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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / I went

I went traduction Espagnol

67,988 traduction parallèle
- I saw Chris, then I went to a movie.
- Vi a Chris, después fui a una película.
I went to Cincinnati for the funeral.
Fui a su funeral.
I went out with her?
¿ Yo salí con ella?
And of course, I went back to Sandy.
Y por supuesto, yo volví con Sandy.
Part of the reason why I went to the game.
Por eso fui al juego.
Hey, I went swimming.
Oye, me he bañado.
I went out there, I signed these guys and they trusted me.
Yo estuve allí, aposté por estos chicos y ellos confiaron en mí.
I went to see Tasha.
Fui a ver a Tasha.
I went to the bank. Mm-hmm.
Fui al banco.
My problem is, I went crazy in high school, tried everything I could get my hands on.
Mi problema es que me volví loco en el instituto, probé todo aquello que podía conseguir.
I went to the storage unit to look at my dad's old bike, I found half a businessman in the freezer.
Fui al depósito para ver la moto de mi papá y encontré medio hombre en el congelador.
I went to the gym, I misplaced my cell phone, oh, and then Dan asked me to murder a murderer.
Fui al gimnasio, perdí el celular y, cierto, Dan me pidió que mate a un asesino.
I went by his place.
Fui a su casa.
I went to Pulaski Park with some friends.
Fui al parque Pulaski con unos amigos.
I went back looking for it, and...
Regresé para buscarlo y...
Yeah, I went back through Sandford Greg's rap sheet.
Sí, regresé al expediente de violación de Sandford Greg.
He put it out there he had some dope. I went to buy one off him.
Fui a comprarle.
You know, everybody was so surprised when I went into this... me, the lab geek.
¿ Sabe? , todo el mundo estaba tan sorprendido cuando entré en esto... yo, la nerd del laboratorio.
I saw a cut on my arm, and I went for help.
Me corté en un brazo y salí por ayuda.
I went through this phase where I would come home every night, cut my nails every night, like down to the quick.
Pasé por esta fase en la que volvía a casa todas las noches, cortaba mis uñas todas las noches, a toda hora.
I went to see my ex.
Fui a ver a mi ex.
So I went to see her so she wouldn't be alone.
Así que fui a verla para que no estuviera sola.
I went to the courthouse this morning.
Fui al juzgado esta mañana.
- Oliver, the only reason I went back is that Harvey committed to doing pro bonos, all right?
- Oliver, solamente regresé porque Harvey se comprometió a tomar casos gratis.
I'm sorry that I went behind your back, Louis.
Lamento haberlo hecho a tus espaldas, Louis.
Thing is, it went great, and everyone had so much fun that I kind of... Became the new me.
La cuestión es, que fue genial, y todo el mundo se lo pasó tan bien que como que yo... pasaste a ser el nuevo yo.
I wanna make sure that went well.
Quiero asegurarme de que todo estuvo bien.
I was just trying to open that trunk and a wave of pain went through every inch of my body.
Intentaba abrir ese baúl y una ola de dolor me golpeó todo el cuerpo.
You know, I once went to three Guess Who shows in a weekend.
Una vez fui a tres shows de Guess Who en un fin de semana.
That complaint mysteriously went away and I want to help you get the compensation that you deserve.
Esa denuncia misteriosamente desapareció y quiero ayudarlo a que reciba la compensación que se merece.
I was responsible for all those guys that got sick and I'm the one that got us the money that went with those NDAs.
Yo fui responsable de todos los que se enfermaron y soy el que nos consiguió el dinero que iba con esos acuerdos de confidencialidad.
I had to get to class, but I thought it went great.
Tuve que irme a clases, pero creo que salió muy bien.
But you went to all this trouble and I don't want to bring you down.
Pero te tomaste toda esta molestia y no quiero abatirte con esto.
She's big on diversity, and I asked Will if... when he went in for his interview, I asked him if... if he mentioned he was black, and he laughed because we, like, both knew that she already had two white clerks
Ella es grande en la diversidad, y le pregunté a Will si... cuando entró a su entrevista, le pregunté si... si mencionó que era negro, y se rio porque, ambos sabíamos que ella ya tenía dos pasantes blancos
And I guess he just went on with his life.
Y supongo que solo siguió adelante con su vida.
I brought a knife in case something went wrong, and it did.
Compré un cuchillo por si algo salía mal y algo salió mal.
Grace went over there to try to cool things down, but... I think he killed her.
Grace fue hasta allá para tratar de calmar las cosas, pero... creo que la mató.
I went out to the Lincoln to get my cigs, right?
Entre más detallado, mejor.
But as the years went on, I didn't really feel like doing those things anymore.
Pero a medida que pasaban los años, realmente no quería seguir haciéndolo.
Well, technically there wasn't. I mean, we never went out.
Bueno, técnicamente no lo hubo es decir, nunca salimos.
I heard the surgery went well.
Oí que la cirugía fue bien.
But look, I can figure out what went wrong.
Pero mira, puedo descubrir qué fue mal.
Coulson said that if I wanted to know where you went today, I should ask, and he's right.
Coulson dijo que si quería saber dónde habías estado hoy... debía preguntar, y tiene razón.
But I already went from head coach to quarterback, and now you're telling me
Pero ya he pasado de entrenador jefe a quarterback... y ahora me estás diciendo...
I understand why she went with him.
Entiendo por qué se fue con él.
I'm amazed you went through.
Me sorprende que pasaras.
I saw what happened when they went through... the truth about this reality.
Vi lo que pasó cuando cruzaron... la verdad sobre esta realidad.
I'm just grateful Ghost Rider kept its part of the deal and went back to you.
Solo agradezco que Ghost Rider mantuviera su parte... del trato y volviese contigo.
Well, I told Wayne that Steph Curry was coming. He went berserk.
Le dije a Wayne que venía Steph Curry.
I thought you went to bed.
Creí que te habías ido a dormir.
I wasn't suggesting that, but it's so interesting that's where your mind went.
No quise decir eso, pero es interesante que lo pensaras.

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