Answer me this traduction Espagnol
783 traduction parallèle
Mr. Dingle, answer me this, who was it located and leased this apartment?
Señor Dingle, contésteme : ¿ Quién habitaba y quién tenía arrendado este apartamento?
All right then, answer me this, who was it allowed you to sublet half of her apartment against her better judgment?
Entonces dígame : ¿ Quién podía alquilar la mitad de su apartamento de la forma en que mejor le pareciera? - Usted.
¡ Un millón de cosas!
If you're not Macaire, the escaped convict, answer me this :
Ya que niega ser Robert Macaire, evadido de la prisión de Tolón, responda rápido y sin vacilar.
Answer me this, will you? Why is gold worth some $ 20 an ounce?
Respóndeme, por favor, ¿ por qué vale 20 $ una onza de oro?
Answer me this, what is bringing all that occupation money to this village?
¡ Respóndame a esto! ¿ Por qué entra tanto dinero de ocupación en este pueblo?
Answer me this.
Respóndeme a esto.
But answer me this little riddle
Pero respóndame este pequeño acertijo.
Answer me this.
Dígame qué quiere.
Answer me this, any of you.
Respóndanme, cualquiera de ustedes.
All right, now answer me this.
De acuerdo, ahora respóndame a esto.
OK, answer me this - why didn't he try to influence me when I asked for his advice?
- De acuerdo y ¿ por qué no trato influirme cuando le pedí su consejo?
Then answer me this instead :
Contéstame entonces lo otro.
Answer me this, Panisse. Are you going to marry her?
Contésteme esto, Panisse.
You shall answer to me for this!
Luego me responderá por esto.
Pardon me for calling at this hour, but Mr. le Président desires an early answer.
perdóneme por venir a esta hora, pero el Presidente quiere una respuesta.
Sir, what's the meaning of this? Captain will answer your questions.
- ¿ Me explica qué es todo esto?
The John Doe idea may be the answer, the one thing capable of saving this world, and you sit on your fat hulks and tell me you'll kill it if you can't use it.
Es posible que la idea de Juan Nadie sea, actualmente, lo único capaz de salvar este disparatado mundo, y usted se sienta ahí y dice que acabará con ella si no puede utilizarla.
Crumpets or no crumpets, either you'll answer my question, or I'll send for the police, and charge this girl with embezzling charity money.
Con o sin bollos, o me responde a la pregunta o llamo a la policía, y acuso a esta chica de apoderarse de dinero de caridad.
When I'm tryin'to think of the answer to that one, someone'll fetch me over the head with a sack a meal, and that's what I'll get for throwin in with this fool kinda business.
Cuando trato de pensar la respuesta, alguien me lía la cabeza... y aquí estoy metido en este asunto que no entiendo.
If I ran away and never found out the answer to the rest of this... I'd never know for sure about you, would I?
Si me voy ahora sin una conclusión... nunca sabré la verdad sobre ti, ¿ no?
I'd like an answer by this evening.
Me gustaría una respuesta por esta tarde.
If you'II forgive me, I have to answer this immediately.
Si me perdona, Sr. Larkin, tengo que contestar de inmediato.
Faith, can't I have an answer, a real answer this time?
Faith, ¿ no me das una respuesta, una verdadera respuesta?
If you answer this question, you'll get $ 5 fabulous pesos! Let's see.
Y se usted me responde a una pregunta que le voy hacer usted gana la fantástica suma de cinco pesos.
If the court pleases, this man will not answer me.
Le ruego al tribunal, este hombre no me contesta.
D'you hear? You answer it. do me this favour. And tell her I've had enough.
- Responde tu dile, decile que estoy cansado.
Now, if I tell my aides, "This is an entrechat", "This is a chassé", they'll always answer, "Yes, sire", even if I'm wrong.
Puedo decir a mis oficiales : "Eso es un'entrechat', un'chassé'." Y ellos contestan : "Sí, Sire", aunque me equivoque.
You better give me an answer this time.
Mejor que me des una respuesta esta vez.
Not till you tell me this question, this answer.
No hasta que me conteste.
Now, let me hear what your answer is to this.
Ahora déjame oír tu respuesta a esto.
It's impossible at this stage to give you a positive answer.
A estas alturas me es imposible darle una respuesta segura.
The way I behave and my departure this morning... Well, they are simply my answer to the kiss your highness gave me, that kiss which had all your pity in it and all your contempt.
Mi comportamiento y mi marcha repentina... son la respuesta al beso que su alteza me dio.
Commander, let me answer you in this way.
Comandante, deje que le conteste de este modo.
Answer me! What kind of an inquisition is this?
¿ Qué clase de atropello es este?
- And you will answer it before I leave this room.
- Y responderás a ella antes de que me vaya.
Because, if I leave with empty hands, everybody in this village will answer to me - when I come back!
Porque si me voy con las manos vacías, el pueblo entero responderá ante mí cuando regrese.
I know Larry asked me not to discuss this with you... but I just have to have an answer on this Hawaiian deal.
Sé que Larry me pidió que no hablase de esto contigo... pero necesito una respuesta sobre lo de Hawai.
I'll answer that burning question after you tell me what's wrong with that miracle of modern science, and also exactly how much this current larceny is going to cost me.
Contestaré a esa lacerante pregunta después de que me haya explicado que ha ocurrido con ese invento del diablo, y exactamente lo que va a costar el actual robo.
I know, but this is not a good enough answer for me.
Sí, bueno, pero para mí, ésta no es respuesta suficiente.
Look, Charles, I don't like having to answer letters like this.
Mira, Charles, no me gusta tener que responder a este tipo de cartas.
Answer me. Is this your kid?
Respóndeme. ¿ Es tu hija?
Would the committee grant me one hour to prepare an answer to this testimony?
¿ El comité me daría una hora para preparar una respuesta a este testimonio?
And this morning... Grafton handed me the answer on a platter.
Esta mañana, Grafton me dio la respuesta en bandeja de plata.
Do you want me to answer this letter From the San Diego Zoo?
Quieres que responda a esta carta del Zoo de San Diego?
This is your answer to me?
¿ Así me contestas?
I'm willing to forget all this... but you have to give me your answer by tommorrow, otherwise... I'll just have to defend my own interests.
Yo estoy dispuesto a olvidar todo... pero decidan antes de mañana, o de lo contrario... tendré que decidirme a defender mis intereses.
Cut out this nonsense and answer me.
Detén todo este sin sentido y responde.
In order to answer this question I have written this film, not by following any chronological or logical thread, but rather by following my political beliefs and my poetic sentiments.
Para responder a esta pregunta, os muestro esta película. Sin seguir un hilo cronológico, ni tan siquiera lógico. Más bien, me he dejado llevar por mis ideas políticas y mi sentimiento poético.
Hilda! Come and answer this thing, it's driving me mad!
Es la vieja granja otra vez.
You'll answer to my government for this outrage! Outrage! You have kidnapped me.
Es inútil sacar las barras de las ventanas.
answer me 1429
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is it 3373
this is important 545
this is bullshit 584
this is bad 606
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is it 3373
this is important 545
this is bullshit 584
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is different 405
this is me 479
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is a 428
this is fun 448
this is different 405
this is me 479
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is a 428
this is fun 448
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is for you 917
this is not good 352
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this is amazing 700
this morning 1627
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083
this isn't right 330
this is for you 917
this is not good 352
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this is amazing 700
this morning 1627
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083