Before i was born traduction Espagnol
654 traduction parallèle
Well, you see, she kicked the bucket before I was born.
Ella murió antes de que yo naciera.
I always think it that way. - He was in asylum before I was born.
Lo internaron antes de que yo naciera.
My mother was frightened by my father before I was born and I've been frightened ever since.
Mi mamá tuvo miedo de mi padre antes de que yo naciera y yo tengo miedo desde entonces.
Dale, you know, my father killed a man once just before I was born.
Si es una tradición familiar. Mi padre mató a un hombre justo antes de que yo naciera.
Know every little syllable, even before I was born.
Sabe todas las pequeñas sílabas,.. incluso antes de que naciera.
He used to live here in this town before I was born.
Me saludaba a mí.
My mother died before I was born.
Mi madre murió antes de que yo naciese.
- No es culpa mía.
We've had them in the family before I was born.
Están en mi casa desde que yo nací.
He used to live here in this town before I was born.
Solía vivir aquí en esta ciudad antes de que yo naciera.
But you belong to me, even before I was born.
Pero tú me perteneces, desde siempre, incluso desde antes de nacer yo.
She was here long before I was born.
Vive aqui desde antes de que yo naciera.
He was with my father before I was born.
Ya estaba con mi padre antes de que yo naciera.
A story that had its beginning before I was born, on the day the parson arrived in our town.
Una historia que se remonta a antes de que yo naciera, al día en que el Pastor llegó a nuestra ciudad.
The room's full of ancestors that I don't even know because they were around centuries before I was born.
Está lleno de antepasados que yo no conozco porque son de siglos antes de nacer yo.
Edmund Bourke... about 20 years before I was born... Stood up in parliament, and said... There were 3 estates of the realm...
Edmund Burke, 20 años antes de que yo naciese, dijo en el Parlamento que había tres estados :
See, my dad died before I was born... and she left England and went to Canada - to Montreal.
Mi papá murió antes de que naciera... y ella se fue de Inglaterra a Canadá, a Montreal.
Two years before I was born ; 18 years.
Dos años antes de que yo naciera, dieciocho años.
He was with the Governor long before I was born.
Cuando yo nací ya estaba con el Gobernador.
He was flying planes before I was born.
Ya pilotaba antes de que yo naciera.
My father and mother were the duc and duchesse de Monchartres... and they both died before I was born.
- Es una historia muy triste. Mis padres eran el duque y la duquesa De Monchartres... y murieron antes de que yo naciera.
You must have been a grown man before I was born.
Usted ya debía ser un adulto antes de nacer yo.
He made up his mind I'd be a doctor before I was born.
Quería que fuese médico antes de que naciera.
In that sense, my life began even before I was born on an afternoon of June 1924.
En ese sentido, mi vida comenzó incluso antes de nacer una tarde de junio de 1924.
I was born by a girl thrown out of a brothel who gave birth and cursed me before she died.
Yo nací de una niña que echaron de un burdel que me parió y me maldijo antes de morir.
When I was a geisha, I knew your father and I loved him, but he left me before you were born. "
Yo me enamoré de él, pero él me abandonó antes de que tú nacieras.
Thank goodness I was born before the days of movies and "It."
Gracias al cielo que nací antes de los días del cine y del "Eso".
I was a soldier before you was born.
Fui soldado antes de que nacieras.
My pet, as I told you before Bonnie was born... it's immaterial to me whether you have one child or 20!
Como te dije antes de que naciera Bonnie... ¡... es irrelevante que tengas un hijo o 20!
I was married before you were born.
Estuve casada antes de que nacieras.
For years before he was born I was made unhappy and ill.
Durante años antes de que naciera me hicieron infeliz y estuve enferma.
I had to come all the way out here to meet a tough sergeant named Kelly... who was born in a slum and educated in an army camp... before I was fit for a woman like Valentine.
Tuve que venir hasta aqui para conocer a un sargento duro llamado Kelly... que nació en una barriada y se educó en un campamento militar... antes de merecerme a una mujer como Valentine.
"then she must've died before ever I was born."
"debió de morir antes de que yo naciera".
And before you were born, sir, when you were nothing but a toss-up between a girl's and a boy's name, I was a soldier.
Y antes de que hubiese nacido, cuando no era nada más que un nombre que se echaba a suertes, ¡ yo era soldado!
My dear, I was hiding behind screens before you were born.
Querida, yo me escondía detrás de los biombos antes de que tú nacieras.
Well, I was born in 1917 in the New England town where my father was born, his father before him, my mother too.
Pues nací en 1917 en la ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra en la que nació mi padre, su padre antes de él, y mi madre.
I knew about these things before your great-great-great-grandpa was born.
Te digo que yo de esto sabía antes de que naciera tu tátara-tátara-abuelo.
- I wound bandages before you was born!
- Yo vendaba antes que tú nacieras.
I was calling him Don before you were born.
Yo lo llamaba Don antes que tú nacieras.
I was going to the ballet before you were born.
Iba al ballet antes de que naciera.
I was drinking beer before you were born.
Bebo esto desde antes de que tú nacieras.
Escuha, always remember me... how I was born and my mother died, and that before his death he said :
Escuha, siempre me recuerdas... cómo nací y murió mamá, y que antes de morir dijo :
Before you was born, I did.
Lo hacía antes de que nacieses.
I've never told you this before, but when Johnny was being born it was Ken you cried out for, not me.
Nunca te lo he dicho, pero el día que nació Johnny era a Ken a quien llamabas, no a mí.
It was only a week before William was born I found out we only rented it.
Una semana antes de que naciese William descubrí que era alquilada.
I was too old for this before either one of you were born.
Ya era un anciano para esto antes de que ustedes nacieran.
You know, Herr Steinhof, I was born in an American town that was founded 134 years before Germany became a nation.
Sabe, Herr Steinhof, yo nací en un pueblo norteamericano fundado 134 años antes de que Alemania llegase a ser nación.
I was born by a girl thrown out of a brothel who gave birth and cursed me before she died.
Mi madre fue una chica a la que echaron de un burdel... que me dio a luz y me maldijo antes de morir.
I sang that song long before your pa was ever born.
Ya cantaba esa canción mucho antes de nacer tu padre.
I... I was so... so healthy before Edmund was born.
Estaba... tan saludable antes de que naciera Edmund.
I never knew what rheumatism was before you were bo... born.
Nunca supe lo que era el reuma hasta que tú naciste.
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before i go 103
before it is too late 16
before it's too late 194
before i do 21
before i 37
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before i go 103
before it is too late 16
before it's too late 194
before i do 21
before i 37
before i change my mind 51
before i came here 25
before i kill you 16
before i left 26
i was born ready 48
i was born here 96
i was born 51
i was born with it 17
i was born there 40
i was born in 43
before i came here 25
before i kill you 16
before i left 26
i was born ready 48
i was born here 96
i was born 51
i was born with it 17
i was born there 40
i was born in 43
i was born this way 22
i was born that way 17
was born 28
before 1084
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before you start 24
before your time 20
i was born that way 17
was born 28
before 1084
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before you start 24
before your time 20