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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ P ] / People are waiting

People are waiting traduction Espagnol

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People are waiting for you.
La gente te espera. ¿ No vas a presentarte?
You know our people are waiting for you to raise a family.
Sabes que el pueblo espera que formes una familia.
The people are waiting to draw your carriage through the streets.
La gente espera para llevarla en carroza por las calles.
- Decent people are waiting for an honest program.
La gente decente quiere un programa honesto.
People are waiting for us and we're all going to a party.
Hay gente esperándonos. - Vamos a una fiesta.
Forty million people are waiting for this event!
Cuarenta millones de personas esperan por este evento!
I can't stay long, people are waiting, you know?
No puedo quedarme mucho. Me esperan, ya sabes.
Come on, people are waiting.
Vamos, la gente espera.
- Other people are waiting. - Wait.
Hay otras personas esperando y yo...
- People are waiting.
¿ Por dónde salgo?
People are waiting for you to say grace, dear.
Ellos esperan tu bendición.
Gold has been discovered in Montana. Thousands of people are waiting.
Hay oro en Montana y mjles de personas esperan.
- People are waiting for me...
Es que inauguro la Casa del Pueblo dentro de 5 minutos las personalidades me están esperando y entonces...
Don't make us waste our time, other people are waiting!
No me haga perder el tiempo. Hay gente esperando.
- People are waiting.
- Hay gente esperandote.
The people are waiting.
El pueblo le espera.
Since the generation of Maria Teresa, the Hungarian people are waiting... for a member of the Imperial House, who is trustful... someone the people could live and could die for!
Dado que la generación de María Teresa, el pueblo húngaro están a la espera... para un miembro de la Casa Imperial, que es de confianza... alguien que la gente pudiera vivir y morir por!
Since the generation of Maria Teresa, the Hungarian people are waiting... for a member of the Imperial House, who is trustful... someone the people could live and could die for!
¡ Hace mucho tiempo, desde la generación de Maria Teresa, el pueblo húngaro... anhela poder confiar en un miembro de la Casa Imperial... un miembro por quién se pueda vivir y morir!
Oh, Larry, the people are waiting.
Larry, la gente está esperando.
A lot of people are waiting for unlisted lines.
Hay mucha gente a la cola.
The people are waiting in the church!
¡ La gente está esperando en la iglesia! Ya lo sé.
But people are waiting for you.
Pero hay gente esperándote.
Those people are waiting there.
No, no puedo. Esa gente está esperando.
Look, I'll hang up now, because people are waiting to call.
¡ Eh, te dejo, porque aquí hay gente que quiere telefonear!
The people of Odessa are waiting for the liberators!
¡ El pueblo de Odessa espera a sus libertadores!
The people of Ushkul are waiting.
Las gentes de Ushkul esperan.
Yes, yesterday I had disappointed the people, and now here they are, still waiting.
Sí, ayer había decepcionado al pueblo, y ahora aquí están, siguen esperando.
There are people who love you, who're waiting for your return.
Tiene gente que lo espera.
Your people are waiting.
Tu gente está esperando.
The whole of America's waiting for your verdict! 120 million people are suspended from your lips. You're giving heart failure to the western hemisphere.
¿ Se dan cuenta de que EE.UU. está esperando su veredicto... de que 120 millones de personas penden de sus labios... de que tienen en vilo al hemisferio occidental?
Well, Margaret likes nothing better than to make them. Those people are still downstairs waiting.
- Unas personas le esperan abajo - ¿ Sabes?
There are many people who think that Kado theater is best and they are waiting for us.
Hay mucha gente que piensa que el teatro Kado es mejor y nos esperan.
People are waiting for me.
La gente me espera.
It hardly can hold the people who are waiting to pay their respects to you.
Casi no caben las personas que quieren saludarlo.
-... there are people waiting.
- hay gente esperando.
I've been waiting for over 200 years now, sir, and people are beginning to talk.
Llevo esperando más de 200 años, y la gente empieza a murmurar.
I always say there's nothing as much fun as standing around waiting for people who are always late.
Me divierte esperar a la gente incumplida.
- People are waiting and receptions.
Los del Hawaian Club esperan un poco de ley y orden.
Listen, there are people waiting to use the phone.
Pero hay gente que tiene que telefonear.
I'm waiting here to see the people that are interested in buying the villa, and I think it might be a good idea if you were here too.
Me quedo esperando a la gente... que quiere compra la villa y tú deberías quedarte conmigo.
- Please go, there are other people waiting.
- Váyase, hay gente esperando.
Now there are other people waiting... and then even more.
Ahora son otros los que esperan, y todavía vendrán otros.
I just remembered there are people waiting for me.
Acabo de recordar que hay gente que me espera.
The people of Karlsburg are waiting eagerly to welcome Princess Johanna as your bride.
- El pueblo de Karlsburg espera con impaciencia recibir a la princesa Johanna como su novia.
Clelia, come on. There are people waiting.
Clelia, ven, ha llegado gente.
- Have heart, all these people are lining up out there, waiting for bread.
Ten corazón, toda esa gente hace cola esperando el pan.
You think people are just waiting for you with open arms?
¿ Que la gente os va a esperar en su casa con las manos abiertas?
Millions of little people just like yourself are waiting... to hear from your own lips, your own story, the story that proves... once again, the eternal glory of America.
Millones de personas corrientes como usted están esperando... a oir de sus propios labios su versión de la historia que prueba... otra vez la eterna gloria de Estados Unidos.
And there are people up there waiting to attack us.
Y hay gente encima de ella que espera para atacarnos.
There are other people waiting for you but there's no one waiting for us except each other.
Hay otra gente que te espera pero a nosotros no nos espera nadie más que nosotros mismos.

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