For two months traduction Espagnol
2,133 traduction parallèle
When you almost lost Don Kettner's business For two months he simply stopped returning my calls
Cuando casi perdiste el negocio de Don Kettner, durante dos meses simplemente dejó de devolver mis llamadas.
We've known each other for two months.
Nos conocemos hace dos meses.
I have waited on him hand and foot for two months.
Me desviví atendiéndolo durante dos meses.
And when we get home, you are grounded for two months.
Y cuando volvamos, estás castigada por dos meses.
She rests for two months a year eating soup and wine jelly!
Descansa dos meses al año, ¡ tomando sopa y gelatina!
It was wired for two months.
La tuvo dos meses inmovilizada.
You ran this group for two months as a temporary measure.
Olvida que dirigió el grupo estos dos meses de forma interina.
The credit card collector has been trying to get to you for two months.
El colector de la tarjeta de crédito está intentando localizarte desde hace dos meses.
I've been hearing that for two months now.
He estado escuchando eso hace dos meses.
I for two months. One can start from here.
Tengo para dos meses, así que ya podemos irnos de aquí.
You're crazy. Good. You're in for two months.
Muy bien, tienes para dos meses.
You lied to me! You have no treatment for two months. Not even for two days!
Me has mentido, no tienes medicación para dos meses, no tienes ni para dos días.
But you've been giving them your sperm for two months.
Pero les estuviste dando tu semen durante los pasados dos meses.
Served three years for distribution, Out for two months.
Condenado a tres años por distribución, salió hace dos meses.
Last year, broke my foot - - laid up for two months.
El año pasado, me rompí el pie, estuve en cama por dos meses.
- The one in escrow for over two months? - Yeah.
- ¿ La que tuve en custodia por más de dos meses?
Discharged six months ago, two weeks after I was released from the hospital for my injuries.
Dado de baja seis meses atrás, dos semanas después que fui dado de alta del hospital por mis heridas.
I've been fasting for about two months.
Llevo ya como dos meses en ayunas.
The entire staff thinks they're preparing for an exercise two months down the road.
Todos piensan que se preparan para un ejercicio en dos meses.
Two hours'kip a night for six months.
Una madre soltera.
Two months back, one of the cleaners got sacked for making calls during work time.
Hace 2 meses, uno de los que limpian lo sacaron por hacer llamadas en el trabajo.
Buried for two to three months Run a missing persons check
- Enterrada hace dos o tres meses. - Revisa en personas desaparecidas.
- For more than two months,
- Lleva más de dos meses
Oh, what makes you think it wasn't Mr. Wilcox? Well, I may have only been working here for a few months, but I know Lightning would never do that to his pal. Stranger things have happened than two men falling out, son.
La Srta. Moffat trabaja sus sábanas en el Hospital, después del trabajo, tuvo problemas para hacer su cita... y regresa a los viejos métodos, pero, desafortunadamente, su cliente es Harlan Orgill.
Let me pay the first two months for you.
Te pago los 2 primeros meses.
The bears here will gorge themselves for the next two months and the mothers with their cubs can now gain the weight they will need if they are to make it through the coming winter.
Aquí los osos se atiborrarán de comida durante los próximos 2 meses y las madres con sus cachorros ya pueden alcanzar el peso que necesitan si quieren sobrevivir al próximo invierno.
Two months seems like an awfully long time for Saturday detention.
Dos meses parecen muchísimo tiempo para estar castigados los sábados.
Come on, Sátur, shut that big mouth of yours or you will not see a penny for the next two months.
Anda, Sátur, cierra esa bocaza que tienes o no vas a ver un maravedí en dos meses.
Two months ago, people from a financial company came for a company retreat.
Hace dos meses, gente de una compañía financiera vino a una escapada al campo.
You disappeared for two months.
No has pasado por aquí.
Two months waiting for a letter, a call, a photo, dreading a piece ofyou with it.
Dos meses esperando una carta, una llamada, una foto, esperando que un trozo de ti no la acompañase.
And all of you, the so called best sales team has lost out for the second time in two months, against this insignificant company.
Y todos ustedes, llamados el mejor equipo de ventas habeis perdido por segunda vez en dos meses, contra esa insignificante empresa.
But, uh, he's been out on assignment for about two months.
Pero, ha estado fuera en una asignación por dos meses.
But Alison had three months to live when she first came to see me, and I have managed to keep her alive for two years.
Pero Alison tenía tres meses de vida cuando vino a verme y me las arreglé para mantenerla viva por dos años.
You've been spotted at Cremorne Gardens reeling from laudanum every evening for the last two months.
Te han visto en los jardines de Cremorne tambaleándote por el láudano todas las noches los últimos dos meses.
He's been sitting on this script for, like, two months.
Ha estado pensando en el guión, por, como, dos meses.
- You've been dating her for what, two months?
Llevas saliendo con ella, ¿ cuánto? , ¿ dos meses?
You've been dating her for, what, two months?
Has salido con ella, ¿ cuánto, dos meses?
Buoyant and filled with food for germination, it can survive for up to two months at sea long enough to float from one remote island to the next.
Boyante y llena de comida para la germinación, puede sobrevivir hasta 2 meses en el mar lo suficiente para ir flotando desde una remota isla a la siguiente.
Two months ago Peter Florrick was sentenced to ten years for bribery and corruption.
Hace dos meses, Peter Florrick fue sentenciado a diez años por soborno y corrupción.
But she's not a pathologist any more. Two months after her post mortem report on Peter Edelmann, which more or less guaranteed the coroner's verdict of suicide, she quit her job and moved with her family to the States, where she works for a medical research company called Unifend Pharmaceuticals.
Pero ella no es mas patóloga 2 meses después del post mortem de Peter Edelmann, que mas o menos garantizaba el veredicto de suicido del forense, ella renuncio y se mudo con su familia a Estados Unidos
He did two months for assault last year.
Le dieron dos meses por asalto el año pasado.
Good for two years of underground living. Even though I think we'll only need about six months.
Suficiente para dos años de vida subterránea aunque yo creo que sólo vamos a necesitarlo aproximadamente por seis meses.
Two months later, it would have been fine for Dean to blow his brains out.
Dos meses después, habría estado bien que Dean se volara los sesos.
Level of decomp suggests the remains have been exposed to the elements for at least two months.
El nivel de descomposición sugiere que los restos han sido expuestos a los elementos durante al menos dos meses.
The growth rate suggests the body parts had been undisturbed for approximately two months.
La tasa de crecimiento sugiere que las partes del cuerpo no han sido tocadas durante aproximadamente dos meses.
About two months ago, he left for the day.
Hace dos meses aproximadamente él se fue por un día.
For the last two months, We have done everything possible.
Por los pasados dos meses, hemos hecho todo lo posible.
It's the same dream that I for about two months.
Es el mismo sueño que tengo por cerca de dos meses.
Been here for seven months, in and out over the past two years.
Lleva aquí siete meses, varios ingresos en estos dos años.
I mean, weere talking trash about you for the last two months.
Quiero decir, estuvimos hablando basura sobre ti en los últimos dos meses.
for two hours 22
for two days 31
for two years 87
for two 39
for two weeks 48
two months later 53
two months ago 182
two months 229
months 1971
months ago 514
for two days 31
for two years 87
for two 39
for two weeks 48
two months later 53
two months ago 182
two months 229
months 1971
months ago 514
months later 99
months pregnant 30
months old 65
months and 37
months in prison 16
months now 29
for the love of god 422
for the sake of argument 37
for the record 849
for them 201
months pregnant 30
months old 65
months and 37
months in prison 16
months now 29
for the love of god 422
for the sake of argument 37
for the record 849
for them 201
for that matter 510
for today 83
for the time being 227
for the life of me 58
for the last time 470
for the rest of my life 110
for the first time 465
for this to work 27
for the greater good 31
for the first time ever 57
for today 83
for the time being 227
for the life of me 58
for the last time 470
for the rest of my life 110
for the first time 465
for this to work 27
for the greater good 31
for the first time ever 57