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Maybe we should wait traduction Espagnol

244 traduction parallèle
Maybe we should wait a little longer.
No por tanto madrugar, nos agarra el chaparrón.
If you don't feel well, maybe we should wait some time.
Si no estás bien, tal vez fuera mejor esperar un poco.
- Well, maybe we should wait here.
Bien, quizás debamos esperar aquí.
- Maybe we should wait.
- Quizà deberíamos esperar.
Maybe we should wait here. And you try to invite Master Fang out.
Tal vez nosotros deberíamos esperar aquí... y tú invita al Maestro Fang a venir.
Maybe we should wait, then?
Entonces deberíamos esperarle, ¿ no?
Maybe we should wait.
Tal vez deberíamos esperar.
Hey, maybe we should wait.
Hey, quizá podríamos esperar.
Maybe we should wait back at the boat.
Tal vez deberíamos esperar en el bote.
Maybe we should wait a little longer and make sure the people are asleep.
Quizás deberíamos esperar un poco más y asegurarnos que están dormidos.
Maybe we should wait.
Quizá deberíamos esperar.
- Maybe we should wait until he does.
- Entonces hay que esperar, ¿ no jefe?
But maybe we should wait them out.
Pero quizá debiéramos esperar.
Maybe we should wait.
Quizás deberíamos esperar.
Maybe we should wait for him in Galilee.
Tal vez debamos esperarlo en Galilea.
Maybe we should wait a few minutes.
Sería mejor esperar unos minutos.
- Maybe we should wait or get help.
- Es mejor esperar o pedir ayuda.
Maybe we should wait...
Quizá deberíamos esperar...
Maybe we should wait.
- Quizá deberíamos esperar.
Maybe we should wait out on the porch.
Vamos a esperar en el portal.
Maybe we should wait for the police? You are the police!
- Esperemos a la policía- - - ¡ Ud. es la policía!
Maybe we should wait to tell him the good news.
Quizá debamos esperar para darle la buena noticia.
Maybe we should wait by the train.
Tal vez debamos esperar en el tren.
Maybe we should wait until Mr. Brackett gets back.
- ¿ Espero a que vuelva el Sr. Brackett?
Maybe we should wait for you.
Quizás debamos esperarlo.
- Maybe we should wait for backup.
Deberíamos de esperar a los refuerzos.
But maybe we should wait until they...
Quizá debamos esperar hasta -
I'm just saying maybe we should wait... wait until all this shit is over, you know? Wait til it is a good time to have kids.
Quizás deberíamos esperar hasta que todo esto pase, hasta que sea un buen momento para tener niños.
- Maybe we should wait. - No.
- Tal vez deberíamos esperar.
Maybe we should wait and see if that's what happens.
Tal vez debamos esperar y ver que es lo que sucede.
Look, if you wanna take the job, then maybe we should wait on this.
- Si quieres tomar el empleo, podriamos esperar para hacerlo.
Maybe we should wait for true love to get married.
Quizá deberíamos esperar el gran amor para casarnos.
Maybe we should wait till everyone leaves.
Tal vez debamos esperar hasta que todos se vayan.
Well, if we don't know, maybe we should wait.
Bueno, si no sabemos, quizá debamos esperar.
OK. Maybe we should wait a while. I mean, she did seem pretty upset.
Tal vez deberíamos esperar un poco... parecía bastante afectada.
Maybe we should pull over and wait for Eddie.
Quizás debiéramos hacernos a un lado y esperar a Eddie.
Wait a minute, maybe we should take a chance here
Espera un minuto, talvez tengamos aquí una oportunidad
Sweetheart, maybe we should just wait a little while, all right?
¿ Cariño, tal vez deberíamos esperar un poco, correcto?
Maybe we should wait.
I can't wait that long. Maybe we should dig him up then.
Quizá deberíamos desenterrarlo.
Wait a minute. Maybe we should get some for the party.
Espera, podríamos llevarla a la fiesta.
Maybe we should make him wait for once.
Tal vez él deba esperarme hoy.
- Wait a minute. Maybe we should hear him out.
Quizá deberíamos escucharlo.
Hey, maybe we should, you know, leave... and let these guys have their time,'cause - Wait a second, wait a second.
Tal vez debamos irnos y dejar que ellos tengan su tiempo porque... Esperen un segundo.
Maybe we should wait out here.
¿ Sólo porque huiste... y abandonaste tu puesto y a tus amigos y a tu mamá... e hiciste que no durmiera de noche preocupado por ti? Deberíamos esperar aquí afuera.
Maybe we should just wait until you're not dripping toxins.
Tal vez deberíamos esperar hasta que dejes de gotear toxinas.
... that I think maybe we should just wait and see if this job thing pays off.
Creo que deberíamos esperar y ver si este trabajo resulta.
Maybe we should wait a bit.
Quizá debemos esperar.
If we're goin'into a nest, maybe we should come up with a strategy, wait for Riley.
Si vamos a meternos en un nido, hay que preparar una estrategia con Riley.
Maybe we should just wait.
Quizá deberíamos esperar.
Maybe we should just go and wait by the car.
Quizá deberíamos esperarlos junto al coche.

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