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Bring her home traduction Espagnol

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I'll see you when you bring her home. Okay, bye.
sí hasta luego, cuando llevará a casa la Sveva
I will bring her home.
La llevaré a casa.
My Tommy will bring her home.
Mi Tommy lo traerá a casa.
Her brother has asked me to bring her home for a visit.
Su hermano me ha pedido que la lleve a casa.
- You dictate to her and bring her home.
- Puede y lo hará. - Dicte y muéstrele el camino.
If you don't bring her home, don't come back!
Otra ostra.
Reckon if I was to go up to Augusta and find her she'd let me bring her home?
¿ Crees que si fuera a Augusta a buscarla me dejaría traerla de vuelta?
Why don't you fly down there in an aerioplane with a bunch of roses in your hand... and meet her when she gets off and bring her home?
¿ Por qué no toma un avión con un montón de rosas... la recibe al bajarse del tren y la trae de regreso a casa?
Yes, Jerry gave us a few. I had to bring her home with one engine.
Sí, nos han dado problemas. Hemos tenido que volar con un motor.
- When you bring her home, I'll have something warm to cheer you up.
Lo intentaré. Estaré más a gusto en casa.
I'll be pleased to bring her home, ma'am.
Será un placer acompañarla a casa, señora.
The neighbor had to bring her home.
No fue nadie, la trajo doña Amalia.
Not if you don't bring her home on time.
- No si la traes a buena hora.
How could you take her there and not bring her home?
¿ Como pudo llevársela y luego dejar que volviera a casa sola?
- Don't bring her home no more.
No vuelvas a traerla a casa.
- But we should bring her home!
Yo me encargo de ella. - Dígale que venga pronto.
La traeremos a casa sana y salva.
Que Bill la traiga a casa y la meta en la cama.
Besides, we're all members of the same car club. They asked us to bring her home and, sort of like friends of the family.
Somos del mismo club y quieren que la llevemos a casa.
The management didn't want any trouble, so they hired me to bring her home.
La gerencia me contrató para traerla. - ¿ Lo contrató?
Why doesn't somebody just fly out there and bring her home?
¿ Por qué no volamos allá y la traemos a casa?
Bring her home, right away.
- Acompáñela a casa ahora mismo. - Sí, señor.
Every time in the last year that I've dared take a woman to dinner... or been reckless enough to bring her home to meet you... you've done all you could to make her unwelcome.
Cada vez que invito a una mujer a cenar o traigo a alguien a casa la hacen sentir mal y poco bienvenida.
Maybe you will marry her and bring her home for your brother to see.
Te vas a casar con ella y la llevarás a tu casa para que la vea tu hermano.
Bring her home here or something.
Traerla a casa o eso.
All I gotta do is find out where they've got her and bring her home.
Asi que solo tengo que descubrir donde la tienen y traerla a casa.
Half now, half when I bring her home.
Mitad ahora y mitad después.
I'll bring him here, to the lady's dressing room or to her home. We must find him and bring him here.
Tendríamos que buscarlo y traerlo aquí.
I used to dream of the day when you'd bring me home a sweet one... and her all blushes, and present me with fine grandsons... as would be like sons of my own, only sweeter.
de ese tamaño... y yo lavaba ropa... soñaba con que algún día me traerías a casa a una jovencita... toda sonrojada, y me dieras nietos... que serían como mis propios hijos, pero aún más tiernos.
And Rhoda positively refuses to bring her friends home while she's here.
y Rhoda se niega a traer a sus amigos mientras ella esté aquí.
If you don't like what she's doing, bring her back home.
Si no te gusta lo que hace, tráela de vuelta a casa.
D'you know how quickly I can take my daughter and bring her back home?
¿ Sabes lo deprisa que puedo coger a mi hija y llevarla de vuelta a casa?
Tell Messua that Mowgli has avenged her man. He has killed Shere Khan and will bring home his yellow hide.
Ve y dile a Messua que Mowgli a vengado a su hombre que a matado a Sher khan y traerá su piel amarilla a casa
I'll bring her home.
- Yo la llevaré a casa.
That will bring her home.
La traeré a casa.
For if you laugh at her, I will tell of your wedding night with Ole when you cry all the time, and he bring you home to mother.
Porque si te burlas de ella, contaré sobre tu noche de bodas con Ole cuando lloraste todo el tiempo y él te llevó a casa con mamá.
Yes, if you bring her home early.
- Si no le sabe mal, claro.
I'll still welcome your daughter into my home, give her an education, and bring her up in a decent household.
Sigo dispuesta a acoger en casa a tu hija, a instruirla, a educarla, a hacer que crezca en un ambiente honrado.
I'll bring her home in my car.
¡ Vamos, vamos!
Said she'd bring her right home.
- No, volverán pronto.
- When you come home, don't bring her.
- Cuando vengas a casa, no la traigas.
Mrs. MacKenzie, doesn't your daughter ever bring home her problems?
Señora MacKenzie, ¿ su hija no comenta nunca sus problemas con usted?
The truth is my daughter did bring her troubles home and I wouldn't understand.
La verdad es que mi hija sí me comentaba sus problemas y yo no la entendía.
She could bring her lovers home.
Podía llevar a sus amantes a casa.
Her father used to bring me home after work for dinner.
Su padre solía llevarme a su casa a cenar, después del trabajo.
If David can't bring her back, she comes home by bus.
Si David no puede traerla, regresa en autobús.
- No, it's that every time I leave, I must bring her. - Can't she stay home?
No, es que cada vez que salgo tengo que llevarla conmigo
Pero quiero que las dos estéis en casa cuando la traiga de vuelta.
If we take her home, give her to a different family who bring her up properly, she might be all right. Or she might be worse.
Si la llevamos a casa, a una familia diferente... que la eduque como es debido quizá esté bien.
But he was most annoyed by Elsa's ignorance of lion etiquette which calls for the lioness to bring home the food and then sit by until her lord and master has had his fill.
Pero le molestó mucho que Elsa pasara por alto la regla leonina que indica que la leona lleva la comida el hogar y se sienta a esperar hasta que su amo y señor esté satisfecho.
Ifyou want to take her home, bring us the money.
Si quieres llevártela a casa, tráenos el dinero.

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