Maybe we could traduction Espagnol
6,739 traduction parallèle
I don't know, maybe we could, like, make a two-man team?
No sé, tal vez podríamos, ¿ como, hacer un equipo de dos hombres?
Now that it's resurfaced maybe we could finally solve a 40-year-old murder.
Ahora que reapareció... quizás podamos resolver un caso de hace 40 años.
And the second minute we're back, maybe we could get married?
¿ Y después de eso... podremos casarnos?
If time permits, maybe we could share some arrangement ideas.
Si el tiempo lo permite, quizás podríamos compartir algunos arreglos.
Talvez podrá amos tomarnos un trajo por los viejos tiempos.
Hey, since it's also Christmas, maybe we could make it, like, a Christmas theme.
Hey, como también es Navidad podríamos hacerla como, con tema navideño.
Well, maybe we could do that.
Bueno, tal vez podamos hacer eso.
And I was thinking that maybe we could do that.
Y estaba pensando que quizás podríamos hacer eso.
Maybe we could, uh... mm.
Tal vez podríamos.
Maybe we could do a movie on the 26th.
Quizás podamos ir al cine el 26.
Maybe we could just make it ourselves.
Quizás podríamos hacerlos nosotras mismas.
I thought maybe we could watch it together.
Pensé que tal vez podríamos verla juntos.
- Maybe we could order some Chinese?
- ¿ Tal vez podríamos pedir algo chino?
Well, I thought maybe we could make dinner together.
Pensé que podríamos cocinar juntos.
"Maybe we could be together"
"Tal vez podríamos estar juntos"
You know, maybe we could make extra money out of a profitable franchise.
Quizá podemos franquiciar y sacar más plata.
Or, maybe we could find someplace to drive together?
¿ O podemos encontrar algún lugar para conducir juntos?
Maybe we could get married and then I can be on Scott's plan.
Tal vez podríamos casarnos y luego podemos ser sobre el plan de Scott.
You know, maybe we could go back to being friends.
Quizás podríamos volver a ser amigos.
I thought maybe we could... kiss or something?
Pensé que podíamos ¿ besarnos?
So I thought maybe we could have some dinner sometime?
Pensé que tal vez podríamos ir a cenar alguna vez.
Maybe we could go about this a little less officially.
Tal vez podríamos ir sobre esto un poco menos oficialmente.
Or maybe we could target the missile right here. Look!
O quizá podríamos apuntar el misil aquí, mire.
I gotta do this five-second stop, and then maybe we could get a little something.
Tengo que hacer una parada de cinco segundos, y luego podemos ir a tomar algo.
Maybe we could just find another planet to live on.
Quizá pudiéramos vivir en otro planeta.
You think maybe we could get some, like, proper gigs?
¿ Crees que podríamos conseguir tocadas más en serio?
Maybe we could both come back here.
Quizás las dos podamos volver aquí.
If we could disguise ourselves as something ridiculous, then maybe...
Si pudiéramos disfrazarnos de algo ridículo, quizás...
We could have put you under surveillance and maybe we would have got them before they got you, but in the meantime, there are terrorist cells, foreign spies, people stealing chemical weapons!
Podríamos haberlos puesto bajo vigilancia y tal vez los habríamos conseguido antes de que los consiguieran a ustedes, pero mientras tanto, ¡ hay terroristas, espías extranjeros, gente que roba armas químicas!
Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt, but could we maybe focus a little more on not dying?
Disculpa, siento interrumpir, pero ¿ podríamos centrarnos en no morir?
Could... could we maybe offer him use of the camera on alternate weekends?
¿ Podríamos... dejarle usar la cámara en fines de semana alternos?
At any rate, I figured we could pass the time and do something fun, maybe a movie night.
De todos modos, he pensado que podríamos matar el tiempo haciendo algo divertido, quizá una noche de pelis.
We thought maybe you could tell us.
Hemos pensado que quizá usted nos lo podía decir.
And maybe maybe... we could have detected the percreta earlier, but it doesn't mean we could've done anything for her that you didn't do.
Y quizás, quizás... podríamos haber detectado la percreta antes, pero eso no significa que pudiéramos haber hecho algo por ella que tú no.
You know, maybe, if we'd been completely different people, it could have worked.
¿ Sabes? - Sé a qué te refieres.
Dave can show you where the dock is, and then maybe after that, we could, uh, finish that lobster dinner.
Dave puede mostrarte dónde está el muelle, y tal vez, después de todo, podamos... acabar nuestra cena de langosta.
I thought maybe this meant that we could... stop living the lie.
Pensé que quizá significase que podíamos... dejar de vivir una mentira.
Nothing. I just thought that maybe... We could get together for coffee?
Es que después de nuestra conversación - pensé si podríamos tomar un café.
I-I guess we could maybe just order something.
Supongo que podríamos ordenar algo.
Um, you know, well, now's not a... Not a great time, but, uh... But, you know, maybe I could catch up with you in the morning or we could grab coffee.
Sabes, bueno, ahora no es un... no es un buen momento, pero... pero, sabes, quizá podría hablar contigo por la mañana o podríamos tomar café.
Well, this morning when we didn't think the rose could be for you, it seemed like maybe it hurt your feelings.
Bueno, esta mañana cuando no pensamos que la rosa era para ti, pareció que quizás hirió tus sentimientos.
- Hey, you know, I was thinking maybe later we could do some Kennish karaoke.
- Sabes, había pensado que tal vez más tarde podríamos hacer algo de karaoke Kennish.
It's just... It's pretty gross, so maybe just while we're together, you could keep the old chewer shut?
Es que... es bastante asqueroso, así que mientras estemos juntos,
Speaking of sweet, maybe sometime we could grab a fro-yo.
Hablando de dulce, tal vez en algún momento podríamos tomar un fro-yo.
raising human embryos maybe too much a damn good sold could we freeze adults instead without affecting their health it's a much bigger challenge but nature has almost solved a lot of animals on earth will go into suspended animation or hibernation
elevar embriones humanos quizás demasiado una maldita buena vendido podríamos congelar adultos vez sin afectar a su la salud es un reto mucho más grande pero la naturaleza casi se ha resuelto una gran cantidad de animales en la tierra entrará en animación o hibernación suspendida
Maybe for lunch we could find a burger place.
Podríamos almorzar en una hamburguesería.
I think that we could maybe just get a taxi...
Creo que podríamos tal vez sólo coger un taxi...
I was just thinking we could maybe blow off the Turay match, rethink things, pick a fight
Sólo estaba pensando que podríamos quizá soplar el partido Turay, cosas repensar, una pelea
Maybe I could come over the house later and we could discuss them.
Talvez pueda ir mas tarde a su casa y podremos discutirlo.
Well, that's cool, because maybe after school, we could hang...
Está bien, porque quizás después de la escuela podríamos...
IAN : Maybe there's something in here that we could use.
Tal vez algo aquí podría ayudarnos.
maybe we can 78
maybe we will 21
maybe we can work something out 25
maybe we can help each other 18
maybe we should 174
maybe we don't 19
maybe we'll get lucky 49
maybe we 41
maybe we shouldn't 31
maybe we do 42
maybe we will 21
maybe we can work something out 25
maybe we can help each other 18
maybe we should 174
maybe we don't 19
maybe we'll get lucky 49
maybe we 41
maybe we shouldn't 31
maybe we do 42
maybe we can help 19
maybe we should stop 17
maybe we don't have to 20
maybe we should go back 18
maybe we should wait 20
maybe we should just 34
maybe we should take a break 21
maybe we are 18
maybe we should just go 16
maybe we missed something 20
maybe we should stop 17
maybe we don't have to 20
maybe we should go back 18
maybe we should wait 20
maybe we should just 34
maybe we should take a break 21
maybe we are 18
maybe we should just go 16
maybe we missed something 20