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But he isn't traduction Espagnol

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I've always looked up to Michael but he's gone and it isn't my fault.
Yo admiraba a Michael. Ahora no está y no es mi culpa.
He sure isn't sleeping with you now, but you know what?
Ya no se acostará contigo, ¿ pero sabes qué?
Edward isn't even my cousin. He's my first cousin once removed, but he's still entailed.
Edward ni siquiera es mi primo, es primo segundo de la familia, pero aún así, él es primero.
Thankfully his life isn't in danger but he can't fulfill his normal duties.
Afortunadamente su vida no está en peligro... pero no puede cumplir con sus deberes con todos.
Well, of course he is slow but basically he isn't dangerous, he won't hurt anybody.
Bueno, sí es un poco lento, pero no es peligroso, no lastimaría a nadie. - ¿ Cómo te llamas?
Grandfather - well, I call him that, but he isn't really - said he's ready to see you.
Abuelo - bueno, yo lo llamo así, pero no lo es realmente - dijo que está listo para verlos.
But he won't giνe up his life for me, isn't it?
Pero él no daría su vida por mí, ¿ cierto?
Cuba isn't behind the Iron Curtain, but where is this curtain anyway?
Cuba no esta detrás de la cortina de hierro... que tampoco está claro dónde está este telón... porque yo he estado en Alemania y algunas partes de la Alemania del Este están más al oeste que
But he isn't using it.
Pero él no la va a usar.
It asks whether there is or there isn't an infinite set of numbers bigger than the set of all whole numbers but smaller than the set of all decimals. It sounds straightforward, but it had foiled all attempts to solve it since Hilbert made it his first problem way back in 1900. With the arrogance of youth, the 22-year-old Paul Cohen decided that he could do it.
La gente que jugaba usaba números en su tiempo de ocio intentando superar a su oponente haciendo cálculos mentales muy rápidos, y así calculaban en su tiempo de ocio sin pensar en que estaban haciendo un duro esfuerzo matemático.
But certainly, in Leonardo's works, that always always refers to John the Baptist even if he is not physically present and of course he isn't in the "Last supper".
Pero sin duda, en las obras de Leonardo... eso siempre se refiere a Juan el Bautista... aunque no estй presente fнsicamente... y no lo estб en La ъltima Cena.
Maybe his peripheral isn't great... but he's been leading a blind woman around.
Quizá su visión periférica sea mala... pero le ha servido de guía a una ciega.
Yeah, but isn't that why Grandpa's in jail, because he took things from work?
¿ Acaso el abuelo no está preso por tomar cosas del trabajo?
My God, we all assume Warren Litch is guilty. But what if he isn't?
Todos suponemos que Warren Litch es culpable, pero ¿ y si no?
He's fine, he's lovely, but this date isn't gonna work out.
Va bien, él es adorable. Pero esta cita no va a funcionar.
- He isn't dead. - Yeah, but isn't he really?
- Sí, ¿ pero no lo está realmente?
Yeah, but isn't he the one who flaked on you?
Si, pero no fue el quien quien te bombardeó?
Working in a restaurant isn't going to be Bright's career, but he's happy right now.
Trabajar en un restaurante no va a ser la carrera de Bright. pero el está contento ahora.
But isn't it true that you shot BJ Cameron not because he ruined your son's life, but because he made a mockery of your crusade to rid the world of filth?
Pero ¿ no le disparó a BJ Cameron no porque arruinara la vida de su hijo sino porque se burló de su cruzada para liberar al mundo de la obscenidad?
I mean, Monk isn't sure what it means, but he knows it's important.
Monk no está seguro de lo que significa, pero sabe que es importante.
He's gone now, but our business isn't.
Se ha ido, pero nuestro negocio no.
But actually, no, he's not my cousin... and, you know, his name isn't Perry it's... Jeff.
Pero en verdad, no es mi primo y tampoco su nombre es Perry, se llama Jeff.
The guy from the warehouse isn't talking, but he was carrying this.
El tipo del almacén no está hablando pero llevaba esto.
Fez still isn't talking to me, but I think he's calling,'cause every once in awhile, I pick up the phone, and all I hear is breathing and the crinkle of a candy being unwrapped.
Fez aún no me habla asà ­ que a veces pienso que es à © l quien me llama entonces levanto el telà © fono, y todo lo que escucho es una respiracià ³ n y el chillido de un dulce siendo abierto
Besides, the question isn't how he knows, but if he's right.
Además, la cuestión no es cómo lo sabe, sino si tiene razón.
Jake Kane could be my father, but whether he is or isn't... would I really claim him as such and deny the man who raised me?
Jake Kane podría ser mi padre, ¿ y si lo fuera podría asumirlo como tal y negar al hombre que me crió?
We thought so. but he isn't.
Lo creímos, pero no lo está.
I've been giving her this medicine every day, following your instructions to the letter, Doctor, but she isn't getting any better.
Le he hecho tomar la medicina cada día, tal y como dijo, doctor. Pero no ha mejorado. No dije que esta medicina la pondría mejor.
He was overcome by his eagerness to play, probably because he isn't a Munsi at alI but a Mansi, however unimportant that may sound
Fue vencido por la tentación de jugar. Seguramente porque no es un Munsi... sino un Mansi. Sin importar cuán pequeña parezca la diferencia.
I don't know if it's my imagination, but isn't he rather attractive?
No sé si es mi imaginación, pero ¿ no es él bastante atractivo?
Tell them that this is not a tavern, but the honest home of an honest man. He says that this isn't a tavern, but the honest home of an honest man...
Dice que esto no es una taberna, sino una honesta casa de un honesto hombre...
Yeah, but he isn't. He didn't come in this morning.
Sí, pero él no.
Paul Johnson is a lot of things, but one thing he isn't is a child molester.
Paul Jonhson podrá ser un montón de cosas... Pero hay una que no es y eso es pederasta.
But it's okay, he's gone, isn't he?
Pero está bien, se ha ido, ¿ verdad?
Now, maybe he isn't... but they're using him to feed us information.
O quizá no... pero lo usen para darnos información.
But he is hurting you, isn't he?
Pero él le está haciendo daño, no es él?
But he isn't much of an uncle.
Ese es el tío Luis. Pero no es tan tío.
I think he used to respect Farid a lot, but now he's disappointed because he isn't making much progress.
Creo que respetaba mucho a Farid, pero ahora está decepcionado porque no progresa.
But still... isn't it every guy's fancy to have a pair of boobs to play with anytime he wants?
Pero igual... ¿ No es el sueño de todo hombre tener un par de tetas para jugar cada vez que quiere?
" Thing is, and I've tried to pretend this isn't the case, but he talks about you a lot, and I have this ooky feeling he's still in love with you.
" La cosa es que y he intentado fingir que no es el caso, pero habla mucho de ti y presiento que sigue enamorado de ti.
But he isn't here.
Pero el no esta.
But isn't it necessary to find out whether he's your type at all?
¿ Pero no es necesario saber si emparejen sus temperamentos?
But he is invalid, isn't it?
Pero él es inválido, ¿ no?
Kirikou isn't big But he is our child
Kirikú no es grande, pero es nuestro niño
Kirikou isn't tall But he saves us all
Kirikú no es grande, pero es valiente, pero es valiente.
Kirikou isn't tall But he saves us all But he saves us all
Kirikú no es grande, pero es valiente, pero es valiente.
Kirikou isn't tall But he saves us all But he saves us all
Kirikú no es grande, pero es valiente, pero es valiente...
Kirikou isn't tall But he saved us all
Kirikú no es grande, pero es valiente.
It may be your style to kick a fellow when he's down, Kettering, but it isn't mine.
Puede que sea tu estilo machacar a quien está arruinado, Kettering, pero no es el mío.
But it isn't the idea that he comes and takes Dad's place.
Pero no es la idea que el venga y reemplace a tu papá.
Maybe a little unpolished, but this isn't ready yet.
Hey, quizas un poco brillante, pero aun no he terminado

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