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But he won't listen traduction Espagnol

116 traduction parallèle
I've been trying to tell him. But he won't listen to me.
Ya se lo he dicho, pero no me hace caso.
I'm always telling him but he won't listen.
Siempre le estoy diciendo lo mismo, pero no escucha.
Thomas is a good man but he won't listen to anybody.
Thomas es un buen hombre pero no hace caso a nadie.
I've been telling her since last night. but she won't listen.
He estado diciéndoselo desde anoche, pero no quiere escuchar.
I used to listen to the radio reports but I know he won't be coming home
Solía escuchar los partes de la radio, pero sé que no volverá a casa.
Vicky, please. You know very well he won't listen to anybody but you.
Vicky, por favor, ya sabes que no te hago caso en todo.
I've asked him not to hunt near the house but he won't listen to me.
Le pido que no cace aquí pero no me hace caso.
-... but he won't listen to me.
- Pero eso es muy difícil aquí...
I explained it to him, but he won't listen.
Le expliqué que no se puede, pero no me hace caso.
I told him not to soak his feet in the kitchen but in the yard but he just won't listen.
Le dije que no se mojara los pies en la cocina pero no me escucha.
Whole place is falling apart, but he won't listen.
El lugar entero se está cayendo a pedazos pero no escuchan.
She's fighting him on it, but he won't listen.
Ella sigue protestando, pero él no la escucha.
I've been saying we should talk to Yamamori, but Hirono won't listen to me!
Es lo que he estado diciendo. Deberíamos hablar con Yamamori, pero Hirono no me escucha.
But he just won't listen.
Pero no me escucha.
My dog won't listen if I hit him once or twice, but if I hit him ten times he'll learn!
Si yo le doy una patada al perro, no sirve, y tampoco si le doy dos.. pero si le doy doce, ¡ aprende!
He'll listen, but you won't convince him, only reinforce his ideas.
Él escuchará, pero no le convencerás, sólo reforzarás sus ideas.
I've told them all I can, but they won't listen to me.
Se lo he explicado lo mejor que he podido.
I've told him so often that I want a faster beat. But he won't listen.
pero él no quiere
But if a man tells you he loves you... why won ´ t you listen? "
Pero, cuando alguien le dice "Elena, la quiero" ¿ por qué se niega a escucharle?
But if a man tells you he loves you... why won ´ t you listen? "
Pero, cuando alguien le dice "Elena, la quiero", ¿ por qué se niega a escucharle?
But he won't listen to me.
Pero no me hacen caso. Verá, Sr. Tyler.
He proved it, but they won't listen.
Lo ha demostrado, pero no le oirán.
I told him that, but he won't listen to me.
Se lo dije, Majestad, pero no me hace caso.
I begged him to give me those points but he won't listen.
Se lo he suplicado, pero no quiere escucharme.
I've been trying to tell him that it's no-go, but he won't listen.
He estado intentando decirle que no sucederá.
That boat- - Well, I will persuade him, but you know Shelley. When Shelley went to see Allegra... he saw the monster in the convent. He won't listen.
Lo intentaré pero no me hará caso.
I've been tryin'to make him quit, but he just won't listen to me.
He intentado hacerlo abandonar, pero no me escucha,
I've been trying to set you up with a radio network, but my bosses think you're stuck on acquiring television and won't even listen.
He estado intentando conseguirle una cadena de radio, pero mis jefes creen que está empeñado en adquirir televisión y no les hace caso.
One false move in this business you're dead, and you know that. But he won't listen.
Un paso en falso en este oficio y te mueres, y lo sabes.
Yes, that's exactly what I've been trying to tell Devon, but she won't listen to me.
Sí, exactamente es lo que he estado tratando de decirle a Devon pero ella no quiso escucharme.
I keep trying to get him to rest, but he won't listen to me.
Intento que descanse, pero, no me hace caso.
I told them and I told them, but they won't listen.
Se los he dicho mil veces pero no me escuchan.
I have. That's all I ever do, but she won't listen to me!
Ya lo hago. ¡ Pero si no he tratado otra cosa, pero no me escucha!
Big Time Willie, that's what I've been trying to tell him but he won't listen. - I like to ride the bus.
Eso le digo, pero no escucha.
- Look, you won't believe it but I'm in heaven. - Listen to where he is.
- Escucha donde está.
I've been reasoning and reasoning. But she won't listen.
He estado razonando Pero ella no escucha.
I've told you this all week long, but for whatever reason, you won't listen to me.
Eres brillante. Te lo he dicho toda la semana, pero por cualquier razón no me escuchas.
- But listen, son... I know he won't listen to me! I'm going away...
Me voy...
- I've tried, but he won't listen.
Lo intento, pero no me escucha.
That's the rule. I talked to Dr. Ribeiroles, but he won't listen to me.
Ya hablé con el Sr. Ribeiroles pero no me escucha.
but he won't listen.
El tío se disculpó, pero no le quiso escuchar.
I've talked to him all day, but he won't listen.
Lo hemos hablado todo el dia, pero no me escucha.
He won't listen to his men, but he likes you.
El no escuchará a sus hombres, pero tu le agradas.
I'd do it myself, but he won't listen to me anymore.
Lo haría yo mismo, pero ya no me escucha.
But since you won't listen to reason, I've come to a decision.
Pero ya que no atiende a razones, he llegado a una decisión.
I tried to stop him, but he won't listen to me.
Intenté detenerlo, pero no me escucha.
I know. I've tried to get him help, but... counselling or something, but he won't listen to me.
Lo sé, traté de buscarle ayuda, pero no me hace caso.
- I try to, but he won't listen.
- Lo intento, pero no me escucha.
That's what I keep telling him. But he won't listen.
No quiero que le decepcionen de nuevo.
I'd tell the President myself, but he won't listen to me.
Se lo he dicho al Presidente yo mismo,.. pero no ha querido escucharme.
Well, he probably won't bother you again, but, listen, if, uh - - if anybody else from bobby's family comes hassling you, all right, just give me a call.
Bueno, probablemente no te moleste de nuevo, pero escucha, si alguien más de la familia de Bobby viene a molestarte.. ... no pasa nada, llámame.

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