If i did it traduction Espagnol
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But if I did it for me...
Pero si lo hiciera por mí...
But I did find it really close to the ignition point and I'm hoping if I can ID this partial logo, I could maybe get us a location that connects us to our arsonist.
Pero lo encontré muy cerca del punto de ignición así que espero que si identifico este logo parcial, pueda dar con un sitio que nos lleve hasta el pirómano.
If I did, there would be a copy of it in the case file, right? Oh.
Si lo hubiera hecho, habría una copia en el archivo del caso, ¿ no?
I mean, you got the guy that wrote the song, so I kind of figured even if I did push my button, it's a Cee Lo kind of song. I could tell by his raunchy facial expressions and body language
Bueno tienes al que escribio la cancion asi que imagino que aunque no haya presionado el boton es el tipo decancion de Cee Lo lo se por la expresion de su cara y su lenguaje corporal
I don't know if it's going to get me to live shows, but I'm satisfied with what I did.
No sé si va a hacerme shows en vivo, pero estoy satisfecho con lo que hice.
If Helene swears she did not slaughter Bird Raymond, though we found him stiff and crooked in her pocket, then I must take her word for it and I ask we never speak of it again...
Si Helene jura que no asesinó al pájaro Raymond, aunque lo encontramos tieso y retorcido en su bolsillo, entonces debemos aceptar su palabra y pido que no hablemos nunca de ello.
Well, if I did, I learnt from it and that's all I am asking from him.
Bueno, si lo hice, aprendí de ello y eso es todo lo que pido de él.
Put it to you this way, I wouldn't blame you if you did.
Mirémoslo de esta manera, no te culparía si lo hubieras hecho.
Um, I don't know if we're supposed to say our names, but I did, so you can all deal with it.
No sé si se supone que debemos decir nuestros nombres pero lo he hecho, así que podéis aguantaros con eso.
If you're here to complain about the pothole, I guarantee I did it correctly.
Si estás aquí para quejarte del bache, te garantizo que lo hice correctamente.
For one thing, I could never ask Frank that, and for another, he'd never agree to it, and even if he did, I don't think Nicole would want to stay behind.
Por un lado, no podría preguntarle eso a Frank, y por el otro, nunca accedería a hacerlo, e incluso si lo hiciera, no creo que Nicole quisiera quedarse.
I'd appreciate it if you did.
Agradecería que lo hiciese.
If it doesn't go well with Lori, I promise I won't do donuts on her lawn and call her a slut like I did when you and I broke up in high school.
Si no sale bien con Lori, prometo no arruinarle el jardín y llamarla zorra como cuando tú y yo terminamos en la secundaria.
Yeah, I think if I put another baby in her, it'll really crush her spirit... kind of like Kevin did to Jenny.
Sí, creo que si le hago un niño me cargaré su espíritu, cómo hizo Kevin con Jenny.
She was friendly, she was smiling, very courteous, even though, I will say, that she did have a slightly haunted look, if that's an appropriate way to describe it.
Ella era muy amable, sonriente, muy educada. Sin embargo, yo diría que estaba un poco angustiada. Si se trata de una forma adecuada para describirla.
Because if it did, I would completely understand.
Porque si así fuese, lo entendería completamente.
You did this, and now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take your Nationals trophy, and I'm going to run over it with my Le Car.
Tú has hecho esto, y ahora, si me disculpas, voy a coger vuestro trofeo de las Nacionales, y voy a pasar por encima con mi Le Car.
You actually did teach me something, which is that if I'm going to win this showcase, the only way I'm gonna do it is with my voice.
Realmente me has enseñado algo, que es que si quiero ganar esta exhibición, el único modo que lo voy a hacer será con mi voz.
But he more or less said it would be okay if I did.
Pero más o menos dijo que estaría bien si lo hablaba.
Not really. Wouldn't it be cool, though, if I did?
En realidad no. ¿ Y lo que molaría, eh, si lo fuera?
But if I did, it wouldn't matter.
Pero si lo hiciera, no importaría.
I don't know if it hurt her or did her any more good.
No sé si le dolía o lo hizo ella más bien.
I remember, because I liked the needle being stuck in and my mum freaked and made me promise if I ever did scag, I'd only smoke it.
A mí me dieron el pinchazo de las paperas.
Even if I was tired, I always did it.
Incluso si estaba cansada, siempre lo hacía.
If you did, I'd do my best to hear it right now.
Si lo ha hecho, soy todo oídos.
I did it thinking that it was for Tae Joon's best interest... but if Tae Joon finds out, I think he's going to get really mad at me.
Lo hice pensando que era por el bien de Tae Joon... creo que se enojará mucho conmigo.
If i knew what i did wrong i could apologize and instead it's this blowup again of nothing.
Si supiese lo que hice mal, me disculparía... pero en lugar de eso, tenemos toda esta discusión por nada.
so that means you actually did know that the girl there is how it works, they find somebody, I show up for the photo shoot, I wouldn't be able to recognize her if you showed me a picture of her
Así que eso significa que realmente conocía a la niña. Esto funciona así : primero encuentran a alguien, y me presento para la foto. No podría reconocerla si me mostrasen una foto de ella.
I have already looked it up, the Prime Minister did indeed have a meeting with Ussing that they and your hundred percent sure about that if they had a meeting in Esberg any chance that Ussing did not show up
Ya lo he mirado, el Primer Ministro efectivamente tenía una reunión con Ussing ese día. ¿ Y está cien por cien segura de que tuvieron una reunión en Esberg? ¿ Alguna posibilidad de que Ussing no apareciese?
I want to know what the reason was and if there are any other meetings that was reshuffled, who did it and any other information regarding Ussing from back then
Quiero saber la razón y si hubo alguna reunión más que fuese reorganizada, quién lo hizo y cualquier información de entonces relacionada con Ussing.
If I prove who did it... so you get certainty and he punished?
¿ Si demuestro quién lo hizo, tienes la certeza de que será castigado?
I mean, I know what they said in court but, they wouldn't him go if they thought he did it.
Quiero decir, sé lo que dijeron en la corte, pero, No lo habrían dejado irse si pensaban que él lo hizo.
If it did, I would not have bought tickets to the Arms and Armor exhibit at the Met today.
De lo contrario, no habría comprado entradas para la exposición de armas y armaduras de hoy en el Met.
Even if he did, I promise you he covered his tracks or destroyed the evidence or had Lily do it for him.
Incluso si lo creyera, te prometo que habrá cubierto sus huellas o destruido las pruebas, o que Lily lo haya hecho por él.
We have worked on the following day, as if nothing had happened, It was inconceivable I never thought could happen that such a but I'm sure his father did not want me to mope.
Trabajar al día siguiente como si nada hubiera ocurrido fue lo más difícil que nos ha tocado hacer nunca, pero estoy segura de que su padre lo hubiera querido así.
because I knew if I tweaked him, he would just respond, and he did, and I still like to tweak him just because it's fun...
porque Sabía que si le pellizqué, Se limitaba a responder, y lo hizo, y todavía me gusta retocar él sólo porque es divertido...
So if I didn't do it, who do you think did?
Si tú no lo hiciste, ¿ quién crees que lo hizo?
Even if I did kill Aiden... you'll never be able to prove it.
Incluso si hubiera matado a Aiden... nunca sería capaz de probarlo.
But if it would make you feel better, I could hack into their network and make it look like I did.
Pero si te hace sentir mejor, podría colarme en su red y hacer como si lo hubiera hecho.
If someone did leave anything in here, I didn't find it.
Si alguien se dejó algo aquí, no lo encontré.
If I did harm them, perhaps it would be help for them to confront me or through you to share their anger.
Si los hice daño, quizá les ayudaría confrontar conmigo o a través suyo compartir su ira.
I mean, come it's crazy, we're not going to do it, but if you did, there'd be a pattern, to make it their problem, not our problem.
Quiero decir, es de locos, no vamos a hacerlo, pero si lo hicieses, habría un patrón, para hacerlo su problema, no nuestro problema.
I did ask if it was OK and you did say it was.
Te pregunté si estaba bien y dijiste que sí.
So did my vote screw it up? Even if i vote forward pete, tall would have done was tied it up. So i voted for aby.
Entonces mi voto lo arruinó, incluso si votaba a Pete, sólo lo hubiera empatado, así que voté por Abi, y ahora veré donde estoy parado.
His father coached him through it, talked about the other competitors, did a kind of strategy almost as if it were a football game, figuring out if this one does this you do that and if that one does this,... setting the whole thing up, I mean really experiencing it
Su padre le asistió todo el tiempo, le habló de los demás competidores, urdió una especie de estrategia, casi como si fuese un partido de fútbol, previendo, si este hace esto, tú haces eso, y si ese otro hace esto,... planteándoselo todo, realmente viviéndolo,
Even if I did show it by picking him up from school in my underwear and... hitting on the crossing guard.
Incluso si lo demostrara recogiéndolo del colegio con mi ropa interior y... tirándome a la guardia del paso de peatones.
Absolutely, I did, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat if it meant a clean slate with Elena.
Por supuesto que sí, y lo volvería a hacer en un instante si eso significase que podría hacer borrón y cuenta nueva con Elena.
And I thought that if I did this for you, if I carried your children, it'd would bring us closer together.
Y pensé que si yo hacía esto por ti, si tenía tu bebé, nos podría acercar más.
I believe that I deserve your vote because what this game is about, it's about outwit, outplay, outlast. And I believe if you look at those three principles, there's nobody sitting up here that did that remotely even close to what I did in this game.
Creo que... merezco tu voto porque... de lo que trata este juego es de Jugar mejor, Engañar a otros y Resistir más, y creo que si ves esos 3 principios, no hay nadie sentado acá que hizo eso
I only did'cause, you know, if you were getting up, I thought, "Well, if you're witnessing it, I best witness it."
Solo lo hice porque si te levantabas, y lo presenciabas, yo también debería hacerlo.
Even if I did, it's not a big deal.
Incluso si lo hiciera, no sería para tanto.
if it's meant to be 16
if i didn't know better 127
if i were you 923
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if i knew 98
if i can 158
if i may ask 88
if it isn't 54
if i didn't know better 127
if i were you 923
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if i knew 98
if i can 158
if i may ask 88
if it isn't 54
if i may 812
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if it wasn't 30
if i do 197
if it was 105
if it were up to me 123
if i could 203
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if it wasn't 30
if i do 197
if it was 105
if it were up to me 123
if i could 203
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if i did 272
if i'm not mistaken 223
if it's a boy 49
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if i win 152
if it's not 54
if i don't 193
if i did 272
if i'm not mistaken 223
if it's a boy 49
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if i win 152
if it's not 54
if i don't 193