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Check this one out traduction Espagnol

147 traduction parallèle
Let's check this one out.
Tommaso, echemos un vistazo.
All right, then, check this one out.
Bien. Preste atención.
Check this one out yourself.
Encárgate de este caso.
Check this one out.
Escuchad éste.
Check this one out.
Fíjense en esta.
- Check this one out?
- ¿ Lo has comprobado?
You gotta check this one out, man.
Tenés que ver ésto, loco.
Check this one out!
¡ Sí! ¡ Y ahora veréis!
I'm gonna check this one out for myself.
Voy a ver esto yo mismo.
All right. I'll check this one out.
Vamos a preguntar aquí.
I'm going to check this one out and see if he's the keeper.
Voy a averiguar si es el elegido.
Check this one out.
Vean esto otro aca
Hey, check this one out, right, this brother caught his fiancée bent over pulling a train with his groomsmen.
Oye, mira éste. Un hermano pescó a su novia agachada haciendo un trencito con el padrino.
Check this one out.
Oye esto.
, - Okay, three synthesizers and check this one out.
Bien, tres sintetizadores, y mira este.
Check this one out.
Mira éste.
Check this one out.
Mira ésta.
Tessa won ten million bucks on a copyright case last year. Check this one out.
Ganó 10 millones en un caso de propiedad intelectual.
Check this one out right here.
Mira a ésta.
Oh, check this one out.
Mira este truco.
This is a registered one, let's check it out.
Esta es una certificada, veamos un poco.
We'll check every pool in this valley for their secretion. Because the possibility of finding one pool out of thousands is remote. Good.
Revisaremos cada estanque del valle buscando su secreción.
This, as you can see, is a check for one million dollars made out to the Professor and yourself.
Éste es un cheque por un millón de dólares a nombre suyo y del profesor.
Come on in and check it out. Sir, this is the one, come on.
¡ Venga a comprobarlo!
They're psycho, man, every last one ofthem. Check this out.
Son psicópatas todos.
Okay, one sec, let's just check out this live chat conference first, see what these cretin fans are saying.
Un momento, miremos primero este chat a ver qué dicen los cretinos admiradores.
Hey, you guys, check out this one.
Miren esto.
Oh, and check this one out.
¡ Mira esto!
- Hey, guys, check out the rack on this one!
- Miren las pechugas de esa.
I remember one time, Jay said, "Come check this out."
Recuerdo que Jay dijo un día "¡ Ven a ver esto!"
Échale un vistazo a este.
I got one for you. Check this out.
TEngo uno para tí.
Check this out. They get three strikes, we only get one.
Ellos tuvieron tres huelgas, nosotros sólo una.
203 zillion, whatever, 496 thousand, four hundred and then a one. Check this out - if all those people bought one glove... - Right.
496 mil, 400 y luego un uno fijaos - si toda esta gente compra un guante a 19,99 dólares
Check this out. You shoot this one. See what you got.
Luke, mira esto, tu tira Veamos lo que tenes.
So far, all the alibis check out except for this one guy I can't find.
Las coartadas están comprobadas, salvo por un tío al que no encuentro.
Check out this one...
Mira esta...
Check out this one.
Mira esta.
Now check this out : In the hour after the murder, 25 calls originated from this small cell site... all coming from local 702 Area Code phones, all except for one.
Una hora después del asesinato, se hicieron 25 llamadas de este sitio... todas del área 702 que es local.
All right, we'll check this Deets guy out. But let's use that one thing that we never use.
Ok, chequemos al tal Deets. pero hay que usar lo que nunca usamos.
Those idiots won't be buying anything except a one-way ticket back to con college and they'll be on full scholarship when they get there. - Ricky, check this out.
Esos idiotas no comprarán nada, excepto un viaje de ida de regreso a chirona, y estarán totalmente becados cuando entren.
Check it out. This is that one and only... Rocco the Clown representing'True Clowns.
Miren, el inimitable payaso Rocco, representando a True Clowns.
Sure, but one thing. Here. Check this out.
Sí pero antes mira.
Okay that was weird. Check out this one.
Bueno, eso fue raro mira éste.
You know, it was Jackson's idea to come back here and check this cave out again. I can't help noticing he's the only one who didn't make the trip.
Ya sabes, fue idea de Jackson volver aquí, y volver a revisar esta cueva y no me ayuda darme cuenta de que él es el único que no ha venido.
This one - - check out Lindsay Sherwood.
Este - - mira Lindsay Sherwood.
Hey, check out this one. It actually looks like Butterfield.
Hey, mira, este realmente se parece a Butterfield.
That's just one of the many mysteries, Flack. Check this out.
Ése es sólo uno de los muchos misterios, Flack.
Moving on... all the employee alibis check out, except this one.
Continuando... todos los empleados sospechosos poncharon al salir, excepto este.
page one, check this out.
Página uno, miren esto.
All the names check out, apart from this one, Klee.
Todos los que entraron salieron excepto de éste :

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