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Could've been traduction Espagnol

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It could've been a code.
Podría ser una clave.
Oh, just how nice things could've been if you had chosen this life.
Lo lindo que habría sido todo si hubieras escogido esta vida. ¿ Qué?
I could've been anywhere.
Podía ser cualquier sitio.
So, it could've been an apartment then?
¿ Podría tratarse de un apartamento entonces?
So, he-he could've been from here, a local kid?
¿ Entonces podría tratarse de un chico de ahí, un aldeano?
You know, I've been huntin since I could hold a mini rifle.
Bueno, he estado cazando desde que pude sujetar un mini rifle.
We could go to a movie. You've been holding that empty cup for, like, 20 minutes.
Podemos ir al cine.
J-me's relationship with Ana could've been something more than it seems.
La relación de J-me con Ana pudo ser algo más de lo que parece.
Could've sent a runner, but then I wouldn't have been able to get a chance to kiss you.
Podría haber enviado a un mensajero, pero entonces no hubiera tenido la oportunidad de besarte.
Could've been a better man if I hadn't seen it all.
Podría haber sido un mejor hombre si no lo hubiera visto todo.
You could've been attacked while in custody.
Podrías haber sido atacada mientras estabas bajo custodia.
He still could've been the killer and the freezer. - How pregnant was she?
- Podría ser el asesino y el que la congeló. - ¿ Tiempo embarazada?
Could've been brought on by cocaine use.
Podría haber sido provocada por el consumo de cocaína.
Do you think Jenny's nosebleed could've been drug-related?
¿ Crees que la hemorragia de Jenny pudo estar relacionada con la droga?
Any tissue could've been disturbed before the floor dried.
Cualquier tejido podría haber sido alterado antes de que el suelo se secara.
Which means anyone - Jenny, Marcus, Adjoah or Nick - could've been responsible.
Cualquiera, Jenny, Marcus, Adjoah o Nick, pudo haber sido responsable.
Is there any way the shots could've been tampered with?
¿ Hay algún modo de que los disparos hayan sido manipulados?
There's only one person it could've been.
Solo pudo haber sido una persona.
All this work I've been doing recently... it's just to try and become... the type of man that you could love.
Todo lo que he estado haciendo últimamente... es para intentar ser... el tipo de hombre al que pudieras amar.
It's all right, it could've been a lot worse.
Está bien, podría haber sido mucho peor.
You know that it could've been more than just one weekend because there was something deep and meaningful happening between us and we would've never stopped if no one made us stop.
Tu sabes que pudo ser mas que un fin de semana, porque algo profundo, y significativo pasó entre nosotros, y no hubiera acabado, si nadie nos hubiera detenido.
I mean, think of how many crises we've been in where the issue was how fast we could go.
Digo, piense en cuantas crisis hemos estado donde el problema era que tan rápido podíamos ir.
Or I could've been killed.
¡ O podría haber muerto!
I'm not sure I could have been as brave as you've been in this place.
No estoy segura de que hubiera sido tan valiente como tú has sido en este lugar.
Looking back and knowing what I know now, it could've been more than that.
Mirando atrás y sabiendo lo que sé ahora, podría haber sido más que eso.
I wish could have been there for you, Nolan, the way you've always been there for me.
Desearía haber estado ahí para ti, Nolan, igual que tú siempre has estado ahí para mí.
It could've been a real sweet deal.
pudo haber sido un gran trato.
He thought he was seeing a ghost... he was afraid... or it could've been one big, hallucinatory delusion, or maybe Atwood might actually have been seeing something else.
Pensó que veía un fantasma... estaba asustado... o podría ser una enorme paranoia alucinatoria, o quizás Atwood realmente veía alguna otra cosa.
You could've been killed.
= = Podrías haber sido asesinado.
Any hydra member could've been, wouldn't know it.
Cualquier miembro hidra podría haber sido, no lo saben.
You guys could've been killed.
Ustedes pudieron haber muerto.
All these years, I could've been doing something great.
Todos estos años, podría haber estado haciendo algo grandioso.
Could've been gun cleaner.
Podría ser limpiador de armas.
The drug could've been put into his drink.
Podrían haber puesto la droga en su bebida.
Could've been tampered with.
Podrían haberlo manipulado.
She could've been working on her own.
Podría haberlo hecho sola.
You could've been arrested.
Te podían haber arrestado.
I could've been inside you in, like, a second.
Podría haber estado dentro de tí en un momento.
He could've been obsessed with her.
Podría haber estado obsesionado con ella.
They could've been anywhere around here.
Podrían estar en cualquier parte cerca de aquí.
Could've been here previously.
Podrían haber estado aquí antes.
Could've been there previously. Maybe.
Podrían estar ahí antes.
That could've been you.
Esa podrías haber sido tú.
There could've been a struggle during the stabbing.
Podría haber habido una lucha durante el apuñalamiento.
It could've been a heart attack. But look at this.
Podría haber sido un corazón Pero ataque vistazo a este
To think, I could've just checked a box and my whole life could've been ballet lessons and braiding hair?
Para pensar, yo podría haber acaba de comprobar una Box y toda mi vida podría haber sido clases de ballet y el pelo trenzado?
The match with Andrei would've been dangerous ; he could've gotten himself killed.
El combate con Andrei hubiera sido peligroso... podía haber conseguido que lo mataran.
Could've been worse.
Podría haber sido peor.
Wait, you think Rose could've been killed, and you're looking at me like I'm a suspect?
Esperen, ¿ creen que Rose podría haber sido asesinada, y me miran como si fuera un sospechoso?
That means that his killer could've been defending himself.
Lo que significa que su asesino podría haber estado defendiéndose.
I've been waiting for seven long years, so because I've been waiting so long, could I please have a picture with both of you.
I've been waiting for seven long years, so because I've been waiting so long, could I please have a picture with both of you.

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