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I went over there traduction Espagnol

430 traduction parallèle
No, he phoned, and I went over there.
No, llamó y fui para allá.
And since she cannot read, I went over there to read it for her.
Y puesto que no sabe leer, y me he pasado por allí a leérsela.
Oh, say it worked, honey. Say I went over there to that man now.
Pon que voy a verle ahora.
So I went over there to ask if there were any buddies of his.
¿ Qué se le ofrece? Yo no lo conozco.
I went over there today looking for you.
Hoy pasé por allí buscándote.
I went over there, all right.
- He ido a verlo.
I saw a strange woman when I went over there
Cuando fui vi a una mujer allí.
So I went over there.
Y allí me fui.
I was wondering about that burnt-out bulb in front of your house and I went over there this morning to take a look at it...
Tenía dudas sobre esa bombilla quemada en el frente de su casa y fui esta mañana a echarle un vistazo.
I went over there. I talked to them.
Les he hablado personalmente.
- I went over there for a purpose, man.
- Sí. - Fui allá con un propósito, amigo.
That's what I went over there to fight for.
Por eso fui allá a pelear.
I went over there to see if I could talk her out of that goddamned $ 10-million lawsuit.
Fui para ver si podía convencerla... de abandonarla demanda por $ 10 millones.
In fact, she sent me for a job and I went over there and I got it.
De hecho, me mandó a un trabajo, fui y lo conseguí.
I had a date with him today, I went over there and rang the bell, but he wasn't there,
Tenía una cita con él. Fui y llamé al timbre y él no estaba.
I went over there... and rang the bell, but he wasn't there.
Fui y llamé al timbre y él no estaba.
I went over there and talked to him.
Fui a hablarle.
So, I went over there.
Me acerqué a saludarla.
I was just coming down that hill over there, and the motor went dead - the sickening way it does, you know.
Bajaba por esa colina y el motor se paró... -... de forma inesperada, ya sabe.
I went over around Schultz's. Boy, he had some beauts over there!
Fui hasta Schultz's. ¡ Cielos, allí encontré tesoros!
Desde allí, fui a comer por allá.
Suppose I took the glasses and went over the ridge? Maybe there's a new landing coming off.
Podría coger los prismáticos e ir a ver si vienen más.
I went to the city last year and had a wonderful going-over by a doctor there.
Fui a la ciudad el año pasado y me hicieron un chequeo estupendo.
I went right over there, I told him what you said, but he don't want to go.
Fui a buscarlo, le conté lo que dijiste, pero no quiso venir.
Up till the time that he went over the wall, I mean escaped, there was every indication that Lefty was going to be with us for quite a long time.
Hasta el momento que saltó el muro, quiero decir que escapó, las indicaciones eran que Lefty debería haber estado aquí mucho tiempo.
I went over the wall there and joined a carnival.
Salté el muro y me uní a un Circo ambulante.
So I went back to the window and looked and she was laying there, - and this fellow was bending over her.
Volví a la ventana y allí estaba, en el suelo, y este tipo junto a ella.
I went over to get some water and there wasn't any.
No había agua para aclararme.
I went over to the bartender and asked him if he had a girl working there named Eden.
"Me acerqué al barman y le pregunté" "si trabajaba allí una chica llamada Eden."
You went over all this when I was back there.
Oiga, ¿ revisó esto mientras estuvo allí?
Well, I went over to Vallauris to see their ceramics. I learned this trick from one of the artists I met there.
Vi la cerámica de Vallauris y un artista me lo enseñó.
I went out on the pier to look at my lobster traps, when I see the boat way out over there by the breaker line, but it was low in the water and looked like it was empty.
Salí al muelle para buscar en mis trampas de langostas, cuando veo la silueta de un barco allá por la línea del horizonte, pero ya estaba en el agua y parecía que estaba vacío.
I hustled.When there was empty piers in Brooklyn I went to Hoboken, Staten Island, the West Side, Jersey, all over because I made a promise.
Cuando los muelles estaban vacíos en Brooklyn... fui a Hoboken, Staten Island, al West Side, Jersey, a cualquier lado porque hice una promesa.
- Ah, yes. - How can I put it... He is a good man, of course, but now he went over there to make his own estimation on the real value of the land, you see...
Es, por decirlo de algún modo, una excelente persona ahora se ha puesto a verificar, por su cuenta, el precio real del terreno.
There were four suicides as a result. I believe the bulk of your soul went over to us shortly thereafter.
Hay otros asuntos aquí en'vida privada', noveno volumen.
I went to Cuba when I was young, I was sick of being tired and hungry all the time, and for a moment over there, I had everything.
De joven me marché a Cuba, estaba harta de pasar hambres y fatigas, y allí en un momento, lo tuve todo.
That's what I went there to do. But you know what? When they started messing over our bikes, they started it.
Fue eso lo que fui a hacer allí... pero todo comenzó cuando se metieron con nuestras motos.
Come! So I went over But there was this rug
Avancé hacia Arthur, pero en el suelo había alfombras, y... me di un batacazo de bigotes.
I used to wonder over there what kind of people went to those things
En Vietnam me preguntaba que clase de personas irían a esos desfiles
I went over to the school to check out the records and... nobody over there seen or heard from him since he came to work for you.
Fui a la universidad a comprobar su expediente... pero nadie lo ha visto desde que vino a trabajar para Ud.
Well, then I went over to the car, and there were flames, like, all over ( STAMMERING ) the top of the...
Entonces me acerqué al auto y había llamas por todo...
I went to see his doctor, asked him what's going to happen to him... when he lands that rocket car over there across the gorge... -... how hard it's gonna hit.
Fuí a ver a su doctor, y le pregunté lo que pasaría cuando... cuando toque tierra en ese auto cohete después de pasar sobre ese cañón... y lo duro que golpearían.
You get there first. I'll show up a little late... and just say the shoot went over.
Tú llegas primero y yo llego un poco tarde y diré que la sesión se alargó.
That's interesting, Wally. You know, when I went to Ladakh in western Tibet and stayed on a farm for a month... well, there, you know, when people come over in the evening for tea, nobody says anything. Unless there's something to say, but there almost never is.
Es interesante, porque cuando fui a Ladakh, en el Tíbet... y pasé un mes en una granja, cuando venía gente a tomar el té por la noche... nadie decía nada, a menos que ocurriera algo... y casi nunca había nada.
- I just went over there to look around.
Fui a echar un vistazo.
So I went over to the dorm to pick her up, only she wasn't there.
Así que fui a buscarla a su dormitorio, pero no estaba.
At the last train, we went in over there. But, like I mentioned before,
En las vías paralelas vi otros trenes parados.
And still, I couldn't believe what had happened over there on the other side of the gate, where the people went in, disappeared, or everything got quiet.
Sábanas, maletas, cualquier cosa, amalgamados en una sola masa.
I'm telling you, it went down right over there.
Estoy diciéndote que cayó allí.
So, I went back to my place and here was this final great you know, where it's supposed to be an immortal genius, open it up there were all these big footprints over my poems, over all the paintings.
El interruptor de la luz... Discurso entrecortado, el factor de la boca... El interruptor de la luz roto, el colchón como un puerco espín,
So shaking all over, I went to the construction site of a building... going up on 2nd Avenue and signed a lease... on a two and a half bed-sitter apartment... that isn't even there yet.
Me eché la manta a la cabeza y fui a ver un edificio en construcción en la 2ª Avenida y firmé un contrato de alquiler de un departamento con dos habitaciones amuebladas que aún no están ni siquiera allí.

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