And look at that traduction Espagnol
4,350 traduction parallèle
And look at that.
Y mira eso.
And look at that...
Y mira eso...
And look at that enormous sun.
Y mira ese sol gigante.
And look at that.
Y mira esto.
And look at that view.
Y miren esa vista.
And look at that one there... right there.
Y mira ese... ese de ahí.
And then on into Gambon and look at that grip.
Y entonces en Gambon y buscar en ese agarre.
Ha, ha! And look at that.
Y mira eso.
I... I see the way that people look at me, and I can just imagine what they're saying behind my back.
Yo... veo como me mira la gente, y solo me puedo imaginar que hablan a mis espaldas.
If we look at it in that context, perhaps the ancients would have described a gleaming UFO in the day as a cloud, a bright cloud, and they would have described a brightly lit UFO at night as a fiery pillar.
Si lo miramos en ese contexto, quizá los antiguos describieran un OVNI brillante en el día como una nube, una nube brillante, y describieran un brillante OVNI iluminado de noche como una columna de fuego.
However which way you want to look at this, whether it's a flesh-and-blood alien or an actual angel, they're both extraterrestrials, so there's no question about that.
A pesar de la manera en que se quiera ver esto, tanto si es un alienígena de carne y hueso o un ángel de verdad, ambos son extraterrestres, así que no hay discusión sobre eso.
When you look at some of the glyphs at Nazca, they would seem to be just simple things... animals and figures and things like that.
Cuando nos fijamos en algunos de los glifos de Nazca, que parecen ser las cosas simples... animales y figuras y cosas por el estilo.
All the teachers look at me and think that I'm some kind of irrational remainder.
Todos los maestros me miran y piensan que soy un resto irracional o de algún tipo.
Look, I'm a therapist, and Lacey is part of an anger management group that meets at my house once a week.
Mire, soy terapeuta, y Lacey es parte de un grupo de control de ira que se encuentra en mi casa una vez a la semana.
Then we place the mark on the kid's head unbeknownst to him, surreptitiously, and we look at the child's reaction when he sees that he, too, has a mark on the forehead.
Luego colocamos la marca en la cabeza del niño sin que se dé cuenta, subrepticiamente, y observamos cuál es su reacción cuando percibe que él también tiene una marca en la frente.
STEPHEN'. When I look back at that fall, I didn't realise at the time it was a warning sign of things to come but I recovered and soon had more pressing things on my mind.
Cuando miro hacia atrás en ese otoño, no me di cuenta en el momento, que era una señal de advertencia... pero me recuperé y pronto tuve cosas más apremiantes en mi mente.
at least two people in the lander and one person in orbit, then you've eliminated essentially, if you made that decision first, early enough in the process, you've eliminated half of the permutations you need to look at.
por lo menos dos personas en el vehículo de aterrizaje y una persona en órbita, entonces usted ha eliminado esencialmente, si usted tomó esa decisión en primer lugar, lo suficientemente pronto en el proceso, que ha eliminado la mitad de la permutaciones que usted necesita para mirar.
That's great. Look at that. You got the weight set and everything.
Tienes el juego de pesas y todo.
I know it was a lot of painting and you had to move all that furniture, but look at that view from up here.
Sé que tuvimos que pintar un montón y has tenido que mudar todos estos muebles, pero mira esa vista desde aquí arriba.
You just want me to look at that computer and find out where this guy is.
Solo quieren que mire esa computadora y averigue dónde está el tipo.
I have to go, you've got hours before that test, so... ( Sighs ) look at the material again, just to refresh, and I'm sure you're going to do really well this time.
Me tengo que ir, tienes horas antes del examen, así que... Mirar el material de nuevo, sólo para refrescarlo, y estoy segura de que lo harás muy bien esta vez.
And Mrs. Watson, you can't possibly deny that this is your child... because as you can see, he has a lot of Sands blood in him... look at these ears.
Y la señora Watson, no se puede, posiblemente, negar que este es su hijo... ya que como se puede ver, tiene una gran cantidad de Sands sangre en él... mirar a estos oídos.
Look, when you and I walk down a street, our senses can only tell us what's happening at that moment, right?
- Mira, cuando tú y yo caminamos por una calle, nuestros sentidos solo nos dicen que está pasando en ese momento,
Ha! That's funny because when I left 100 years ago, you were just a pathetic, little scrapper still trembling from the lashes of the whips of those who would you keep you do, and now look at you...
Es gracioso porque cuando me fui hace cien años, solo eras un patético rebelde que todavía temblaba por los latigazos de los que te mantenían y ahora mírate...
I mean, look, we were told to pick the creep up at the airport, drop him off, and that's what we did!
Mira, nos dijeron que recogiésemos a este asqueroso en el aeropuerto, que lo dejásemos en el hotel, ¡ y eso es lo que hicimos!
Whoa. There is no way that I would look directly at the judge and not notice it was a different person.
No hay modo que mirara directo al juez y no darme cuenta que es una persona diferente.
You could do that if you want to, Ron, or we assume it's Callum and look at the original investigation.
Puedes hacer eso si quieres, Ron, o asumimos que es Callum y examinamos la investigación original.
We took one look at you and said, "That's our Togo."
A simple vista, nada más verte nos hemos dicho, "Ahí está nuestro Togo".
The company has a department that helps people with relocation and the woman just suggested that we look at some possibilities and...
La empresa tiene un departamento que ayuda a la gente a recolocarse y la mujer sugirió que miráramos algunas posibilidades y...
Didn't you at least put on some sunscreen, or does that make you look slick and oily?
¿ No puedes al menos ponerte crema solar, o la grasa hace que no estés elegante?
That's a girl who says things that makes you look at your life in a whole new and mostly negative way.
Es una chica que hace que mires tu vida de una manera completamente nueva y en su mayoría negativa.
I know it was a lot of painting and you had to move all that furniture, but look at that view from up here.
Sé que había que pintar mucho y que tuviste que mover los muebles pero mira la vista desde aquí arriba.
You know when you see a dead cat in the road and you don't want to look at it but then the more that you try and stop yourself, the more that you can't help it?
¿ Sabes cuando ves un gato muerto en la carretera y no quieres mirarlo pero cuanto más intentas evitarlo, menos puedes evitarlo?
Look at that little body, it's so cute and small.
Mira ese cuerpito, es tan lindo y pequeño.
Hopefully, you guys can see beyond that and just look at the potential instead.
Con suerte, chicos puede ver más allá de eso y con tan sólo mirar en el potencial en su lugar.
Look at the reality of the weather patterns and the damage that it has caused.
Mira la realidad de los patrones climáticos y el daño que ha causado.
You look at these guys today, they're the same mindset of the guys that were flying the P-51 Mustangs and Corsairs. It's that seat-of-the-pants, "tell me how to start the thing and I'll figure out the rest."
Miras a estos tipos hoy, y ellos tienen la misma actitud que los que volaban los B51 Mustang en la guerra "dime como se arranca esta cosa y yo voy descubriendo el resto"
Okay uh, that didn't go well at all, I'm just gonna close my eyes and count to 50, and when I look up, you'll be gone and we won't speak for a few months but then,
Vale, eso no es así. Voy a cerrar mis ojos y contar hasta cincuenta, y cuando te mire, te habrás ido y no hablaremos en meses pero entonces, pasado un tiempo, volveremos a ser amigos y fingiremos que no sucedió.
And if you look at the screen here, what you see is a lot of them survived that exposure.
Tendrás un sistema.
That's when he agreed to go downstairs and have a look at things.
Luego hubo aceptó a bajar y echar un vistazo a las cosas.
Bit at the same time, closely coupled, my eyes move when I look at it, I have to move my arm to grab it, and I have to keep it like this if I want to sense the weight of it, and we think that the coupling of sensory processes and motor processes is what allows us to perceive.
Pero al mismo tiempo, estrechamente interrelacionados, mis ojos se mueven cuando la miro, tengo que mover mis brazos para tomarla, y tengo que mantenerla así si quiero sentir su peso, y creemos que el acoplamiento de los procesos sensoriales y motores
And look at you, pulling that nightgown, like I have never seen your nekkid butt.
Y mírate, tirando de ese camisón como si nunca hubiese visto tu culo desnudo.
If you're a good batter, then you can effectively look at the bowler and maybe know by his particular bowling style or small cues - - and that's shown by the blue shading - - which is a different area.
Si eres un buen bateador, entonces puedes mirar efectivamente al lanzador y tal vez saberlo por el estilo de su lanzamiento o por pequeños indicios... y eso se muestra en azul... la cual es un área distinta.
It felt so horrific to me that I couldn't do anything but look at this character and go, "This is the coldest guy in the DC universe."
Me pareció horrible no poder hacer nada salvo mirar al personaje y decir : "Es el tipo más insensible del Universo DC".
And while that may have been necessary when the trust was established, it's important to look at Violet now... a responsible, sober, and glamorous adult.
Y aunque eso pudo ser necesario cuando se estableció el fondo, es importante mirar a Violet ahora... una adulto responsable, sobria y glamorosa.
Sean and his colleagues at the data analytics company quid collect all available information about conflicts around the globe, then they look for patterns that emerge from the seeming chaos.
Sean y sus colegas en la empresa Quid de análisis de datos recolectan toda la información disponible sobre conflictos alrededor del mundo, y luego buscan patrones que surgen del caos aparente.
Tell him I'm gonna go right now to look at the raw interview again and that he can look at it with me if he wants.
Dile que ahora mismo iré a ver el material sin editar de nuevo y que puede verlo conmigo si quiere.
And I spent so much time transitioning away from goth, and look at me... it's, like, I'm back in that look.
Y he estado mucho tiempo alejándome de lo gótico, y ahora mírame... es como si hubiera vuelto a ese look.
I mean, it only takes one look at my skin to prove that you have no skills, no talent and have no right to be working in this business.
Quiero decir, solo basta dar un vistazo a mi piel para probar que no tiene las habilidades, talento y ningún derecho a trabajar en este negocio.
A moment where they look at each other in the eye, and bing, just like that, everything comes back.
Un momento en que ambos se miran a los ojos, y bang, así, de vuelta al pasado.
I mean, the idea that a painting isn't a historical record is from literary people who seem to just not look at pictures and just read texts.
Quiero decir, la idea de que una pintura no es un registro histórico es de gente de letras que parecen no mirar pinturas y que solo leen textos.
and look 537
and look at this 104
and look at you 67
and look what happened 61
and look at me now 26
and look at you now 29
and look here 23
and look at me 53
and look what i found 16
and look at him 21
and look at this 104
and look at you 67
and look what happened 61
and look at me now 26
and look at you now 29
and look here 23
and look at me 53
and look what i found 16
and look at him 21
and look what happened to him 16
look at that 4253
look at that face 76
look at that smile 26
look at that one 58
look at that shit 20
look at that body 28
look at that thing 43
look at that guy 49
look at that view 28
look at that 4253
look at that face 76
look at that smile 26
look at that one 58
look at that shit 20
look at that body 28
look at that thing 43
look at that guy 49
look at that view 28
at that point 168
at that time 260
at that moment 137
at that 82
at that age 33
and later 123
and listen 231
and louis 16
and last but not least 51
and lead us not into temptation 55
at that time 260
at that moment 137
at that 82
at that age 33
and later 123
and listen 231
and louis 16
and last but not least 51
and lead us not into temptation 55