se olvidó de ti?
Waverly said Mercedes was mumbling about being in the right place, wrong time.
Waverly dijo que Mercedes murmuró que estaba en el lugar correcto en el momento equivocado.
And I've heard rumours about you, too.
Y también he oído rumores sobre ti.
Wynonna Earp doesn't care about anyone but herself!
¡ A Wynonna Earp no le importa nadie más que ella!
I do not give two shits about that ring right now.
Me importan dos mierdas ese anillo ahora mismo.
Are you here to confess, about the power plant?
¿ Estás aquí para confesar sobre la central eléctrica?
We will talk about it, Wynonna.
About that.
- Hablando de eso.
Sorry about Holliday.
Lamento lo de Holliday.
about last night 149
about yesterday 53
about this morning 24
about me 284
about damn time 21
about an hour ago 126
about it 81
about you and me 17
about you 267
about yourself 16
about yesterday 53
about this morning 24
about me 284
about damn time 21
about an hour ago 126
about it 81
about you and me 17
about you 267
about yourself 16
about what 2516
about time 287
about your mother 24
about that 749
about the wedding 20
about the other night 40
about a year ago 138
about a week ago 65
about your 17
about an hour 78
about time 287
about your mother 24
about that 749
about the wedding 20
about the other night 40
about a year ago 138
about a week ago 65
about your 17
about an hour 78
about earlier 42
about your dad 25
about a month ago 113
about your age 24
about the baby 35
about them 16
about a 36
about a week 45
about face 40
about a year 76
about your dad 25
about a month ago 113
about your age 24
about the baby 35
about them 16
about a 36
about a week 45
about face 40
about a year 76