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Maybe we should stop traduction Espagnol

191 traduction parallèle
You're very unlucky tonight. Maybe we should stop to enjoy it.
No deje que nos aprovechemos de su mala racha.
Maybe we should stop here?
¿ Quizás deberíamos parar aquí?
Maybe we should stop...
- Tal Vez Deberiamos Detenernos...
Maybe we should stop and buy them a gift or something.
Quizá deberíamos comprarles un regalo.
Maybe we should stop and come back tomorrow.
Tal vez deberíamos parar y regresar mañana.
If you've lost the photo... maybe we should stop phoning each other?
Si perdiste la foto... ¿ podríamos dejar de telefonearnos?
- Well, maybe we should stop.
- Quizá deberías parar.
Maybe we should stop.
Deberíamos dejar de vernos.
Rather than continuing, maybe we should stop here and let whatever it is out there come to us.
En lugar de continuar, quizá deberíamos esperar aquí, esperar a que lo que sea venga a nosotros.
Maybe we should stop?
¿ Podríamos parar? No.
Maybe we should stop over in Odessa.
Talvez deberíamos para en Odessa.
So maybe we should stop by the dead doctor's office and see who some of his more recent patients have been.
Tal vez debamos pasar por la oficina del doctor para ver cuáles han sido sus pacientes más recientes.
Maybe we should stop here for a minute.
Hay que detenernos un momento.
Maybe we should stop seeing each other.
Quizá deberíamos dejar de vernos.
Maybe we should stop, see if they need help.
Quizá debiéramos parar y ver si necesitan ayuda.
Maybe we should stop.
Tal vez debamos detenernos.
Maybe we should stop it all now, Jackie.
Quizá tendríamos que parar ahora, Jackie.
Maybe we should stop for today.
Quizá deberíamos parar por hoy.
Maybe we should stop for gas.
Deberiamos detenernos por gasilona
- Maybe we should stop for gas.
Deberiamos detenernos por gasolina
Maybe we should stop waiting for the right guy and date the wrong ones.
Tal vez deberíamos dejar de esperar al indicado y empezar a salir con los equivocados.
Maybe we should stop until, um, we tell Eric.
Tal vez deberíamos parar hasta que, um, le digamos a Eric.
Maybe we should stop.
Tal vez deberíamos parar.
Maybe we should stop now.
Creo que ya basta de chistes.
Maybe we should stop.
¿ Lo dejamos?
Maybe we should stop this Cold War.
Quizás deberíamos parar esta "guerra fría".
- Maybe we should stop trying.
- Quizás deberíamos dejarlo.
Maybe we should stop looking for a great relationship... and settle for a fine one.
Tal vez debamos dejar de buscar la relación genial... y conformarnos con una normal.
Quizás deberíamos parar justo ahora.
I guess maybe we should stop.
Creo que debemos detenernos.
Maybe we should stop filming?
Quizás deberíamos detenernos un poco.
no, it was you, and i got plenty of quarters saved up, so... maybe we should stop off at the driving range too.
Y tengo un montón de monedas guardadas, así que- - Tal vez también debamos detenernos en el campo de entrenamiento de golf.
Maybe we should stop and get you some lotion.
Quizá podamos conseguir loción.
I'm busy, you're busy... I just think maybe we should stop seeing each other so much.
Yo estoy ocupado, tú estás ocupado creo que tal vez deberíamos dejar de juntarnos tanto.
Maybe we should stop using the Stargate indefinitely. - We can't do that.
Quizás deberíamos dejar de usar el Stargate indefinidamente.
Maybe we should stop somewhere and get some rest, you know?
Quizá deberíamos parar en algún lado para descansar un poco, ¿ te parece?
That's why we should stop drinking too. If you'd stop, maybe you'd listen to reason.
Por eso debes dejar de beber, quizá así escuches a quienes tienen razón.
Maybe you should think about what happens if we stop coming.
Quizá deberías pensar qué pasaría si no venimos más.
Maybe you've seen too many French movies, I think we should all stop trying to hide our mutual feelings.
Tal vez usted vio demasiadas películas francesas. Creo que todos deberíamos dejar de esconder nuestros sentimientos.
Maybe we should pay him back in some way, expose him to the finer things so that he'd stop lumbering through life like some great polyester dinosaur.
Tal vez podríamos pagarle de algún modo exponerlo a cosas finas Así dejaría de tropezar por la vida como un dinosaurio de poliéster.
Maybe when we stop for gasses, I should call my mom.
Cuando nos detengamos deberia llamarle a mamá. No puedes.
Maybe we should just stop talking, period.
Tal vez deberíamos dejar de hablar, punto.
Larry, did you ever stop to think... that maybe we should have let herwin something?
Larry, ¿ no has pensado que quizá debimos dejar que ganara algo?
If we were going to do that, we should stop in San Diego... to say hi to Tsutomu Shimomura... and maybe convince him to stop using Kevin Mitnick as a cash cow.
Si íbamos a hacer eso, debemos dejar en San Diego... para saludar a Tsutomu Shimomura... y tal vez convencer a él de dejar de usar Kevin Mitnick como una vaca de efectivo.
Hey, I know location's everything but maybe we should hold off on the down payment till we know what we're dealing with or how to stop it. If it's alive, we kill it.
- Hey, conozco el lugar y todo, pero, tal vez deberíamos esperar hasta que sepamos a qué nos enfrentamos o cómo detenerlo.
Maybe we should just stop falling for guys who are trying to save the world.
Deberíamos dejar de enamorarnos de chicos que tratan de salvar al mundo.
Maybe instead of trying to stop them, we should be trying to get them to stop us.
En vez de intentar detenerlos deberíamos intentar que nos detuvieran ellos.
John, should we maybe call your friend Dana and get her to stop the presses?
John... ¿ Debemos avisarle a tu amiga Dana para que paren las rotativas?
- maybe we should stop doing this.
Tal vez deberíamos dejar de hacer esto.
- Maybe we should just stop here, Doctor.
- Quizá es hora de parar, Doctor.
So, if you think this isn't working out, then maybe we should just stop.
Si crees que esto no funciona, quizá debamos dejarlo.

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