Before i knew it traduction Espagnol
851 traduction parallèle
Before I knew it, he rushed to the table drawer and opened it.
De repente, corrió hacia el cajón y lo abrió.
Days passed, and before I knew it, weeks.
Pasaron días y, antes de que me diera cuenta, semanas.
And before I knew it, I was married... ... to this pillar of the mortgage, loan and trust.
Y antes de darme cuenta, estaba casada con este monumento de hipotecas, préstamos y créditos.
I know it's ridiculous for me to think that you could think that I could write some words but the melody kept saying the words over and over while you were playing and before I knew it, I had a song. - You have?
Ya sé que es ridículo pensar que tú podrías creer que yo podría escribir una letra pero la melodía repetía las palabras mientras la tocabas y antes de darme cuenta, tenía una canción. - ¿ Sí?
I happened to mention I was a bit nervy... and before I knew it I'd agreed to spend a few days with her.
Se siente sola... y le dije que estaba algo nerviosa... y acepté ir a verla.
Before your family knew it, Almost before I knew it.
Casi antes de que me enterara yo.
Well, anyhow, before I knew it, I lost my head.
Bueno, de todas maneras antes de que lo supiera, perdí la cabeza.
Pain made me lose my head, I guess... Began slashing... Before I knew it, I'd put the other kid's eye out.
Me imagino que el dolor me hizo perder la cabeza..... empecé a esgrimir la espada y antes de darme cuenta le había sacado un ojo.
Before I knew it, you were married to her. And you were in love with her.
Antes de darme cuenta te habías casado con ella y estabas enamorado.
I sort of wondered about them, and before I knew it I popped a quarter in and a whole lot of fruit started spinning around like...
Me preguntaba cómo funcionarían y de repente estaba echando una moneda, y un montón de frutas empezaron a girar como...
Well, before I knew it, I popped in another quarter and that was the last of the haircut.
De repente, eché otra moneda, con la que iba a pagar el corte de pelo.
Before I knew it, there I was... Rubbing noses!
Allí estaba yo a un palmo... de narices...!
Before I knew it, I was carrying a gun - and I wished I weren't.
Cuando menos lo pensé, ya estaba armado... aunque deseaba no haberlo estado.
It's like Dr Lennox told me. I got in the same old routine and before I knew it I was on it again.
El doctor Lennox me previno, empecé de nuevo con las drogas y... sin darme cuenta, volví a las andadas.
So, before I knew it, without saying yes or no or even perhaps... there she was on stage with me.
Así, sin darme cuenta, si decir ni sí, ni no, ni siquiera quizá ahí estaba conmigo en el escenario.
Michael, what do you think it might do to Phillip If he knew that I was Nancy voorhees Before I married you?
Michael, ¿ cómo crees que reaccionaría Phillip,... si supiera que yo era Nancy Voorhees antes de casarme contigo?
But we got past the rapids all right. And I'd just left the bridge to go down to get a pot of tea and before you knew it, that orangatang at the wheel runs the nose right in the mud bank.
Ya habíamos pasado los rápidos bajé a hacerme un poco de té y ese gorila que estaba al timón nos metió en un banco de fango.
I knew before you opened your mouth it would be my fault.
Sabía antes de que abrieras la boca que sería culpa mía.
Oh, Peter, I knew how to tell you about it before I left but here... Here there... there are no words for such loveliness.
Peter, sabía cómo decírtelo antes de irme... pero aquí... no hay palabras para tanto amor.
It was unfair to let me tell you this before I knew you were out of work, Frances.
Si llego a saber que no tenías trabajo no te lo habría dicho.
So you knew it before I did?
Así que lo supiste antes que yo.
Did your father say he knew the family before he left here? I don't think he meant to boast of it.
Empiezo a entenderlo ¿ sabe?
What's it worth to you? I knew that was coming even before you said it.
Lo sabía, incluso antes de venir.
I knew I'd seen this face before, I knew it.
Sabía que conocía esta cara, Io sabía.
I knew I had hold of a red-hot poker... and the time to drop it was before it burned my hand off.
Había tomado un hierro candente... y tenía que soltarlo antes de quemarme la mano.
I knew what was in that letter even before I opened it.
Sabia lo que decía esa carta antes de abrirla.
I knew it before it was written.
La conocía antes de que fuera escrita.
Do you find it horrible that I knew a man before you?
¿ Te importa que conociera a otro antes?
I wanted to meet them before I never knew how to go about it, Thanks to you, it was quite simple.
Hace tiempo que quería conocerlos pero no sabía cómo... gracias a ti, ha sido muy sencillo
I didn't know it at first but I knew it before we married.
No Lo supe al principio pero Lo supe antes de casarnos.
I knew where the hotel was because I passed it before.
Sabía dónde estaba el hotel porque antes había pasado por delante.
And before I went back to school the last time, I knew you knew it
La última vez que me fui, sabía que lo sabías.
I guess we both fell in love before we knew it.
Supongo que los dos nos enamoramos en un santiamén.
It reminds me of someone I knew before my marriage.
- Me recuerda a alguien que conocí antes de mi matrimonio.
It wasn't like anybody I ever knew before.
No era como nadie que yo conociera.
It's just that i knew him a long time before i knew you.
Pues que lo conocí mucho antes que a ti.
I wanted it that way but when I saw you in the wickiup and you touched me and you prayed for me I felt bad being alone and I knew that I needed to see you again before I left so that I could find out if it was the same as last night.
Así lo quería pero cuando te vi en la choza y me tocaste y rezaste por mí ya no me gusta estar solo y tenía la necesidad de verte antes de irme para averiguar si sentía lo mismo que sentía anoche.
You have a right to know. It's no proof but when you told me about Chivington, I knew I'd heard his name before.
No tengo pruebas, pero cuando mencjono a Chjvjngton, me sonaba.
Before I throw it, even, I knew already it was the one.
Antes de lanzarlo, sabía que era el definitivo.
And you were gonna tie me up before I knew anything about it.
Te disponías a atarme sin que yo supiera nada.
"Strike down the jailer with a knife." I'd have killed him before I even knew I was doing it.
"Clávale el cuchillo al carcelero",... le mataría sin pensarlo.
I knew what he was going to do before he did it.
Sabía lo que iba a hacer antes de hacerlo.
Shucks, Ellen, I knew Ohms Law before they even passed it.
Ellen, conocía la ley de Ohms antes de que la formularan.
I was afraid if you knew too soon, It'll end us before we begin.
Temía que si te enterabas demasiado pronto terminarías conmigo antes de empezar.
This morning there was a knock on the door. Before I opened it, I knew he was standing on the other side.
Esta mañana han llamado a la puerta y antes de abrir ya sabía que era él.
My wife and I, for three days, have been telling what we knew. We've been before every committee and commission in Washington. It's time we did something.
Mi mujer y yo llevamos tres días respondiendo ante todas las comisiones.
It's odd! Once I knew a girl called Graziella. Before the accident.
Hace muchos años conocí a una chica que se llamaba Graziella.
I never knew before they did it all with rubber bands.
No sabía que los hicieran con bandas de goma.
That was before I knew it was his aunt you were stuck on. - Who's stuck on what aunt?
- ¿ cuando paso eso!
I knew it before that, Jim.
Mucho antes, Jim.
I suppose I knew then that what he was doing was contrary to somebody's law, but... my granddaddy had done it before him, his daddy before him and so on clear back to Ireland.
Supongo que sabía que lo que él hacía era contrario a la ley de alguien. Mi abuelo lo había hecho antes que él... su papá antes que él y así retrocediendo hasta Irlanda.
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before i forget 163
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before i do 21
before i 37
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before i forget 163
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before i go 103
before it is too late 16
before it's too late 194
before i do 21
before i 37
before i was born 20
before i change my mind 51
before i came here 25
before i kill you 16
before i left 26
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew it was you 83
i knew it was him 16
before i came here 25
before i kill you 16
before i left 26
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew it was you 83
i knew it was him 16
i knew it was wrong 23
knew it 50
before 1084
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before you start 24
before your time 20
before we begin 97
knew it 50
before 1084
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before you start 24
before your time 20
before we begin 97