It isn't me traduction Espagnol
4,143 traduction parallèle
That's for me, isn't it?
Es para mí, ¿ verdad?
- Jesus, that's for me, isn't it?
- Dios, es por mí, ¿ no es así?
- It isn't easy for me, Branca.
- Háblame Blanca.
Everyone hates me now and it isn't fair.
Todo el mundo me odia ahora y no es justo.
This is why they got rid of me, isn't it?
Es por esto que se han deshecho de mí, ¿ verdad?
I'd like to say on behalf of the departed, that it isn't a womens responsibility to see that the seat is down.
Me gustaría decir en nombre de la difunta, que no es responsabilidad de las mujeres ver que el asiento del retrete esté abajo.
Well, it's a little late for me to start saying no, isn't it?
Bueno, es un poco tarde, para empezar a decir no, ¿ no es asi?
Seeing me like this isn't in your job description either, is it?
- Verme así tampoco es tu trabajo, ¿ no?
Well, it isn't about me.
Bueno, no se trata de mí.
After all, you only met me, what, three days ago? The world isn't what it was.
El mundo ya no es lo que era.
Watch it... and tell me if you still think Alex, "from the bar", isn't gay.
Míralo... y dime si todavía piensas que Alex, "el del bar", no es gay.
I'm afraid my French isn't quite what it should be.
Me temo que mi francés no es lo que solía ser.
- This isn't about me! - It is! It's about how you constantly ignore me!
- ¡ Lo es, sobre cómo me ignoras constantemente!
Sitting round, all sharing each other's misery - it's like getting excuses in early to explain why life isn't fair for "poor little old me"!
Siéntense en ronda, compartamos cada uno la miseria del otro, como excusa de por qué la vida no es justa para "la pobre pequeña".
It's because of me, isn't it?
Es por mi culpa, ¿ verdad?
Isn't it the compassion that you have from the fate that we share that causes you to be unable to turn a blind eye to me?
¿ No indica eso que eres incapaz de pasar por alto aún la más pequeña conexión?
This isn't about me, it's about you!
¡ No estamos hablando de mí sino de ti!
But since the city isn't actually putting any money into this endeavor, it seems to me I have no real reason to take orders about who I can or can't hire.
Pero ya que la ciudad no está poniendo ni un dólar en su desarrollo, me parece que no tengo ningún motivo para aceptar órdenes sobre a quién o no contratar.
No, it was really good ham, but isn't it kinda scary to think that anything you say to anyone could be the last thing you ever say to them?
No, de veras era bueno, pero como que me asusta pensar que cualquier cosa que le digas a alguien podría ser lo último que le digas.
Charging $ 1,200 without telling me about it really isn't like you, Ben.
Cargar 1,200 dólares sin decírmelo no es algo propio de ti, Ben.
Now, I thought that it was odd that such a seasoned equestrian would be wearing such a loose necklace when they were riding, and then it occurred to me, this isn't Cassidy's lavaliere.
Ahora, creo que es curioso que una ecuestre tan experimentada estuviera usando un collar tan suelto cuando estaba montando, y luego se me ocurrió que esto no es de Cassidy.
That's why you let me go, isn't it?
Por eso me habéis dejado marchar, ¿ no es así?
Look... I, uh... I feel bad that everyone isn't quite on board, but that's how it goes.
Mira... yo... me siento mal porque nadie está entusiasmado, pero así son las cosas.
You missed me. isn't it?
Me extrañas, ¿ no?
My heart felt sad when I got that result because it did tell me that this preference for similarity that we're observing in babies under a year of age isn't just a trivial, superficial, fleeting thing,
Me sentí muy triste cuando obtuvimos esos resultados porque me decían que la preferencia por similitud que observamos en bebés de menos de un año de edad no es una cosa trivial, superficial, o efímera, sino que tiene consecuencias
Isn't it weird that I go like this?
¿ No es raro que me vaya así?
This isn't about supporting me, is it, Uncle Cliff?
Esto no es sobre apoyarme, ¿ No, tío Cliff?
Tell me it isn't true.
Dime que no es cierto.
I completely understand if there isn't, because I know that I really... every... I really don't deserve it.
Entendería que no lo hubiera, porque sé que en realidad no me lo merezco.
If she isn't back yet, it is- - it is really specifically just to piss me off.
Si no ha regresado aún, es... claramente para joderme.
It's ironic, isn't it, that cancer would show me that I can take control of my life and follow my dreams?
Es irónico que el cáncer haya servido para mostrarme que puedo tomar el control de mi vida y seguir mis sueños, ¿ verdad?
Beer isn't weird. Unless it's light, non-alcoholic, or amish.
Me imagino que ahora sería un poco raro que llame a Willy Wanker.
I just can't believe that he isn't man enough to look me in the eyes and admit it.
No me puedo creer que no sea lo suficientemente hombre como para mirarme a los ojos y admitirlo.
Father, isn't it possible that you're blaming me for all...
Padre, ¿ no será posible que me estás culpando por toda tu...
The safe isn't complex, but it's still gonna take me more than six minutes to crack it.
La caja fuerte no es compleja, pero aún así va a llevarme más de seis minutos abrirla.
This isn't any easier for me than it is for you.
Esto no es más fácil para mí que para ti.
This isn't Garcetti, Elaine, it's me.
No te lo dice Garcetti, Elaine, te lo digo yo.
Exciting, isn't it, being with me?
¿ No es excitante estar conmigo?
It isn't just me.
No sólo soy yo.
And isn't it illegal for her to be asking cops to pick me up places?
Y, ¿ no es ilegal que ella le pida a la policía que me recojan?
Oh, heh, that's me, isn't it?
Oh, eh, ese soy yo, ¿ no es así?
But the target I'm interested in isn't out there, it's beside me.
Pero el objetivo que me interesa no está allí afuera, está a mi lado.
I won't be needing mine, but I'll see to it that Isaak isn't alone in his.
Yo no voy a necesitar la mía, pero me encargaré de que Isaak no esté solo en la suya.
My career isn't exactly where I want it to be.
Mi trabajo no está donde a mí me gustaría que estuviese.
It isn't just me.
Y no es solo yo.
You KNOW I would be better at it than she is, which I realise isn't saying a lot.
Sabes que sería mucho mejor que ella en eso, lo que me doy cuenta que no es decir mucho.
It's me, isn't it?
Soy yo, ¿ no?
Look, keeping it from me isn't a mistake.
Mira, ocultármelo no es un error.
This isn't a really good feeling to have when our goal is to get to South by southwest where we have five shows in three days. It's like the most insane festival.
No me gusta sentirme así cuando tenemos que ir hacia el sur desde el suroeste cuando tenemos cinco conciertos en tres días es una locura de festival
It's clear to me that Ari isn't cut out for the hospitality business.
Es claro para mí que Ari no se corta por la hospitalidad negocio.
But, thankfully, she didn't make it, because the first thing my dad said, because he was behind me, he leaned over and said, "Thank God your mother isn't here."
Pero, por suerte, ella no la vio, porque lo primero que dijo mi padre, que estaba detrás de mí, se inclinó y dijo : "Gracias a Dios tu madre no está aquí".
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it isn't real 27
it isn't possible 18
it isn't mine 27
it isn't easy 32
it isn't much 21
it isn't fair 52
it isn't working 26
it isn't here 19
it isn't worth it 21
it isn't real 27
it isn't possible 18
it isn't mine 27
it isn't easy 32
it isn't much 21
it isn't fair 52
it isn't working 26
it isn't here 19