Happy to do it traduction Espagnol
665 traduction parallèle
That's nothing at all, happy to do it.
No es nada. Lo hago con gusto.
I'm happy to do it.
Para mí será un placer.
Happy to do it.
Con gusto lo haré.
I'm happy to do it.
Me alegro de estar aquí.
She's only too happy to do it.
Le encanta hacerlo.
I was happy to do it and especially now having seen what you've done with it.
Me gustó hacerlo y especialmente después de ver lo que habéis hecho.
I was happy to do it.
Me gustó hacerlo.
I'll be happy to do it in the next world, I'll put a candle on her grave.
La saludo en el otro mundo, le pondré una vela.
- I'll be happy to do it.
- Con gusto seré el padrino.
- Happy to do it.
- Con mucho gusto
I would be happy to do it.
Sería un placer hacerlo.
Yet it has made me happy to do this.
He sido feliz haciéndolo.
Oh, yes, it makes me very happy... to know that you want me, and I do love you all so very much.
Ah, sí, me hace muy feliz... saber que me quieren, y yo los quiero mucho a todos.
I'm determined to make you happy If I have to drag your name Through the breach-of-promise courts to do it.
Nos casaremos aunque deba obligarte.
This sort of life is new to me and I do want to make a success of it, and make Mr. De Winter happy, so I know I can leave all the household arrangements to you.
Esta clase de vida es algo nuevo para mí, y quiero que me vaya bien y que el Sr. de Winter sea feliz así que dejaré las cuestiones domésticas a su cargo.
I don't believe that a happy, light-hearted girl like Polly - Could have anything to do with it.
No creo que una chica alegre como Polly esté implicada.
Well, if it's that way, what's being happy got to do with it?
- Estando así las cosas... - ¿ Qué más da que me cueste o no?
What's being happy got to do with it?
- ¿ A Ud. le importaría que le costase?
It's now and the future. I do so want you and Ralph to be happy together.
Deseo tanto que seáis felices juntos.
All they have to do is tell you the sad story of their life and you wanna give it a happy ending!
¡ Solo tienen que contarte su triste vida y tú querrás darles un final feliz!
I don't know how to make you happy, but I do know I can't take it any longer.
No sé hacerte feliz. Solo sé que no aguanto más.
Just that she'll be happy to do what she can to see that I play it.
Sólo que estará encantada de hacer lo que pueda para que me lo den.
Well I would do anything you asked of me if it were to make you happy
Si eso te hace feliz, haré lo que me pides. Sí. Para mí, será un placer.
Mrs. Danvers, I do hope we'll be friends. You must be patient with me. This sort of life is new to me, and I do want to make a success of it... and make Mr. de Winter happy.
Sra. Denvers, espero que seamos amigas... le pido paciencia, es una nueva vida para mí... quiero que sea un éxito, y hacer feliz al Sr. de Winter.
It's what they do to your happy home.
Es lo que le hacen a tu hogar.
It makes me happy to do anything that will help restore what is rightfully...
Me alegra cooperar para que se restituya lo que por derecho...
They're so happy to see you. Will you do it?
Le gustaría tanto verte.
You know, I always wanted to - I should also be very happy to bet that you can't do it.
Siempre quise Y también me encantaría apostar a que no lo logra.
Well, would it have something to do with his happy marriage?
¿ No tendrá nada que ver con el feliz matrimonio de su nieto?
It's somewhat unusual but Mrs. Farnwell is our biggest customer and we always do our best to make her happy.
Es un encargo algo especial, pero la Sra. Farnwell es nuestra mejor cliente y debemos intentar todo lo posible para tenerla satisfecha.
How do you like it? We're about to buzz your happy little home... And your happy little wife.
Estamos a punto de beneficiar a tu pequeño hogar y a tu feliz esposa.
I only have to keep you happy, and I'll work hard to do it.
Sòlo debo tenerte feliz, y trabajaré duro para conseguirlo.
It comes to the same, because with money you can do as you like. Why are you happy now?
Es lo mismo porque si tuviéramos dinero podrías hacer lo que quieras.
Anna, do you know what it means to be happy?
Anna, ¿ eres feliz?
well, if it was something you really wanted to do... and it was going to make you happy, I'd get used to it.
Bueno, si fuera algo que de verdad quisieras hacer y fuera algo que te hiciera feliz, me acostumbraría.
Marie-Do, it's so easy to be happy with you.
Qué fácil es estar contento contigo.
Rowena, you wish to let loose of my hands now, Because when you do it, it'll make you very happy.. Very young..
Rowena, deseas soltarme las manos porque cuando lo hagas, te sentirás muy feliz, muy joven.
Ah, but it'd do your heart good to see them wiggling around under the sod, just like some happy colts raring to face life again.
Verdaderamente ansiosos. Ah, pero hice que sus buenos corazones estuvieran moviéndose alrededor bajo el césped, igual que potros felices de estar de nuevo con vida.
I'm happy that I was able to do it.
Y me alegro de poder hacerlo.
Why does it make me happy when people listen to me and seem to like me... and believe whatever I want them to believe... and do whatever I want them to do?
¿ Por qué me siento feliz cuando la gente me escucha y creo que les gusto? Y cuando creen lo que quiero que crean y hacen lo que quiero que hagan.
I do not care what others say, but it would be much better for the world if women were ruling, because we would not see women killing and slaughtering each other. Well, is a sad case to those they have a beautiful son, like that and are not happy.
el mundo sería mucho mejor si fuera gobernado por mujeres a las mujeres no se las vería yendo y viniendo matándose entre ellas es triste que las que tienen un buen hijo no estén contentas
You won't regret it. How do you think I'd feel if I stayed here with a chance to be happy for the first time in my life, but knowing my friends had died?
¿ Cómo crees que me sentiré si me quedo porque puedo ser feliz por primera vez en mi vida pero mis amigos mueren?
He has the power to make us happy or unhappy. To make our work a pleasure or a burden. It's nothing to do with money.
Tenía la capacidad de hacernos felices o infelices, de que nuestro trabajo fuera un placer o un castigo. no es cuestión de dinero.
I think the only way that any of us can ever be happy is to let it all hang out. You know, do it all and fuck it!
¡ Creo que como único se puede ser feliz es... es haciendo lo que plazca y al diablo con el resto!
I think the only way that any of us can ever be happy is to let it all hang out. You know, do it all and fuck it!
¡ Creo que la única forma de ser felices... es haciendo lo que nos plazca... y al diablo con el resto!
I think the only way that any of us can ever be happy is to let it all hang out. You know, do it all and fuck it!
Creo que como único se puede ser feliz... es haciendo lo que plazca.
I know, but why is it so difficult when all I want to do is be happy?
¿ Por qué todo es difícil, cuando sólo quiero ser feliz?
Whatever you want to do, dear... you just go right ahead with if it makes you happy.
Sin importar qué quieras hacer, cariño... sólo hazlo si te hace sentir feliz.
L am happy you are ready to do it.
Me hace feliz saber que estás preparado.
There's enough silver in that hill to make a St. Louis hooker happy but it won't do no good in the hills, understand?
Hay sufuciente plata en esa colina para hacer felíz a todo St. Louis pero no hace ningún bien estando en la colina, ¿ entiendes?
By luck, and the happy mood of the moment the brush seemed to do what was wanted of it and in a week it was finished.
Por suerte, y gracias al buen humor del momento... el pincel estuvo dispuesto a hacer lo que le pedía y en una semana estaba terminada.
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