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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ I ] / It's meant to be

It's meant to be traduction Espagnol

824 traduction parallèle
It's not meant to be.
Eso no conviene.
As it's meant to be, my dear fellow.
Se supone que debe serlo, mi querido amigo.
- No! It's meant to be a surprise.
Por Dios, es una sorpresa.
Well, I see, again it's not meant to be.
Bueno, ya veo, una vez más no era la voluntad de Dios.
- That's what they meant it to be.
Una broma. - Bueno al menos eso era lo que querían.
That's how it was meant to be.
Así tenía que ser.
If this is meant to be humor it's very ill time.
Si todo esto es una broma, es de muy mal gusto.
But right then it gave me a nasty feeling to be thinking about them at all... with that briefcase right behind my head that had her father's signature in it... and what that signature meant.
Pero me sentía incómodo pensando acerca de ellos... ya que tenía el portafolios atrás con la firma del padre... y sabiendo lo que esa firma representaba.
Your affection means a great deal to me and now that I've lost the chance for ever, I want you all to know how much it would have meant to me to be Mayor, or the City Clerk or the Assistant City Clerk or the dog-catcher of this town, which is my grandfather's farm.
Su afecto significa mucho para mí... y ahora que perdí la oportunidad para siempre... quiero que sepan lo mucho que hubiera significado para mí ser su alcalde... o funcionario público, o el asistente de éste o el perrero de esta ciudad... que era la granja de mi abuelo.
- Yes... It sounds a bit off, but I think it's meant to be a melody.
El sonido no es perfecto, pero su fin es una melodía.
It's not meant to be.
- No tiene que serlo.
It's meant to be sensational, like the subject.
Tiene que ser sensacional, como el tema.
Sí, esa era mi intención.
I guess sometimes it's meant to be.
Supongo que a veces tiene que pasar.
When it's at 4 : 30, it's meant to be at about 5,..
Cuando es a las 16.30, llega siempre a las 17.
What's it meant to be?
¿ Qué se supone que es?
It's just that some people are meant to be one thing, some another.
Cuando una persona nace para algo, debe hacerlo.
That's how it is meant to be.
Así es como tiene que ser.
That makes you wonder what the heck it's meant to be
¿ Eso hace que uno se pregunte? ¿ Qué diablos se supone que es?
It's not meant to be a work of art.
No pretendía hacer una obra de arte.
That's singing as it's meant to be, and not the other way... that the sacristan teaches you.
Eso es cantar como Dios manda, y no lo otro que te enseña el sacristán.
It's meant to be waterproof.
Se supone que es impermeable.
You get a feeling this is how it was meant to be- - like you are Troiano's fate... like you're God.
Tienes la sensación de que esto es como debía ser... de que eres el destino de Troiano... como si fueras Dios.
And say that's how it's meant to be
E intenta siempre triunfar
Now it's time to be what god meant you to be - individuals.
Un hombre, una mujer, un niño, un ser. Es momento de romper ese tubo de ensayo.
It's meant to be. Don't miss the meeting!
Son citas del destino a las que no se puede faltar.
Of what it's meant to be, I suppose.
- De lo que debe ser, supongo.
Why? - It's meant to be of the highest security rating, kept in a safe.
- La intención es de la más alta clasificación de seguridad, se mantienen en una caja fuerte.
It's a weapon built primarily as a bluff, never meant to be used.
Es un arma hecha para disuadir. Demasiado poderosa para usarse.
It's not meant to be cute.
No debe ser lindo.
It's a private communication, it's not meant to be official.
Esta carta no es un documento oficial,
- It's part of life, it's meant to be lived.
- Es parte de la vida y hay que vivirlo.
Aye, there's a service crawlway, but it's not meant to be used while the integrator operates.
Hay un sótano, pero no debe usarse mientras funciona el integrador.
I don't doubt that you meant it kind but I'd rather not be acquainted with you any longer, if it's all the same to you.
No dudo de sus buenas intenciones pero preferiría no saber más de ustedes por un tiempo si no les importa.
The way I see it, it's about time we got us a sheriff who can treat that jailhouse scum like they was meant to be.
Ya es hora de que tengamos un sheriff que trate a esa escoria como es debido.
Maybe it's not meant to be enjoyable with women you love.
Quizá no todo es divertido con la mujer que amamos.
What I meant was, whatever it takes to be a cop's wife I'm just not sure I'm making it.
Quiero decir que lo que hace falta para ser la esposa de un poli no sé si lo soporto.
It's not meant to be funny! Don't you understand?
No es gracioso. ¿ No entiende?
- They say it's meant to be terrible.
- Dicen que duele mucho.
Now, what's it meant to be?
¿ De qué va?
It's meant to be like that, Glad.
- Esas chaquetas son así.
It's not meant to be anything - it just is
No pretende ser nada, sólo es.
It's meant to be, Callahan.
Así tiene que ser, Callahan.
Why not test it the way it's meant to be used?
? Por qué no lo prueba del modo en que debería probarlo?
It ´ s not meant to be.
No es mi intención que lo sea.
That's what it's meant to be.
Eso es lo que pretendo.
It's meant to be.
Tenía que ocurrir.
~ Our love was meant to be ~ ~ And darling, it's a certainty, oh ~
Nuestro amor estaba escrito y es algo seguro.
It's meant to be used. It's just that it's part of what we were trying to do in the bedroom.
Para eso está, pero formaba parte del dormitorio.
The only reason we do these stupid movies is cos it's meant to be fun.
La razón única hacemos estos las películas estúpidas es cos es significado para ser divertido.
It's not meant to be taken literally.
No lo tomes literalmente.

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