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I went out traduction Espagnol

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- Well... I thought it was bogus and someone was screwing with me, until... I went out with my platoon that night.
- Bueno... pensé que era falsa y alguien se estaba metiendo conmigo, hasta... que salí con mi pelotón esa noche.
I went out for some fresh air, but I forgot to close the door, and our dog cinnamon got out.
Salí a tomar el aire, pero me olvidé de cerrar la puerta, y nuestro perro Canela salió.
You kicked me out, so I went out.
Me echaste, así que salí.
How would you feel, if I went out dancing with my face painted human pink?
¿ Como te sentirías si me fuese a bailar con mi rostro pintado de rosado humano?
So, I grabbed my Taser, I went out there...
Así que, cogí mi táser y salí allí.
I went out by myself, couldn't find anything.
Fui yo solo, no pude encontrar nada.
I went out the other night to grab a pack of smokes, and someone grabs me from behind and puts something over my mouth.
Salí la otra noche a comprar cigarrillos, y alguien me agarró de atrás y me puso algo sobre la boca.
I went out to buy some things.
Porque he salido a comprar algo.
CD, I went out to look for the ghost..
CD, salí a buscar el fantasma "
I went out to find them.
Salí fuera para buscarlas.
So when I got out of bed and I didn't see him around, I went out to the garage.
Así que cuando salí de la cama y no lo vi por aquí, fui hasta el garaje.
I realize that, but safety concerns went out the window two apple juices ago.
Ya me he dado cuenta pero la preocupación por la seguridad se marcha cuando bebes dos zumos.
I had one like it, and it went missing too, out of my ute.
Yo tenía una igual, y desaparecio
I knocked, I called out and I went in.
Llamé, Llamé y me fui.
Yeah, well, all that went out the window when I watched you kill a blood relative.
Sí, bueno, todo se fue por la borda cuando vi como mataste a alguien de tu familia.
I mean, we went out a few times.
Aunque, salimos unas pocas veces.
And, Max, I can't believe you went out with that hair in public.
Y Max, no me puedo creer que hayas salido a la calle con ese pelo.
I went back for my coat, and Laurie said to get this cheap piece of crap out of her house, so I thought I'd bring it to you.
Fui por mi abrigo y Laurie dijo que sacase esta mierda barata... de su casa, así que pensé en traértela.
And when I said Fanta, the crowd went crazy, because it was such a local reference, they freaked out.
Y cuando dije "Fanta", el público enloqueció, porque era una referencia tan local, que enloquecieron.
And then I... went out and I hid in the bathroom until she left.
Y entonces... Salí y me escondí en el baño hasta que se fue.
I think there's a reason why you went out of your way to keep that transfer a secret.
Creo que hay una razón por la que te esforzaste para mantener en secreto la transferencia.
I went to put the mail out, and it was just sitting there.
- No lo sé. Fui a buscar el correo, y estaba ahí sentada.
It's like a cannon went off somewhere that I just missed out on.
Es como un disparo de cañón del que yo no me enteré.
Listen, I went to the breeders today, and a funny thing... it turns out Lady is already pregnant.
Escucha, fui hoy donde los criadores, y una cosa graciosa... resultó que Lady estaba preñada.
I thought they went out of business.
Pensé que estaban fuera del negocio.
But after I punched that jerk out, ticket sales went through the roof.
Pero luego de que golpeé a ese idiota, la venta de entradas se fue al cielo.
Oh, I went to the library and took out a book on biology to see what whores did.
oh, fui a la biblioteca y agarro un libro de biología para ver que hacían las prostitutas.
Look, I hate it when my students are upset, so I just went out, driving around. I checked a few neighborhood parks.
Odio cuando mis estudiantes se alteran, así que salí en el auto busqué en los parques del vecindario.
A-and I only went through the Jelly Gates'cause you were out of Golden Coins.
Solo entré en las puertas de jalea porque se me acabaron las monedas de oro.
I think you went out there and dug up Scotty Gates'grave to get to that treasure.
Creo que estuviste allí y desenterraste a Scotty Gates de su tumba para conseguir ese tesoro.
We went out to I think about 30 writers on the first film, and they all passed.
Fuimos, creo, a 30 guionistas en la primera película, y todos pasaron.
The last time I went to a party of his, he wouldn't come out from under his bed cos he pooed himself and everyone was calling him Flabby Anus.
La última vez que fui a una fiesta suya, no quería salir de debajo de su cama porque se había cagado... y todos le llamaban Flojo DeAnus.
Anyway, we ran out of kindling for the fire, and whilst Mets went out to find some, I sort of improvised and, well...
Como sea, nos quedamos sin astillas para el fuego, y mientras Mets salía a por algunas, yo improvisé y, bueno...
And Sam really wants to go out with her or go out with her again because they already went out and she broke up with him and sang "I Will Always Love You"
Y Sam quiere salir con ella sí o sí otra vez porque ya estuvieron saliendo y ella rompió con él y cantó "I Will Always Love You"
I still can't believe you went off to this fancy writing program and came out with porno gold.
Todavía no puedo creer que fuiste a ese elegante programa de escritura y saliste con una pornografía dorada.
I was doing pretty good, but when I found out that the woman I loved was having a baby with... Another man, well, I walked right out the front door, and I went to the nearest bar.
Lo estaba haciendo bastante bien, pero cuando me enteré de que la mujer a la que amaba iba a tener un bebé con... otro hombre, bueno, salí por la puerta y fui al bar más cercano.
Uh, I got out of bed, grabbed my rifle, went out to take a look around.
Me levanté de la cama, tomé mi rifle, salí para echar un vistazo.
I went to prison, got my life together in there, took over the garage when I got out.
Fui a prisión, puse mi vida en orden. Me hice cargo del taller cuando salí,
I actually went there by myself to dig it out after we broke up.
De hecho fui a sacarla después de que terminamos.
I think you went out to talk to her.
Creo que salió a hablar con ella.
I went to Philadelphia last night and I find out my ex-boyfriend is married and he's faithful.
Fui a Philadelphia anoche y descubrí que mi exnovio está casado y es fiel.
He can get pretty loud in the box, but, uh, I never saw anybody coming out looking worse than when he went in.
Puede dar bastantes voces en esa sala pero nunca he visto a nadie salir peor de lo que entró.
[Cell phone chimes] All right, well, I already went out and got all new food,'cause I ate all the other food.
Está bien, bueno, ya fui a comprar comida nueva, porque ya me comí la otra.
Except, me and him went out and tied one on the night before, and Bill missed the shuttle van to the airport. Aww... And I could never look a Mai Tai in the face again.
Excepto que, él y yo salimos y nos ligamos a una la noche antes, y Bill perdió el autobús al aeropuerto. Y nunca he podido mirar a la cara a un Mai Tai otra vez.
I heard about Josephine's lawsuit and found out she was in town, so I went'round to see her.
Escuché de la querella de Josephine y descubrí que estaba en la ciudad, entonces fui a verla.
You pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot my guy, and I don't give a shit if you didn't mean to shoot it, because it went off.
Tomaste un arma y amenazaste con dispararle a mi chico, y no te daré nada si eso no significa dispararle, por accidente.
I went to the bank machine yesterday. Cleaned me out.
Fui al cajero ayer.
I only went there to find out where Colin was so you could cross him off your list.
Sólo fui para averiguar dónde estaba Colin para que lo quites de tu lista.
As she betrayed me I watched and went out of my mind.
Como ella me traicionó vi y me fui fuera de mi mente.
I went into the bathroom because she wouldn't come out!
¡ Fui al baño porque ella no quería salir!
His vitals went wonky. I can't figure it out.
Sus signos vitales suben y bajan.

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