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Mom told me traduction Espagnol

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listen, I hope it's OK but your mom told me some of the stuff that you've been going through, you know, with the plumber guy across the street.
Escucha, espero que todo esté bien, pero tu madre me contó por lo que estás pasando, ya sabes con el fontanero de enfrente.
Mom told me to do it, so...
Mamá me dijo que lo hiciera, así que...
My mom told me to give you this.
Mi madre me dijo que te diera esto.
The heart I have now, my mom told me the heart came from Santa.
Mi mamá me dijo que el corazón que tengo ahora me lo trajo Papá Noel.
Listen, I hope you don't mind, your mom told me where you were.
Escucha, espero que no te moleste, tu mamá me dijo dónde estabas
It was a story my mom told me all the time about two boys running.
Era una historia que mi madre me contaba todo el tiempo sobre dos chicos corriendo.
- Your mom told me yesterday,
- Tu madre me lo contó ayer.
So, my mom told me you came looking for me. It wasn't about you.
Así que, mi madre me dijo que me estabas buscando.
I haven't seen you in forever... and Mom told me that you got married, so here I am.
Hace muchísimo que no te veo mamá me dijo que te habías casado, y por eso vine.
My little brother and sister go here, and they forgot to take their medicine this morning. So my mom told me to come and make sure they got it.
Mis hermanos pequeños vienen aquí hoy han olvidado tomar la medicina y mi madre me ha dicho que se la traiga.
Mom told me to make you lunch, I made you lunch.
Mama me decía que te hiciera el loche, y yo lo hacia.
Your mom told me you have a new boyfriend.
Tu mamá me dijo que tienes un nuevo novio.
My mom told me that Mexico is really dangerous.
Mi mamá me dijo que México es muy peligroso.
My mom told me that when I go to middle school she'll get me a bigger one.
Mi mamá me dijo que cuando vaya al secundario... me regalará una más grande.
Your mom told me how you annoyed yourself for your dad's sake.
Su mamá me dijo cómo usted se incomodo por la causa de su papá.
Sarah : I remember one afternoon I came home from school - and my mom told me my father had left us.
Recuerdo una tarde que llegué de la escuela mi mamá me dijo que mi papa se había ido.
Oh I'm sorry... but I think your mom told me that... how when you were litte, you had this teddybear that you would...
Me estoy acordando de lo que me dijo tu madre cuando eras pequeña tenías ese osito de peluche...
Okay, your mom told me where you were, but I would have found you eventually.
Vale, tu madre me dijo dónde estabas, pero yo también te hubiese encontrado.
Mom told me they made an offer and that you kept it a secret from me.
Mamá me dijo que me hicieron una oferta y tú me lo ocultaste.
Your mom told me where you were.
Tu mamá me dijo dónde estabas.
Your mom told me to come right up. Have we talked about the state of your room?
¿ Hemos hablado ya del estado de tu habitación?
I was the girl on Yearbook, Charity League, Social Chair. Whatever my mom told me to do.
Era la chica en el anuario, asociación de caridad, coordinadora social lo que mi madre me decía que hiciera.
Uh, your mom told me that you're going on a tour there tomorrow.
Tu mamá me contó que iban a dar un paseo por allí mañana.
He told me to go to his mom's house... in her garage.
Me pidió que fuera a casa de su mamá, a la cochera.
Maybe I let him out of my sight too often, but he always told me, "I'm a city kid, Mom."
Tal vez le dejé fuera de mi vista demasiado tiempo pero siempre me decía... "Soy un chico de ciudad, mamá"
My mom's at work, but she told me to come.
Mi madre está en el trabajo, me dijo que viniera.
Uh, her mom wouldn't let her date someone that wasn't Jewish and I told her I would convert. Still, no dice. - Um, you were gonna convert?
Uh, supuestamente su madre no le dejaba salir con alguien que no fuera judío y yo le dije que me convertiría pero no hubo manera.
I was too much for my mom, so she sent me to live with an uncle. He talked to me about my dad - told me things I didn't know.
El me dijo cosas concernientes a mi padre, que no sabía.
And I ran away from my foster family because someone told me my real mom was back in Austin.
Escapé de mi familia adoptiva porque alguien me dijo que mi madre real estaba de vuelta en Austin
He has a giant gun, as tall as me, and he said if I told, he'd shoot my mom and all my friends.
Tiene una pistola enorme, de mi tamaño, y él me dijo que si lo contaba le dispararía a mi mamá y a mis amigos. Maddy, ¿ quién es?
Mom, Dan just told me he thinks someone tried to kill him.
Mamá, Dan me ha dicho que cree que alguien intentó matarle.
You can't ever tell Mom I told you. She'll kill me.
Nunca le digas a mamá que te lo dije.
I, uh, I really appreciate everything that you've already told me about Jason and his mom, um, but do you really think...
Aprecio todo lo que me has dicho de Jason y su madre ¿ pero realmente crees que...?
You know, um what you said about Mom you never told me that before.
Ya sabes, um Lo que dijiste de mamá Nunca me dijiste eso antes.
Her mom asked me personally if we could have Marjorine over, and besides, her mother told me that she works as a state official and that I should... respect her authroitay.
Me preguntó si pudiéramos invitar a Marjorine, Y además, me dijo que trabaja como funcionaria estatal Y eso si... respete su autoridad.
My mother told me that after moving from one village to another, they finally settled in Hoi An because my mom was pregnant with me.
Mi madre me lo contó, que después de mudarse de una aldea a otra,.. ... al final se asentaron en Hoi An porque mi madre estaba embarazada de mí.
When I was a tiny lizard, my mom told me that if I had good manners one day I could grow up to be president of the whole United States. But instead, you entertain snotty-nosed kids in a crusty, blue dinosaur suit that smell like sweaty armpits and baby urine.
No entiendes que sabemos que debajo de ese apestoso traje hay un gordo sudado de tanto bobear.
Oh, honey, your mom called and told me everything.
Ay, linda, llamó tu mamá y me contó todo.
I've been lost for 2 hours in this hood. Your mom or your grandmother told me... To come to a white house with a red roof.
Hace 2 horas que estoy dando vuelta Me djeron que... era su mamá o su abuela... que era una casa blanca, con techo rojo Pero son todas iguales.
You told me how Mom had known another man and we didn't talk for almost six months.
Me dijiste cómo mamá había conocido a otro hombre y no hablamos durante seis meses.
You and Mom always told me no one knew... who my real father and mother were.
Ustedes siempre me dijeron que nadie sabía... quiénes eran mi madre y mi padre.
My dad told me how much fun you had restoring my mom's old Mustang, so I was wondering, do you wanna buy it?
Mi padre dice que si quieres arreglar el mustang de mi madre Creia que querias comprarlo? Y que?
When I told Doody Boy to use his inside voice... ... his mom threatened to call the cops.
Cuando le dije al "niño caca" que utilizara su voz interior su madre me amenazó con llamar a la policía.
I know - Mom, but you could have comforted me, you could've told me that it wasn't my fault.
Lo sé, pero me hubieses calmado si me hubieras dicho que no fue mi culpa.
And he told me to hide,'cause Mom was looking for me.
Y me dijo que me escondiera, porque Mami estaba buscándome.
Victor told me. - Oh mom...
- Victor me lo contó.
Is this all stuff that mom told you to say? No.
¿ Mamá te pidió que me dijeses todo eso?
When I was still planning on moving back home with my mom, Ephram came to see me, told me not to go. He went on and on about how sad you'd be if I wasn't here, and he was just so worried about you.
Cuando pensé en volver con mi madre, Ephram vino a verme me dijo que no me fuese me dijo lo triste que estarías sin mí
- Each cumplea.os goes to see their friends and a fantastic day we happen, and we look at each thing each thing and we say what it is it that more we want once I decided that him that more wanted it was a box full with mu.ecas and they told to my mom and it was excited for this box of mu.ecas it was my cumplea.os and my mom gives me that great one box jousts front to my it was brilliant and I opened it, and it was as an extra.o clown I felt bad, and finji that it was well, brilliant and he / she wanted it each a.o and he / she always gave me something that didn't want the mistaken gift no, no, I had to give myself it counts that my damned mother he / she could not buy something that this in sale cheap he / she thought that it didn't care that I give he / she gave me which the best was, which he / she wanted he / she had to choose the mistaken one.
- Cada cumpleaños vamos a ver a sus amigas y pasamos un día fantástico, y miramos cada cosa cada cosa y decimos qué es lo que más queremos una vez decidí que lo que más quería era una caja llena de muñecas y le dijeron a mi mamá y estaba emocionada por esta caja de muñecas era mi cumpleaños y mi mamá me da esa gran caja justo frente a mi se veía genial y la abrí, y era como un extraño payaso me sentí mal, y finji que estaba bien, genial y la quería cada año y siempre me daba algo que no quería el regalo equivocado no, no, me tuve que dar cuenta que mi maldita madre no podía comprar algo que este en venta barato pensaba que no importaba que regalo me daba cuál era el mejor, cuál quería tenía que escoger el equivocado.
Yeah. Well, I told them, no matter how many Mom and Pap's stores they put out of business, they'd better not even think opening a store near mine or they'll get a fight from me like they've never seen.
Si... bueno, les dije que no importa cuantas tiendas pongan fuera de negocio que ni piensen abrir una tienda cerca de la mia, o pelearán conmigo como nunca se lo imaginaron.
Jackie told me you wanna meet your real mom and dad.
Jackie me dijo que querías conocer a tus verdaderos padres.

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