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Maybe we can help traduction Espagnol

460 traduction parallèle
Maybe we can help you.
Quizá podamos ayudarlo.
- Maybe we can help. - No.
Quizá podamos ayudar.
Well, maybe we can help each other.
Bueno, quizá podamos ayudarnos mutuamente.
Maybe we can help you to find her.
- Le ayudaremos a buscarla.
Professor, maybe we can help you. What can we do?
Podemos ayudarlo. ¿ Qué hacemos?
But he's badly hurt and maybe we can help him.
Pero está malherido. Tal vez podamos ayudarle.
Maybe we can help each other.
Quizás nos podamos ayudar el uno al otro.
Maybe we can help you.
Tal vez podamos ayudarte.
See if you can get their position. Maybe we can help them.
Fíjate si puedes conseguir su posición, quizá podamos ayudarlos.
Maybe we can help each other.
Quizá podamos ayudarnos mutuamente.
Maybe we can help you.
¿ No? Ya os aýudaré.
Hey, maybe we can help.
Oye, tal vez podamos ayudar.
Maybe we can help each other on this.
Puede que podamos echarnos una mano.
If you can't decide, maybe we can help you.
Si le cuesta decidirse, quizá podamos ayudarle.
Maybe we can help him get one.
Puede que le ayudemos a conseguir una.
Maybe we can help you.
Quizá podamos ayudarte.
- Maybe we can help.
- A lo mejor, podemos ayudar.
Maybe we can help.
Quizá nosotros podamos ayudar.
Maybe we can help replace them somehow.
Quizá podamos ayudarlo de alguna manera.
Maybe we can help each other.
Quizás podamos ayudarnos.
Maybe we can help survivors.
- Quizá podamos ayudar.
If you don't mind me making a suggestion, maybe we can help.
Quizá podamos ayudarte.
You needn't be happy about what I did, but maybe we can help each other now.
Puedes odiarme, pero tal vez ahora nos podamos ayudar mutuamente.
Maybe we can help?
Quizás podamos ayudarle.
I mean, maybe we can help you.
Tal vez podamos ayudarte.
You must find a way to get your sister free from Larry. I have an idea, maybe we can help you.
debes hallar una forma de liberar a tu hermana de las garras de Larry tengo una idea.. quizas ellos te puedan ayudar
Tell us who this Sato guy is and maybe we can help you.
Estamos perdiendo el tiempo. Díganos quien es éste tal Sato, y quizá podamos ayudarlos.
Maybe we can hold out till help comes.
Quizá podamos aguantar.
There's questions we'll have to ask but the important thing right now is... And maybe you can help me.
Hay preguntas que tenemos que hacer antes de finalizar pero ahora lo importante es... y quizás puedan ayudarme.
If you can rid yourself of some of your husbandly egomania, maybe we can both help save her.
Si puede dejar de pensar sólo en usted, puede que podamos salvarla.
When one comes along, maybe we can yell for help, eh?
Cuando venga alguno, grita pidiendo ayuda, ¿ eh?
Come and help. Maybe we can save part of that.
Vengan a salvar lo que quede.
We decided to make a football field... maybe you can help me.
Hemos decidido hacer un campo de fútbol y tal vez pueda ayudarme.
Maybe when we get to shore we can get some help, make her sail again.
Quizá en tierra podamos conseguir ayuda y reflotarlo.
Industry's opening up and if we can scrape together enough money with maybe your help, well, we can go.
La industria está empezando y si podemos conseguir dinero suficiente con su ayuda quizá, podamos ir.
Maybe you can help him. We can't.
Puedes ayudarle, quizás mejor que nosotros.
Yes. We're looking for someone. Maybe you can help us.
Sí, buscamos a alguien.
If we can get him across the river, maybe we can get some help.
Quizá consigamos ayuda, si le alcanzamos al otro lado del río.
You can't butter it, but maybe we could help you.
Te he visto hacer tostadas y no puedes untarles mantequilla... pero quizás nosotros te podemos ayudar.
Maybe we can get help from the, uh, commissioner.
Tal vez el comisionado nos dé una mano.
Maybe now we can relax a little, get those youth centres built. Help the people a little.
Tal vez ahora podamos relajarnos un poco... construir esos centros juveniles... ayudar un poco a la gente.
I can--I'll help you clean... and we can go out together... and maybe you could buy me some regular clothes.
Puedo... Puedo ayudarte a limpiar y podemos salir adelante juntos y quizas podrías comprarme alguna ropa...
Maybe we can get some help.
Tal vez podamos conseguir un poco de ayuda.
Now maybe.. .. with your help, we can still find the Count's phantom planet
Quizás, con tu ayuda, quizá podremos encontrar el planeta del Conde.
Maybe we can pick up a bunch of the guys who'll help.
Quizás consigamos a varios que quieran ayudar.
Maybe we should set up a date and I can help you hang it.
Deberíamos fijar una fecha, y la ayudaré a colgarlo.
Maybe with the right bait and smoke, we can give'em a little help.
Quizá con el cebo adecuado podamos prestarles alguna ayuda.
Oh, okay. Well, gee, we really wanted to help you Jim. Maybe we can come back later!
Oh vaya, de veras queriamos ayudarte Jim, quizá nos vemos luego.
I just thought there should be a record of what we went through maybe it can be of help to someone in the future who might run into another chainsaw cult I'm sure there are others.
Puede ser útil en el futuro si encontrar una motosierra culto Estoy seguro de que hay otros.
And when we do, maybe you can help us by reading his mind.
Y cuando lo hagamos, tal vez pueda ayudarnos a leer su pensamiento.
Yeah, hey, that's a terrific idea. We'll see if we can find a phone. Maybe we can get some help.
Bien, nosotros iremos a buscar un teléfono y ustedes ayuda.

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