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Never have i ever traduction Espagnol

693 traduction parallèle
" Never leaving us alone Never have I ever known
'No nos ha dejado en paz ni un momento
And all that time, not once have I ever... never have I ever met anyone like...
En todo ese tiempo, nunca he... nunca he conocido a alguien como...
I have never seen such interesting incident ever since I was born!
De hecho, es la cosa más graciosa que he visto desde que nací.
I never taught her the value of money because I didn't intend she should ever have to know it.
No le enseñé el valor del dinero porque nunca quise que tuviera que conocerlo.
If I'd had any idea that it was ever going to be as serious as this, I never would have gone to Lynnfield.
Si hubiera tenido la menor idea de que pasaría algo así, nunca hubiera ido a Lynnfield.
And I have never, ever, been afraid of Jacinto, and I ruined him.
Y nunca, jamàs, temí a Jacinto, y acabé con él.
I never expected ever to have a house as nice as this one.
Nunca me pude imaginar que tendría algo tan lindo.
I'll never hurt you again, ever. I'm so lucky to have you.. so grateful.
Pero no volverá a pasar. ¡ Soy tan afortunada de tenerte!
I'd never have married Ralph. You're the only person except my mother that I've ever really cared about.
Sólo he querido a mi madre y a ti.
She doesn't have you now and she'll never have you... nobody'll ever have you. That's the way I want it!
Ella no te tiene ahora y nunca te tendrá... nadie te tendrá jamás. ¡ Así lo quiero yo!
En mi vida había pillado un resfriado hasta que llegué a California.
I hope you'll break to pieces and they bury you... so I'll never have to see you ever... ever again!
¡ Espero que te rompas y te entierren para que no tenga que volver a verte nunca!
When have I ever leveled with you? Never.
¿ Cuándo he sido franco contigo?
Ever since I've been born by your rival, the Emperor's favourite, your fierce eyes have never shifted their gaze from me.
Desde que ha nacido tu rival, el favorito del Emperador, no ha apartado su mirada de feroces ojos de mí.
I think that you have never done a shameful thing... nor ever will.
Yo creo que usted jamás ha hecho algo indigno... y que nunca lo hará.
But I never dreamed you'd ever have the courage to do it.
Pero nunca imaginé que tendrías el valor para hacerlo.
I never ever expected you'd have another woman.
Nunca jamás me hubiese imaginado que tuvieras otra mujer.
Believe it or not, I had never seen him before in my life and... if I ever had, I never would have married him.
No lo había visto en mi vida. Y aunque lo hubiera visto, jamás me habría casado con él.
Ever meet him? No. I never have, but I've heard a lot about him, of course.
No lo conozco, pero he oído mucho sobre él.
Now, mind you, I don't think you'd ever show any real style like some of my boys, but you'd probably lick them all because you got something inside of you that a lot of fighters will never have no matter how much I teach them :
Mira, no creo que vayas a tener un gran estilo porque tienes algo que muchos otros nunca tendrán por mucho que les enseñe.
If I ever had another name, never knew the same would have was always the valley Jeremy Rodock the horses in the region were called.. Rodock Horses /. i when hanged a horse thief, that was :
Si alguna vez tuvo otro nombre, nunca lo supe. Y lo mismo hubiera dado. Siempre fue el valle de Jeremy Rodock.
I could never make the living that I had hoped to make as a lawyer, nor could I ever have the social position that I thought you wanted.
Nunca ganaría lo que pensaba ganar como abogado... ni tendría la posición social que creí que querías.
And if the Almighty wants to take the dearest thing I have in this world away from me, then I will never, never ever get married again!
Y si el Todopoderoso quiere tomar las cosas más bonitas que tengo en este mundo lejos de mí, entonces yo nunca, nunca, nunca casarse de nuevo!
I've never been much of a talker, I guess, but for six weeks I've talked more than I ever have in my life.
Creo que no suelo hablar mucho... pero en estas últimas seis semanas he hablado más que nunca.
During all that time, I have never tried a case... where the State's Attorney did not say it was the most cold-blooded... inexcusable case ever.
Durante todo ese tiempo, nunca tuve un caso... donde el fiscal no dijera que era el caso... más frío e imperdonable.
I never would have, probably ever.
Probablemente nunca lo hubiera hecho.
I have never experienced such loneliness ever before, My Lord.
Nunca he sentido una soledad tan grande, Sr. Juez.
I was telling Miss the lady, I don't need no breakfast, I never ever have... lf you don't do what Miss Welenmelon tells you to do, why, she'll have a fit.
Le estaba diciendo a la señorita... a la mujer, que no necesito desayunar. Si no haces lo que la Srta. Welenmelon te diga, le dará un ataque.
- Nine of the finest kids you ever seen. I broke my back keeping them all in school. But I swore to God... that every one of them would have what I never got.
Me he sacrificado por mandarlos a la escuela pero juré que todos estudiarían más que yo.
Jesus is the purest and kindest man I have ever known. And I've never seen Him do anything but good.
Jesús es el hombre más puro y amable que he conocido y no lo he visto hacer más que el bien.
Lives a merry squirrel - never Have I seen one like it, ever.
Allí vive una ardilla diestra, en artes varias maestra.
Never, ever have I seen such a sight.
Nunca, nunca he visto tal cosa.
If I ever have a car, I'll never pass a single hitchhiker.
Si tengo coche, recogeré a todos los autostopistas mientras viva.
Ever since I came to this house, I have never seen you eat or drink anything.
Desde que llegué a esta casa, nunca le he visto comer ni beber nada.
You know, it's strange. I've always found that a man who uses the word sympathy is never sympathetic. Have you ever found that, Dr.Boodish?
Es extraño, pero generalmente quién usa la palabra "comprensión"... nunca es comprensivo.
Oscar, I don't now, I never have... and probably never ever will work in a bank.
Oscar, yo nunca he trabajado, no trabajo
"I tell you, my love, that I have never woken with a woman beside me... "... who has ever taken me seriously in love... "... and I have never known the grateful look a woman gives a man. "
Te digo, mi amor, que nunca me he levantado con una mujer a mi lado... que nunca me han tomado en serio cuando he amado... y que desconozco la mirada de amor de una mujer a un hombre ".
Yeah, well, would you believe... that I... have absolutely never before... ever... sewn a collar for such a distinguished-looking ape in my life?
Bueno, ¿ creerías... que yo... nunca antes en mi vida había cosido... un cuello para un simio de apariencia tan distinguida?
A romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person, and which it is not likely I shall ever find again.
Esa romántica disposición que no he encontrado en ninguna otra persona, y que probablemente nunca volveré a encontrar.
Would you be good enough, sir, though, to explain to my audience that I have never seen these cuffs before, and this is the first time we've ever attempted this?
¿ Tendría la amabilidad de explicar al público que nunca... había visto estas esposas y que es la primera vez que lo intento? Desde luego.
I'll never, ever let you have him!
¡ Jamás dejaré que te lo lleves!
- Cathy. Never before in my very faithless life. Have I ever been so out of my mind in love :
Cathy, nunca antes en mi muy infiel vida... había estado tan enloquecidamente enamorado.
But I never, I don't know who could have but I never, ever pissed in your steam iron.
Pero nunca, y no sé quién pudo ser nunca me hice pis en su plancha de vapor.
I have never ever chased after a girl before in my life.
Nunca. Nunca en toda mi vida, Caminé detrás de una Chica.
Never in my whole life have I ever danced.
En toda mi vida sólo he bailado una vez.
I thought I'd never have to look on nothing like that not ever again.
Jamás creí que tendría que volver a ver algo así.
And if you ever have to go to the hospital, which I hope you never do, carry your own piss with you, cause that's what they want.
Si tienes que ir al hospital, y espero que no sea nunca, lleva tu propio orine contigo, porque eso es lo que quieren de tí el momento que llegas.
I have never had a cross word from Mr. Darcy in all my life, and I've known him ever since he was four years.
Nunca he recibido una mala palabra de Sr. Darcy en toda mi vida, y lo conozco desde que el tenía cuatro años.
And ever since then I have never been hit... by a bullet.
Y desde entonces nunca me ha alcanzado... una bala.
I have never loved, nor will I ever love, anyone but you.
Nunca he amado a nadie mas o dejado de amar, a alguien que no seas tú.
- Never in my whole life... have I ever been treated like that! I am gonna sue this department's cheeks off!
¡ Voy a demandar a los insolentes de este departamento!

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