He would be traduction Espagnol
11,745 traduction parallèle
Ifl had a knife with me, he would be dead and I'd be in jail.
Si tuviera un cuchillo conmigo, él estaría muerto y yo estaría en la cárcel.
Whoever killed barbiero knew he would be brought in for stitching.
Quien mató a Barbiero, sabía que iba a ser llevado para el Stitching.
He would be back four o'clock.
- ¿ Vuelve a las cuatro? - Sí.
I didn't think that he would be so mad over Tamara.
No pensé que iba a ser tan loco por Tamara.
I told my son if he didn't eat his broccoli, he would be under 4 feet the rest of his life.
Le dije a mi hijo que si no comía su brócoli, mediría menos de 1,20 mts. por el resto de su vida.
And sometimes, in the backseat, and he would be acting up and screaming, yelling, and I pointed to the hazard light and I said, " that actually is an eject button.
Y a veces, en el asiento trasero, se portaba mal, y gritaba, y chillaba, y yo señalaba la luz de balizas y decía : " eso en realidad es un botón de eyección.
Laid very heavy a point that he would be in his chamber after supper.
Ha dejado bien claro que estaría en sus aposentos después de la cena.
If he were alive, this would be fixed in a month.
Si el estuviese vivo, esto estaría arreglado en un mes.
After what we've been through, I'd be afraid I would never stop crying.
Después de lo que he pasado, me da miedo no dejar de llorar nunca.
He said when I woke up this morning, there would be something in my e-mail from the Congressman's office.
Dijo que cuando me despertara esta mañana, habría algo en mi email del despacho del Congresista.
What would he be doing here in the middle of town?
¿ Qué estaría haciendo en medio del pueblo?
Would he still be here after stealing so much money?
¿ Seguiría aquí después de robar tanto dinero?
He'll give the papers to me, at 11.45 am you both would get married in Arya Samaj, by 11.50, I'll handover the papers to Sameera's father, by 11.55, you'll be taking photos,
Y me dará los documentos. A las 11.45 am, los dos se casarán en Arya Samaj, A las 11.50 am, le entregaré los documento al padre de Sameera,
Well, nor would there be if he just checked out and found alternate accommodations.
Bueno, tampoco lo habría si se hubiera marchado y encontrado una acomodación alternativa.
I would've hired a quartet or a soloist or a damn mariachi band to start playing the minute you said yes, because a proposal should be romantic.
Yo he contratado a un cuarteto o solista o una banda de mariachis maldita para empezar a jugar el momento en que dijo que sí, debido a que una propuesta debe ser romántico.
A piece of me always knew that I would be okay, and when he did leave, I was, but you...
Un pedazo de mí siempre sabía que iba a estar bien, y cuando él se fue, yo estaba, pero...
If Joe's not here, where else would he be?
- ¿ Si no está aquí, dónde podría estar?
Why else would he be erasing our memories?
¿ Por qué más estaría borrando nuestra memoria?
But the Fletch I know would be very keen to get back on the horse again if he could.
Pero el Fletch que yo conozco estaría deseando volver al trabajo si pudiera.
And if you hadn't have choked, he'd be a cooling corpse right now and Defiance would be a whole lot safer.
Y si no te hubieras paralizado, ahora sería un cadáver enfriándose y Defiance estaría mucho más segura.
I mean to say, none of us want Kyle to be ill, but it would be a whole lot worse if he was telling the truth.
Es decir, ninguno queremos que Kyle esté enfermo, pero sería mucho peor que estuviera contando la verdad.
You're dad would be alive today if he hadn't stayed.
Tu padre seguiría vivo si no se hubiera quedado.
If he kills you, would it not be so?
Si te mata, ¿ no lo sería?
I thought it would be better if he told you himself.
Pensé que era mejor si él te lo decía personalmente.
Tom would be upset, but he'd have his dad, friends.
Tom estaría enojado, pero tiene a su padre, amigos,
He told me what happened last night, and I thought perhaps the best thing would be for you to speak somewhere more neutral, to work this out.
Me dijo lo que pasó anoche, y pensé que tal vez la mejor cosa que podríamos hacer por ti... es hablar en algún lugar más neutral, para resolver esto.
He knows that the best move would be to run, but that would mean giving up revenge.
Sabe que lo mejor que podría hacer sería huir pero eso significaría dejar su venganza.
I think it would be best if you met with me.Then I could give that information to Mr. Johnson when he is available.
Hable conmigo. Yo se lo comunicaré al fiscal cuando no esté ocupado.
He realized it would be And CB 500 for it was stable, affordable And easy to find spare parts for.
Descubrí que debería ser una CB 500... pues era sólida y fácil de obtener piezas de repuesto... si se rompía en Uzbekistán.
And if he did the same thing, you wouldn't be stopping him. Harvey would never do anything like this, and if he did, I sure as hell would.
Espera, ¿ creés que queremos dinero que viene de acciones que se han ido a las nubes porque autorizaste un acuerdo más barato que lo que esperaba el mercado?
They allowed him to run an experiment that forever changed humanity's understanding of evolution, one that would be carried on by his protégés long after he's gone.
Le permitieron realizar un experimento que cambió para siempre la comprensión de la evolución, que será continuado por sus protegidos mucho después de su muerte.
He says that the best move would be to get a conviction.
Dijo que la mejor jugada sería obtener una condena.
OK, would he be capable of extracting the polonium?
Ok, ¿ Podría ser capaz de extraer el polonio?
She didn't know who he was meeting there, but given his crusade against sex trafficking it would be too coincidental for it not to be about Tisso.
pero dada su cruzada contra el tráfico sexual sería demasiada coincidencia para que no sea sobre Tisso.
Well, with everything going on lately, I just thought... I would be more than happy to have officers stationed on-site.
Bueno, con todo lo que ha estado pasando últimamente, he pensado que estaría más que feliz de tener policías in situ.
I've lost everything, but I would rather die by my own hand than be a servant of that bitch, helping with the destruction of my own child!
Lo he perdido todo, ¡ pero prefiero morir por mi propia mano que ser un siervo de esa zorra, ayudando con la destrucción de mi propio hijo!
Victor would not want to be remembered for the way that he lived, but for the way that he died.
Victor no querría ser recordado por la manera que vivió, sino por la manera que murió.
Like, if I went to the moon, he would honestly be like,
Si fuera a la Luna, él diría :
If he didn't come to America, you would probably be working in that same zipper factory now, making the holes.
Si él no hubiera venido a EE. UU., probablemente ahora estarías trabajando en la misma fábrica de cremalleras, haciendo agujeros.
And all the while, he holds our hands and tells us fairy tales... a young woman, a commoner, an all-American girl, who falls in love with the golden son who would be king?
Y mientras tanto, sostiene nuestras manos y nos dice los cuentos de hadas... una mujer joven, un plebeyo, una niña de todos los americanos, quien se enamora de la hijo de oro que sería rey?
It wasn't as it should be, it would be- - It would be costly for him if he had to pay for them, but we paid for them unofficially rather than officially.
no eran los que tenían que ser, pues iba a resultar muy gravoso que tuviera que pagarlo de su bolsillo pero en lugar de pagarlo oficialmente, lo pagamos extraoficialmente.
There is a summons which I have never had to issue, which would seem childish and I will strive to avoid, which would be to personally request all mobile devices to be handed over.
Hay un requerimiento en el que no he caído nunca, y que me parecería infantil en sí mismo, lo intentaré evitar, que sería requerirles personalmente la entrega de los dispositivos móviles.
I would continue to be paid, I'd still have the car and a chauffeur, the secretary, a 3rd-floor office, on the same floor as Javier Arenas so we're close, he says.
yo estoy dejando ya definitivamente el partido, he quedado en que sigo cobrando del partido, sigo teniendo el coche y conductor sigo con la secretaria y sigo teniendo un despacho que Javier Arenas me dice que vaya a la planta suya, la tercera y así estamos cerca.
He attempted to kill Lonnie, because if Lonnie hadn't murdered Scott Barrett, things would be going along as planned.
Intentó matar a Lonnie, porque si Lonnie No había asesinado a Scott Barrett, las cosas se van a lo largo de la forma prevista.
Well, one option would be to subpoena Kirkin's phone lines, and if he made a subsequent call on Callen's behalf, maybe that'll give us some clues.
Bueno, una opción sería conseguir una orden para los teléfonos de Kirkin y si llamó a continuación por algo relacionado con Callen quizá eso nos dé pistas.
Before he left for Utah, your father and I were privately discussing how bad it would be if he found out, and Andy overheard us.
Antes de irse a Utah, tu padre y yo discutimos en privado cómo de malo sería que lo descubriera, y Andy nos oyó.
But in your case, if I was to tell you that you're one of the most beautiful women that I have ever seen, that would not be flattery.
Pero en tu caso, si te dijera... que eres la mujer mas hermosa que he visto, eso no sería halago.
Coulson would be pissed if he knew what you had planned.
Coulson se enojaría si supiera lo que has planeado.
Why else would he be here?
¿ Por qué si no estaría aquí?
- Well, listen, I would be lying if I said I did not have a problem with Jeff.
- Bueno, escucha. Mentiría si dijera que no he tenido problemas con Jeff.
You know, I would have thought after all the years in the business, he'd be a little bit more professional than that, but...
Hubiera pensado que luego de tantos años en la industria... sería un poco más profesional que eso, pero...
he wouldn't hurt a fly 20
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't say 50
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't listen 42
he would never do that 37
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't say 50
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't listen 42
he would never do that 37
he would have been 19
he would have killed me 16
he would have 36
he would 208
he would never 36
he would say 35
would be nice 30
would be 49
bebe 93
beyonce 24
he would have killed me 16
he would have 36
he would 208
he would never 36
he would say 35
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beyonce 24