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Just forget about it traduction Espagnol

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Just forget about it, because you won't get it anyway.
Sólo olvídense de él, porque no lo tendrán de todos modos.
Well, we'll just forget about it.
Olvidemos todo eso.
You just forget about it, they'll be there.
No te preocupes, vendrán.
- Just forget about it.
- Olvídelo.
Here. Now, you get yourself a room and just forget about it.
Venga, ocupe la habitación y olvídese de todo.
Now, sister... Just forget about it.
- No te vayas hermana.
Just forget about it and do it.
Olvídalo y hazlo.
- Just forget about it and take me back.
- Dejemos eso, y devuélvame. - ¿ Devolver?
Just forget about it.
You just forget about it.
Olvídate de él.
Now, Mortimer, you know all about it and just forget about it.
Ahora, Mortimer, ya lo sabes todo, así que olvídalo.
- Well, you just forget about it for a bit.
Bueno, ahora olvídalo.
Just forget about it. It's over.
Olvídalo, es pasado.
Just forget about it, just mind your own business and you won't get into trouble.
Olvídalo. Preocúpate sólo de tus asuntos y no te metas en problemas.
Just forget about it. Maybe just a gag.
A lo mejor ha sido una escena.
Listen, if it's a problem for you shall we just forget about it?
Oh, mire, señora... si le es tan difícil... ¿ no quiere que hagamos nada más?
Well, let's just forget about it, then.
Bueno, vamos a olvidarnos de ello, entonces.
Just forget about it.
Es mejor que lo olvide.
If you feel that way, just forget about it, okay?
Si te sientes así, olvídalo, ¿ vale?
Just forget about it!
¡ Olvidémoslo!
Just forget about it
Vamos, deja de llorar.
Just forget about it.
¡ Olvídenlo!
- Just forget about it, will you?
- Olvídalo, ¿ quieres?
Just forget about it, will you?
Olvídalo, ¿ quieres?
Well, it's all over now. So just forget about it.
Pero se acabó, así que olvídalo.
Forget about it and just sleep.
Deja de pensar en eso y duerme.
Come on, you forget about it all and I'll be back in just a minute.
Vamos. Olvídalo todo. Volveré en un minuto.
Aw, just forget all about it.
Olvidemos todo esto.
Well, let's, uh, just forget all about it.
Bueno, olvidémonos de eso.
We'll just forget all about it.
Olvidémoslo todo.
Now just go to sleep and forget all about it.
Ahora duerma y olvide todo esto.
So perhaps its just better you forget about it.
Es mejor que lo olvidemos.
Now you just forget about that. See that everything gets out to my house the first of the week... because it will be ready inside by then.
Procura enviarlo todo a mi casa a principios de semana, porque ya estará lista para entonces.
Okay, my friend, if that's the way you feel about it just forget I ever bothered you.
Vale amigo... perdona si te he molestado.
Look, let's forget about the divorce and try and make a go of it, just once more, starting from scratch.
Olvidémonos del divorcio e intentemos recomponer los estragos, comencemos de nuevo.
If you can't do anything about it, just forget it.
Si no puede hacer nada al respecto, entonces olvídelo.
You just forget all about it.
Olvídelo de una vez.
So he told me just to come back here and keep quiet, and he'd forget all about it.
Me pidió que regresara... que guardara silencio, y él se olvidaría de todo.
Listen, I don't know what this is all about, and, frankly, I'd just as soon forget it.
No sé de qué se trata todo esto, y francamente, preferiría olvidarlo.
So let's just forget about it.
Así, que olvidémoslo.
Just leave it there and forget about it.
Nos olvidaremos de él.
- No! Just forget all about it.
No, olvídate por completo de lo que dije.
You might just as well forget about it right now.
Sería preferible que os olvidarais de ello.
We'll just forget all about it, huh?
Olvidémoslo, ¿ de acuerdo?
It doesn't matter, let's just forget about everything.
No importa... Mejor olvidar todo...
Well, if you don't wanna hire me, just forget all about it, and I'll mosey on back to town.
Si no quiere contratarme, olvídelo todo y yo regresaré al pueblo.
Let's just leave it, forget about it.
Mire, señorita, déjelo estar. No piense más en esta historia.
And if ever we get too rich and proud... we'll just sit down together and take a long look at it... so as we'll not forget the truth about ourselves.
Ysi alguna vez somos ricos y orgullosos, nos sentiremos juntos y lo miraremos juntos. Y así no olvidaremos quienes somos realmente.
Let's just all forget about it.
No está más, teniente. Olvidémonos de esto.
No, if it was just me, okay... but, uh, I couldn't ask you to go... and I wouldn't leave you here, so, uh, let's forget all about it.
No, si sólo fuera yo, de acuerdo, pero... no podría pedirle que fuera conmigo y no la dejaría aquí, así que... olvidémonos de ello.

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