Half brother traduction Espagnol
860 traduction parallèle
- Half brother.
- Su hermanastro.
After all, milords, it is well known that Edward is only my half brother.
Es bien sabido que Edward es sólo medio hermano mío.
Jack, my half brother's son.
Jack, el hijo de mi hermanastro.
My half brother's son. He's here often.
El hijo de mi hermanastro suele venir.
He was my half brother, really.
En realidad éramos hermanastros.
- His half brother.
- Su hermanastro.
You're my half brother.
Eres mi hermanastro.
I really don't care if you're Goebbels'half brother or if you sell heroin for a living.
Me da igual si es medio hermano de Goebbels o vende heroína.
My half brother, I should say.
Mi hermanastro, mejor dicho.
My half brother.
Es mi hermanastro.
And you're also my half brother.
Y eres mi medio hermano.
Goodbye, my half brother.
Adiós, mi medio hermano.
- Half brother.
- Medio hermano.
And his half brother was Avery if that is you.
Y su medio hermano era Avery si es usted.
Well, half brother.
Bueno, medio hermano.
First you push me into the arms of your half-dead half brother, and then onto his loony son.
Primero me empujas a los brazos de tu medio muerto medio hermano, y después a su hijo lunático.
To win hearts and minds, the Pizarros appointed a puppet king, Atahualpa's half-brother Manco,
Para ganarse los corazones y las voluntades, los Pizarro designaron un rey títere, el hermanastro de Atahualpa, Manco.
Brother, that ain't the half of it.
Amigo, no ha oído ni la mitad.
- I realize now what kind of support I may expect from all of you, even from my own half-brother.
- Ahora veo qué clase de apoyo puedo esperar de vosotros, hasta de mi propio hermanastro.
Now, it says here, Brother Hawthorne, that you owe Brother Woolridge $ 55.47 board... at the rate of a dollar and a half a week.
Aquí dice, hermano Hawthorn, que le debe al hermano Woolridge 55.47 $ de pensión a razón de 1.5 $ a la semana.
Hold tight, little brother. We have to return half across the world.
Agárrate fuerte, debemos cruzar medio mundo.
So, you stole half a dollar from your little brother's piggy bank?
¿ Así que robaste medio dólar de la hucha de tu hermano pequeño?
That you've murdered Mascouvin, her half-brother.
De que usted mató a Mascouvin, su hermanastro.
And if you ain't saved my half, brother, start sprouting wings.
Y si no ahorraste mi mitad, hermano, empieza a sacar alas.
Here in the master's chair, sits the master, my half-brother, Paul Holland.
En la silla principal, se sienta el señor, mi medio hermano, Paul Holland.
My half-brother Norman Locke. Rajni Singh.
Mi hermanastro, Norman Locke, Rajni Singh.
Unfortunately, my brother went to bed half an hour ago, with a severe cold.
Mi hermano se fue a dormir hace media hora, con una severa gripe.
Ex-servicemen in uniform are half price, brother.
Los ex militares con uniforme pagan la mitad.
For some time, I've wanted to talk to you about something delicate concerning your half-brother.
- Quería hablar con usted de un asunto un tanto delicado, concerniente a su medio hermano.
My brother, Gus, wasn't half as cute as Bonzo.
Mi hermano Gus no era ni la mitad de lindo que Bonzo.
If you're half as good a man as your brother I'll be proud to have you in my command, lieutenant.
Si usted es tan buen piloto como su hermano me sentiré orgulloso de ser su comandante.
He was Harley Chase's half-brother, a big stock-broker in New York.
Era hermanastro de Harley Chase, Un pez gordo de la Bolsa de New York.
Mickey, the F.B.I. agent, Duncan and your half-brother Willie.
Mickey, el agente federal Duncan y su hermanastro Willie.
Because you, my half grown brother, and the brave Tuscarora warrior...
Los guerreros me habían abandonado. No posibilidad de los tinhamos.
Medio hermano.
But if your half-breed brother comes here, I'll kill him!
Pero si el mestizo de tu hermano entra aquí, le mataré.
- I'm only half her brother.
- No soy más que un medio-hermano.
We were only half-tied anyway. And brothers will betray a brother.
Era medio vínculo, y los hermanos se traicionan.
- I'll make my brother pay half.
- Haré que mi hermano pague la mitad.
Your fasting has been too long this time, Brother Francisco, in seven days you have not eaten more than half a loaf.
Tu ayuno ha sido demasiado largo esta vez, hermano Francisco, en siete días no has comido más que medio pan.
Did your brother-in-law, Sebastião, show up at your house... asking you to keep three and a half million réis in seven banknotes?
¿ Su cuñado Sebastião estuvo en su casa... y quería guardar allá 3,5 contos de réis... en 7 billetes de 5OO, ¿ verdad?
He's... the brother... the half-brother...
Él es el hermano el medio hermano...
Brother Xu has left home for almost half a year
Xu, has estado ausente al menos medio año.
Hirosuke went to my half-brother who ran the circus and was encouraged to study at a medical university in Tokyo.
Hirosuke se fue con mi hermano, que dirigía el circo y fue llevado a estudiar a la Universidad Médica de Tokio.
He's only a half-brother to me but as far as I've been told, he's all your son.
¿ Es tu hijo legítimo?
you should enjoy half his revenue for ever, and live the beloved of your brother, Edgar.
tú disfrutarías de Ia mitad de sus rentas y del afecto permanente de tu hermano Edgar. "
Just because his mother married the half-brother of his aunt who was a first cousin of the sister of his father, who... who...
Su madre se casó quizás casó con un hermanastro de su tía, la prima de su padre
Half-brother, I guess.
Medio hermano, creo.
My half-brother.
Mi medio hermano.
It was always you who was destined for great success... whereas I was only the poor, hard-working half-brother... whom you had to put up with.
Siempre fuiste tú el destinado a triunfar. Y yo era el pobre hermanastro laborioso con el que debías cargar.
He thinks you're his half-brother. That's quite normal in these cases.
Hasta le implica a usted Cree que es su hermanastro.
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brothers 633
brotherhood 38
brother and sister 38
brothers in arms 18
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brother justin 17
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brother jerome 20
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brother zhang 17
half past 23
half an hour 183
half a million 39
half of it 18
half man 32
half human 17
half and half 23
half an hour ago 51
half an hour later 22
half past 23
half an hour 183
half a million 39
half of it 18
half man 32
half human 17
half and half 23
half an hour ago 51
half an hour later 22
half hour 41
half the time 61
half a dozen 19
half price 22
half a mile 17
half a day 18
half now 31
half a million dollars 40
half the time 61
half a dozen 19
half price 22
half a mile 17
half a day 18
half now 31
half a million dollars 40