About before traduction Espagnol
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It's something I've thought about before.
- Es algo que ya había pensado.
And so telling a lie in a digital format comes with substantial risks that we've never, as a set of communicators, ever had to worry about before.
Y así, mentir en un formato digital acarrea riesgos sustanciales, de los que nunca antes, como grupo de comunicadores, hemos tenido que preocuparnos.
Hey, I-I'm sorry about before if I... I made it awkward.
Oye, lo siento por lo de antes si lo... hice extraño.
- Look, I'm sorry about before, and I just want to say the reason I didn't want you to come on the trip is because I've been really emotional about my dad, is because I've been really emotional about my dad, and I didn't want you to see me cry.
Mira, siento lo de antes, y solo quiero decirte que el motivo por el que no quería que vinieras a este viaje es porque he estado muy sensible con lo de mi padre, y no quería que me vieras llorar.
Oh, is there any rules I should know about before we start?
¿ Hay alguna regla que debería saber antes de que comencemos?
I'm talking about before you got here.
Estoy hablando de antes de llegar aquí.
There's something else we gotta talk about before you...
Hay algo más que tenemos que hablar de antes que tu...
The ghost I told you about before.
El fantasma del que te hablé.
Kevin, ca-can't you just for one second... celebrate before you start stressing about money again?
Kevin, ¿ puedes celebrarlo por un segundo antes de empezar a estresarte por el dinero otra vez?
He was still writing about it in his last letter before he was killed.
Aún estaba escribiendo acerca de eso en su última carta antes de que lo mataran.
Her pulmonary artery is lacerated, which means you have about 90 seconds before she bleeds to death on that table.
Su arteria pulmonar está lacerada, lo que significa que tienes unos noventa segundos antes de que se desangre en esa mesa.
I want you to throw everything you think you know about anatomy out the window... and look at this cadaver like you've never seen a human body before.
Quiero que tiréis cada cosa que creéis que sabéis de anatomía por la ventana... y miréis este cadáver como si nunca antes hubierais visto un cuerpo humano.
And tell the florist to come and see me before she starts dressing it, I've changed my mind about those bird of paradise flowers.
Y dile al florista que venga a verme antes de que empiece a vestirlo, he cambiado de opinión sobre las flores del paraíso.
Before long, they're gonna forget all about this rig.
En poco tiempo, olvidarán lo de la plataforma.
I wouldn't worry about Hurricane Annie. She'll peter out before she hits land.
No me preocupa el Huracán Annie, ella va a desaparecer antes de tocar esa tierra.
Oh, we only have about a minute to get up to the roof before the fireworks start!
¡ Tenemos un minuto para subir a la azotea y ver los fuegos artificiales!
Before they find any clue about it, strike hard.
Antes de hallar alguna pista al respecto, golpéa duro.
Yeah, how about next time you page me before you have me arrested?
Sí, ¿ qué tal si la próxima vez me buscas en el localizador antes de hacerme arrestar?
The Brazilian nudists still managed to get up there about three or four times before being caught.
Las nudistas brasileñas lograron llegar ahí tres o cuatro veces antes que las descubrieran.
And we've talked about this before... how people like you, me, and your dad...
Y hemos hablado de esto antes... cómo gente como nosotros construimos algo.
He came in, about a month before we lost Stevie, looking for a job.
Vino a pedir trabajo hace un mes... antes de perder a Stevie.
I'm about to eat this very tart lemon, which normally doesn't sound like a good idea, but before I do, I'm going to first eat this miracle berry from west Africa.
Estoy por comer este limón muy agrio, que normalmente no suena como una buena idea, pero antes de hacerlo, comeré esta baya milagrosa del oeste de África.
If we can't even do that, just one new color that you've never experienced before, we're really in the dark about what the full complexity of objective reality might be.
Si ni eso podemos hacer, solo un nuevo color que jamás has exterimentado antes, realmente estamos a oscuras respecto a cómo podría ser la total complejidad de la realidad objetiva.
What I said before about music, you know, not being a thing...
Lo que dije antes sobre la música, sabes, no ser una cosa...
Listen, I was, thinking about having a tribute tomorrow night for Jeff before my show, and you should come by...
Escucha, estaba pensando en hacer un tributo a Jeff mañana por la noche antes de mi concierto y deberías venir...
Before you go pulling somebody into every part of your life, just think a little bit about how it's gonna feel when it's over.
Antes de echar a alguien de tu vida, solo piensa un poco sobre como te sentará cuando se acabe.
He would come into the studio in the morning, just going on and on about whatever music he'd heard the night before.
Volvía al estudio por la mañana, seguiría y seguiría... con cualquier música que hubiera escuchado la noche anterior.
Look, if you didn't want to go to jail, you should have thought about that before you detonated that bomb.
Mira, si no querías ir a la cárcel, deberías haberlo pensado mejor antes de detonar la bomba.
That's why I hope that this interview makes them think twice about silencing me before the truth comes out.
Por eso espero que esta entrevista les haga pensar dos veces el silenciarme antes de que salga la verdad.
From the look of him, he's got about an hour before he goes into shock.
Desde la mirada de él, que tiene alrededor de una hora antes de que entra en shock.
- Well, then, somebody was there before you that you just didn't know about.
- Bueno, entonces, alguien estaba allí antes que simplemente no sabía nada.
So I guess it's only a matter of time before they find out about you and Agent Wyatt.
Así que supongo que es solo cuestión de tiempo de que se enteren de lo tuyo con el agente Wyatt.
Before the attack, she said something about the couple getting an e-mail.
Antes del ataque, ella dijo algo acerca de la pareja recibiendo un correo electrónico.
You need to know more about this Gustavo before meeting up with him.
Necesitas saber más... de este Gustavo antes de verlo.
ISIS territory is about just a mile away, and apparently they were taking on a ton of fire right before we got here, so, um, we're being safe, we're trying to stay under the sand bags,
El territorio ISIS está a kilómetro y medio. Parece que hubo un fuerte enfrentamiento... antes de que llegáramos. Nos protegemos bajo las bolsas de arena... pero tratando de ver lo que pasa.
An expert on insurgencies and illicit economies, she frequently testifies about Afghanistan before Congress.
Ella habla frecuentemente sobre Afganistán ante el Congreso.
You didn't know about this shipment before you threw him off the bridge?
¿ No sabías de este envío antes de que le arrojarais desde el puente?
- Aah! Aah! But before you ride off to your next hate rally, we need to talk to you about a missing 13-year-old boy.
pero antes de irte a tu próximo paseo, debemos hablar de un chico de 13 años desaparecido.
It's about the before.
Se trata de la anterior.
Every decision about this party has been made for a reason, so before you go unwinding my hard work,
Cada decisión sobre esta fiesta se ha hecho por una razón, así que antes de ir desenrollando mi trabajo duro,
We've never backed down from a tyrant before, and were not about to start today.
Nunca nos rendido ante un tirano antes, y no vamos a hacerlo hoy
He was here before school began, very upset about something.
Estaba aquí antes de que comenzara la clase, muy molesto por algo.
You're about to throw out some scientific term I've never heard before, right?
Estás a punto de echar un vistazo a algunos término científico
I'm sorry about what I said before.
Lamento todo lo que dije antes.
Only about his life before.
Solo sobre su vida de antes.
The questions are only about Slider's life before the murder.
Las preguntas solo son sobre la vida de Slider antes del asesinato. Sí, lo veo.
Oh, that witness that you're so happy about also remembers Ken making out with a woman who left the bar shortly before the murder.
Oh, ese testigo que eres tan feliz por También recuerda Ken besándose con una mujer quien salió del bar poco antes del asesinato.
Anyway, I'll arrange for you to videotape an interview with Slider before his hearing, and then later you devote another post of this little show of yours, "Identity," to a conversation with me about the death penalty.
Arreglaré una entrevista grabada en vídeo con Slider antes de su audiencia y después tú colgarás otro post de este pequeño show tuyo, "Identity", con una conversación conmigo sobre la pena de muerte.
We're gonna talk about your life, Greg, before...
Vamos a hablar sobre tu vida, Greg, antes...
Even before, I... Long before you were ever possessed... I watched over you, thought about you, and worried about you.
yo... mucho antes de que hayas sido poseída... pensé en ti y me preocupé por ti.
I've never met anyone I could talk to about this before.
Nunca había conocido a alguien a quien pudiera contarle esto.
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before you start 24
before your time 20
before i go 103
before we begin 97
before it is too late 16
before we get started 62
before you were born 34
before we start 86
before it's too late 194
before you came 20
before your time 20
before i go 103
before we begin 97
before it is too late 16
before we get started 62
before you were born 34
before we start 86
before it's too late 194
before you came 20
before that 401
before you 99
before we go 60
before we go any further 58
before you do 63
before i do 21
before i 37
before we met 21
before he died 107
before what 97
before you 99
before we go 60
before we go any further 58
before you do 63
before i do 21
before i 37
before we met 21
before he died 107
before what 97