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Maybe we should go traduction Espagnol

1,203 traduction parallèle
Maybe we should go to his house.
Quizas deberiamos ir a su casa.
Maybe we should go wake Josh and make him walk her.
Pero no podemos despertar a Josh para sacarla a pasear.
Maybe we should go to the hospital. Hey!
Deberíamos ir al hospital.
- Maybe we should go.
- Mejor ya vámonos.
Well, maybe we should go.
Bueno, tal vez debemos irnos.
Maybe we should go.
Es hora de irnos.
But I might freeze to death so maybe we should go inside and mingle with those astrophysicists.
No, pero quizás me congele. Deberíamos entrar y mezclarnos con esos astrofísicos.
You know, Dad, maybe we should go fetch our new friends some, uh, drinks.
Sabes papá, tal vez deberíamos traerle a nuestros nuevos amigos algunas bebidas.
Maybe we should go in and find you the most beautiful ring they have.
Quizá deberíamos entrar y encontrar el anillo más bello que tengan.
- Maybe we should go, huh?
Deberíamos irnos, ¿ no?
Maybe we should go back to the city Before it's too late.
Deberíamos volver a la ciudad antes de que sea muy tarde.
Maybe we should go to the athletes'party tonight.
Tal vez deberiamos ir a la fiesta de los atletas esta noche.
Elling, maybe we should go out like Frank says.
Elling, Tal vez deberíamos salir como dice Frank.
Maybe we should go after Atanarjuat by ourselves!
Deberíamos poder ocuparnos de Atanarjuat nosotros mismos.
Maybe we should go back to Sick Bay.
Tal vez deberíamos volver a la Enfermería
Maybe we should go while we're ahead?
Quizá deberíamos pensar en irnos.
- Maybe we should go home.
Deberíamos irnos.
- Maybe we should go see this ape rampage for ourselves.
- Quizá debamos ir a ver esta turbulencia chimpancesca nosotros mismos.
Maybe we should go over our game plan.
Debemos revisar el plan.
No, maybe we should go over there.
Vayamos los dos.
Maybe we should go back to taking shifts.
Quizá deberíamos volver a hacer turnos.
Maybe we should go have a look.
Quizás deberíamos echar un vistazo.
Maybe we should go find him.
Quizás deberíamos ir a buscarle
Quizás deberíamos irnos.
Maybe we should go out to dinner tomorrow night.
Quizá deberíamos de ir a cenar mañana.
Maybe we should go to the hospital.
Vayamos al hospital.
Maybe we should go.
Quizá debamos irnos.
- Yeah, maybe we should go find him.
- Si, tal vez deberiamos ir a buscarlo.
Maybe we should go home.
Quizá debemos irnos a casa.
Maybe we should go to Emerald Cove and have a surf in Lonny's memory.
Quiza deberiamos ir a la Ensenada de la Esmeralda y desafiar las olas en memoria de Lonny.
Maybe we should go up.
Quizás debamos subir.
Maybe we should just go get a hot dog.
Tal vez seria ir por unos perros calientes
Maybe we should turn around and go back to the interstate.
A lo mejor deberiamos dar la vuelta y volver a la interestatal.
Maybe it's just a sign that we should go home.
- De que debemos volver a casa.
Maybe we should let her go out for the last time.
Quizás deberías dejarla salir por última vez.
Maybe we should let the pilot go. Then we can escape.
Quizás deberías liberar al piloto.
Hey, um... maybe we should go to that dance together.
Quizás debamos ir al baile juntos.
Cam, maybe we should let her go, huh?
- Cam, deberíamos dejarla ir.
- Should we maybe go to the hospital?
- ¿ Lo llevamos al hospital?
Maybe we should just go upstairs for a minute.
- Me parece que sería bueno subir.
I was just suggesting... that maybe we should all go downtown one night to the Village... Oh, good!
Yo sugiero... que todas vayamos a Greenwich Village...
Maybe we should just go. No!
Quizá sea mejor que nos marchemos.
- Maybe we should just go.
- Quizá deberíamos irnos.
Okay, so maybe Leo and I should go pretend like we've got something better to do.
Tal vez Leo y yo deberíamos irnos y fingir que tenemos algo mejor que hacer.
- Maybe we should just let them all go.
- Tal vez deberíamos soltarlas.
If you can't grasp what we're about, maybe you should go with someone else.
Si no puedes entender cómo somos, quizás deberías ver a otra persona.
Max, maybe we should just let go.
Max, quizá deberíamos soltarlo.
Maybe we should let her go.
Quizás deberíamos dejarla ir.
I mean, we talked about splitting up till the summer anyway, maybe we should just go through with it.
- Así que quizá debiéramos hacerlo.
Maybe we should just go.
Será mejor que volvamos.
Those guys are picking us up in less than an hour... and if you're gonna act like this all weekend... maybe we should just tell'em we can't go.
Nos van a recoger en una hora... y si vas a actuar así todo el fin de semana... quizá debamos decirles que no podemos ir.

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