Last night was traduction Espagnol
12,719 traduction parallèle
What you did last night was something else.
Lo que hiciste anoche fue otra cosa.
Shelly, your performance last night was lackluster.
Shelly, el rendimiento de su anoche fue mediocre.
The person who broke into my facility last night was Harrison Wells.
La persona que entró a mi edificio anoche fue Harrison Wells.
The person who broke into my facility last night was Harrison Wells.
La persona que irrumpió en mi edificio anoche fue Harrison Wells.
Running out on you at the bar last night was...
Dejarte de esa forma en el bar anoche fue...
The person who broke into my facility last night was Harrison Wells.
La persona que entró en mi instalación de anoche fue Harrison Wells.
Yeah, well, I wish that was the only upsetting thing that happened at the Opry last night.
Sí, bueno, ojalá ese fuera el único disgusto que se llevó anoche en Opry.
♪ last night, baby, that was nothing ♪
# Lo de anoche, nena, no fue nada #
When I went home last night, I had this crazy feeling, like someone was waiting for me inside my apartment.
Cuando me fui a casa anoche, tuve esta extraña sensación, como si alguien me estaba esperando en mi apartamento.
Mr. Kane, when Dr. Virginia Lee was found murdered in her home last night, you claimed someone else was present.
Sr. Kane, cuando la Dra. Virginia Lee fue encontrada asesinada en su casa anoche, afirmó que alguien más estaba presente.
I was supposed to meet Gordon last night and I blew it off for my music gig.
Se supone que debía esperar a Gordon anoche y pasé de ello por mi concierto.
Tam, I was wrong last night.
Tam, estaba equivocado anoche.
- They're questioning everyone who was at the reception last night.
Están interrogando a todos los que estuvieron en la recepción anoche.
I don't know what the hell the thing does, but, uh, it was stolen from the zoo you broke into last night.
No sé qué demonios hace, pero lo robaron del zoo que asaltaste anoche.
Last night, it was... it was fun, but this... all this between us and me living here, it's... it's happening too fast.
Anoche, fue... fue divertido, pero esto... todo esto entre tú y yo viviendo aquí, es... está sucediendo demasiado rápido.
That was around 6 : 00 last night, and the plan was for me to pick him up this morning on my way home from golf.
Fue como las 6 : 00 P.M. y el plan era recogerlo hoy al regresar del golf.
About last night, that was my fault.
Lo de anoche, fue mi culpa.
- Where was your wife last night?
- ¿ Dónde iba su esposa anoche?
This is an extra news broadcast the Bishop of Uppsala, Elisabeth Lindgren, was stabbed to death last night.
Esta es una edición extraordinaria del noticiero. La Obispo de Uppsala, Elisabeth Lindgren fue asesinada anoche.
Where was your wife going last night?
¿ Dónde iba su esposa anoche?
Dad was sure that he left his glasses here last night.
- ¿ De qué estás hablando? Papá estaba seguro de que anoche se olvidó aquí las gafas.
I was driving home owner last night.
Anoche lo estaba llevando a su casa.
Did you know where your father was going last night?
¿ Sabías adónde fue tu padre anoche? No.
If she was able to use her cell to find her father last night at the hospital, she could also have stopped by the rug store.
Si halló a su padre en el hospital con el celular, también pudo ir a la tienda.
Did you tell anyone about last night's poker game or where it was being played?
¿ Le dijo a alguien sobre el juego de anoche o donde sería la sede? No.
I said I'd think about it, which is what I was doing all last night.
Yo le dije que me lo pensaría, que es lo que estuve haciendo anoche.
I-I already told you where I was last night...
Ya les he dicho dónde estuve anoche...
Well, I don't mean to resort to locker room vulgarity, but last night she was clearly in flagrante.
Bueno, no pretendo recurrir al vestidor de la vulgaridad, pero anoche la pillamos claramente in fraganti.
They thought it was a vampire thing, but all my guys were accounted for at the abattoir last night.
Creen que fue algo de vampiros, pero conté a mis chicos anoche en el lugar donde nos alimentamos.
I swear the place was packed last night.
Te juro que anoche el lugar estaba lleno.
If I recall correctly, it was you passed out on my couch last night.
Si no recuerdo mal, te desmayaste en mi sofá anoche.
Last night, major Hollywoo agent Ronnie Bonito was found dead in his office... Ruh-roh. ... in what authorities are calling a mishap of a sexual nature.
"El conocido agente Ronnie Bonito fue hallado muerto en su oficina... en lo que las autoridades llaman un percance de naturaleza sexual".
I was thinking about you last night while Katie and I were locked in a fascinating debate about counter granite.
Pensaba en ti anoche, mientras Katie y yo debatíamos sobre encimeras de granito.
It was a full moon last night.
Había luna llena la pasada noche.
How was last night?
¿ Cómo estuvo anoche?
The man with same description was forced into a car in Place Des Vosges last night.
El hombre con esa descripción fue obligado a subir a un auto en Plaza Des Vosges anoche.
It was at my hotel last night.
Estaba en mi hotel la pasada noche.
I was infected last night.
Fui infectado anoche.
Last night, Beckett's old team from the Attorney General's office was killed.
Anoche, la antigua brigada de Beckett de la oficina del Fiscal General fue asesinada.
Curious how Oscar was also at Whitmore last night and has since mysteriously disappeared, so... heh... yes, I am accusing you of something.
Es curioso que Oscar estuviese también en Whitmore anoche y esté desaparecido desde entonces, así que... sí, te estoy acusando de algo.
See, last night, I was in the town square minding my own business when I tripped and accident ripped Malcolm's heart out.
Mira, anoche, estaba en la plaza del pueblo ocupándome de mis propios asuntos cuando me tropecé y accidentalmente le arranqué el corazón a Malcolm.
Well, there was a lot of commotion last night.
Hubo un gran revuelo anoche.
There was an animal attack last night.
Hubo un ataque animal anoche.
We wipe the footage every 24 hours, so if he was in here last night, it should've grabbed him.
Borramos las grabaciones cada 24 horas, así que si estuvo aquí anoche, deberían haberle captado.
Who was it that was here last night?
- ¿ Quién era el de anoche?
He says the film he was peddling last night has been stolen.
Dice que le han robado la película que iba a vender anoche.
I was up so late last night.
Anoche me acosté tarde.
I was working on it last night when this idea popped into my brain to take the camera chip out of one of my old cells, put it on a pen and make a camera pen.
Anoche estaba haciéndolo, cuando se me ocurrió usar el chip de un celular viejo y hacer un bolicámara.
There was something in the walls last night.
Había algo en las paredes anoche.
Madison Mills, 25, from Tampa, Florida, was celebrating at a bar with her bridesmaids last night, when she disappeared.
Madison Mills, 25 años de Tampa, Florida, estaba celebrando en un bar con sus damas de honor anoche, cuando desapareció.
Last night, I woke up and she was sitting... on the bed and whispered something.
Desperté esta noche, y ella estaba sentada sobre la cama, susurrando algo.
last night was fun 21
last night 2619
washington 356
wash 146
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
wassup 84
washing 40
washed 38
last night 2619
washington 356
wash 146
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
wassup 84
washing 40
washed 38
wasting 28
washington post 22
washington d 17
wasn't 66
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
wash me 17
wasn't it 2231
was it 1813
washington post 22
washington d 17
wasn't 66
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
wash me 17
wasn't it 2231
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
wash up 37
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29
was it good 112
wash it 28
was it you 219
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
wash up 37
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29
was it good 112
wash it 28
was it you 219